The Storm God

Chapter 1575 Divine Clothes and Illusion! (Please subscribe!)


Among the ruins.

Da Chao stood up in embarrassment, followed by shaking his bewildered head, bewildered. I just heard him muttering to himself: "Just now... what kind of power is that? It can't even block my heat rays, and it rushed over directly, and the power is so fierce! Could it be the protoss blood that the other party said? The power given?"

I am in doubt.

Suddenly, I felt a strong wind blowing over my face.

Clark was stunned for a moment, and the conditioned reflex was to block it with his arm, and then he found that his arm was wrapped with layers of golden brilliance.


Da Chao was slightly taken aback.

I was a little careless in my heart, even the divine sword could only slash me slightly, so what can a mere leather whip do to me?

He stretched out his hand and wanted to tear it off.


With the force of the hand.

Clark was surprised to find that the leather whip wrapped around his arm was not an ordinary leather whip at all. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't loosen it, let alone break it. Its toughness is so strong that it is even more perverted than the hardest steel in the world!


at the same time.

Diana also didn't give Da Chaoduo a chance to react.

Holding the mantra lasso in his hand, he pulled it suddenly. Superman was caught off guard, lost control of his figure, and was pulled out of the ruins by Diana like a sack. When Da Chao was almost in front of him, he picked up Captain America's shield and hit Clark hard on the head.


Poor Da Chao, just recovered from the dizzy state of Lahu, and now he was hit by Diana's shield, and he was blinded again on the spot.

after all……

That was Diana's 100% strength blow.

Coupled with the divine power of Zeus and the auxiliary bonus of Captain America's shield, even Superman can't bear it!


There is no more.

After Diana smashed Superman with a shield, she would not wait for Superman to recover, and then engage in a fair battle. That is purely idiotic behavior. She directly implemented Bai Xiaofei's policy and principle of "killing you while you are sick". She danced the mantra lasso like a snake, and tied the helpless Da Chao into a zongzi on the spot.


The rest is much simpler.

Da Chao, who was tied up like a zongzi, became a human target, and was exported by Diana in a burst of madness. Fist and kick attacks are second to none. The main reason is that Captain America's shield and Moxie's Excalibur are relatively powerful. After a while, our big superman, Mr. Clark, was beaten so badly that his skin was bruised and his face was swollen.

See here.

Bai Xiaofei was speechless immediately.

Recalling the previous battle with Dachao, he was almost at a disadvantage all the way, and almost broke Aries. Comparing Diana's current results again, it is simply a world, a world. Diana is the sky, and I am the earth. Could it be that... Diana is stronger than herself?

This is obviously impossible.


How should this result be explained?

After much deliberation, Bai Xiaofei could only attribute all the credit to Diana's equipment. After all...whether it is the magical wrist, the lasso of mantra, the shield of Captain America, or the Excalibur of Moxie, they are almost unique super artifacts. In addition, Diana herself also contains incomparable super divine power. Without any preparation, being abused is a matter of course.

Don't even say it's a big super, even if it's Bai Xiaofei, without knowing the characteristics of Diana's equipment, it's probably too much to go against the Valkyrie!

It is no exaggeration to say that the reason why Da Chao was abused was entirely because of the artifact equipment.

This is the difference between equipped and unequipped.

Poor Dachao.

Even if one's own strength is too strong, so what?

Facing Diana, who was wearing a divine attire and also possessed extremely buggy characteristics, she still had to admit defeat obediently and knelt down to sing conquest.

After figuring out the key points, while Bai Xiaofei lamented that the equipment was a thousand times better than his own efforts, he couldn't help but secretly said: "It seems that when necessary, you still have to rely on equipment to win. The Time and Space Mall is about to be refreshed again. I want to Don't risk some [funds], how about buying one or two pieces of bug-level equipment?"

It wasn't just Bai Xiaofei who was excited to see it.


Red Queen and Xiaoqian.

They were also intimidated by Diana's divine power.

They obviously never imagined that Diana would be able to achieve such outrageous advantages and results against such a powerful superstar, it was just like a dream.

But when the two were calling wildly about it, Diana on the opposite side suddenly turned her head and smiled at Xiaoqian: "Sister Xiaoqian, come here quickly, while Dachao is under my control, hurry up and use it!" Qingqiu secret technique, this is an excellent opportunity to practice your mobile phone, hurry up!"


