The Storm God

Chapter 1576 Confused Super! (Please subscribe!)

After Dachao was controlled by Xiaoqian's illusion.

Bai Xiaofei and the others didn't ravage or abuse him more cruelly, but just let him leave there, letting him "fend for himself", after all, the two sides were just discussing each other. Bai Xiaofei's main purpose is to show Da Chao his power and that he has no malicious intentions.

Now that the goal has been achieved, Bai Xiaofei will naturally not continue to attack Da Chao.


During the period when Clark fell into the illusion, Bai Xiaofei was not idle either. Someone first imprinted various spatial spells on Da Chao, so that he could find Da Chao at any time, or save it for other purposes, and then communicated with Xiaoqian and others to fight against Da Chao. experience and understanding.

After the fight between Honghou and others and Dachao just now, and the huge results obtained, Bai Xiaofei suddenly discovered that even if Dachao is against the sky, it is not impossible to defeat, the key is not absolute strength, but depends on Methods and means, such as Diana's artifact equipment, the virtualization ability of the Red Queen, black technology, and Xiaoqian's enchanting illusion.

After all, Superman is not omnipotent. In addition to kryptonite, he still has other weaknesses.

Bai Xiaofei fought against Da Chao at the beginning, the reason why he was defeated, or even completely at a disadvantage, was that he was preconceived and believed that Da Chao was powerful and perverted, and that it was impossible to defeat him, so that he became timid in his moves. The main reason is that the method is wrong. If you compete with Da Chao for strength or something, it is simply to use your own weaknesses to attack the other's strengths.

It's no wonder if you don't lose.

What if Bai Xiaofei changed his method?

for example……

Sharingan illusion!

Or the puppet control of the blood pupils of the Myriad Demons!

There is also the magical power of the soul coming out of the body, directly attacking Da Chao's spirit, consciousness, and even soul!

It doesn't matter how bad it is to use the sealing technique!


The result at that time.

It will be another scene.

After some exchanges and discussions, Bai Xiaofei also deeply realized his own mistakes and mistakes. While learning lessons, he also understood a truth. That is, all roads lead to Rome. When facing an opponent that is almost impossible to defeat, don't panic and despair, you must stay calm!


Spread your thoughts.

Let yourself be in an objective perspective as much as possible to rationally analyze the status quo, instead of blindly digging into a dead end!

In this way, it may be possible to find a way out of the predicament.

And the big super in front of him.

It is undoubtedly the best example and proof.

After a while.

Da Chao finally woke up.

In other words, Clark's mental strength and willpower are still very good, at least much higher than ordinary people. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to recover his consciousness so quickly from Xiaoqian's enchantment. It's a pity that in front of Bai Xiaofei and Xiaoqian, Dachao's level is still far, far worse.

The two are simply one in the sky and the other in the ground, they are not of the same magnitude at all!


Clark frowned slightly.

After waking up, Da Chao quickly figured out his current situation, and what made him feel unbelievable was that Bai Xiaofei and the others didn't impose any means of control on himself. This can't help but make Clark's impression of Bai Xiaofei and others a little more favorable.


More doubts and puzzles.

Clark didn't understand that the opponent was so powerful that even he could play with the applause, so why did he have to make trouble with him? Is it just for entertainment, or is there some other ulterior purpose? For example...advanced technology from the home planet Krypton!

Da Chao is not a coy person.

So after seeing