When Xiaoqian heard this, she couldn't help being taken aback on the spot. Then he murmured: "Is this not good?"


"Is there anything good or bad?"

"Come on!"

Diana urged impatiently.

Dachao here is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Although Diana is now tied up into a rice dumpling, his strange power is still unsealable. In order to get rid of the shackles, Clark struggled and made a fuss. It was hard to stop it with all my strength, and Da Chao almost escaped several times during the period.

"Be honest with me!"

Diana fiercely gave Da Chao another shield, smashing it over again.

Seeing that Xiaoqian was still hesitating on the spot, she was so depressed that she was dying, and she said speechlessly, "Sister Xiaoqian, what are you still hesitating about? Don't even think about it. Can you stop Dachao with your strength alone?" I’m afraid that before Qingqiu’s secret technique can be used, I’ve already been beaten away by others, I’ve created such a good opportunity for you now, and you still don’t cherish it?”

"Are you coming or not? If you don't come, I'll let you go!"

"I can't hold on any longer!"


The Valkyrie looked extremely anxious.

After all, that's a big super, and it's not just a cat or a dog, he can be easily subdued casually. Even with the help of a magical outfit, it would be very difficult for Diana to completely trap Da Chao. She must gather all her energy, use all her strength, and be careful to parry, otherwise she will be caught by Da Chao if she doesn't pay attention. Chao seized the opportunity and escaped.

The reason why Diana was able to bundle Da Chao into rice dumplings so easily was because she had the advantage of wearing a divine attire. But this kind of thing is inseparable. If you let Da Chao go, and then try to trap him, it will not be so easy. Even... the situation is directly reversed, and it is not impossible to be beaten by Da Chao. possible.

And no matter how noisy Da Chao over there is, he wants to get out of trouble.


Under the persuasion of Bai Xiaofei and the Red Queen.

Xiaoqian finally let go of her reserved and embarrassed thoughts, and flew to Diana's side with a blushing face.

"Hurry up!"

Diana gave Dachao a hard kick, making Clark's idea of ​​using his ability to fly up and get rid of the restraint and control directly in vain, and then said anxiously to Xiaoqian: "My physical strength is almost exhausted, and I am about to lose sleepiness. Stop him, quickly use the Qingqiu secret technique to hypnotize him, otherwise we will really lose!"

Although the Valkyrie is powerful, she has a fatal flaw, that is, her own physical strength. After all, it is only half-human and half-god blood, unable to use divine power to fight for a long time, especially in the face of such a terrifying and powerful enemy as Da Chao, the longer it takes, the more unfavorable it will be for Diana.

And after this series of battles and the use of divine power, Diana was about to reach her limit.


Seeing Diana sweating profusely and looking exhausted, Xiaoqian didn't dare to neglect her. Hearing the words, she nodded heavily, followed her gaze, the demon power in her body was running wildly, and immediately began to use the Qingqiu secret technique, And as soon as he made a move, it was the enchanting magic technique of the twelfth level peak limit. The demon power that rolled in an instant turned into layers of hazy halos, flashed out of thin air, and then rushed towards Da Chao.


And with the shroud of demon power and hazy halo.

Seeing Da Chao, who was trying to resist and struggled to get out of trouble, the anger and light in his eyes began to dissipate in an instant, like ripples in calm amber, swaying layer by layer, and finally disappeared. And Da Chao's struggling and resisting movements also stopped, like a toy with no electricity, until he was completely sluggish and motionless.

"It's done!"

Seeing this situation, Bai Xiaofei and others were overjoyed.

Diana also smiled slightly, and then let go of the mantra lasso in her hand, and Da Chao, who had regained his freedom, still stood there stupidly, without any movement. Because his entire spirit and consciousness have been trapped in the environment by Xiaoqian's Qingqiu secret technique at this moment, unable to extricate himself.

In front of Xiaoqian's enchanting magic technique, even an existence as strong as Bai Xiaofei's mental power may be tricked if he is not careful, let alone Da Chao who is severely lacking in mental power. No matter how strong Clark was, it was only limited to his physical body. His resistance to illusions and other mental aspects was another matter. He was almost no different from ordinary people.

It is only natural to be recruited and abused!


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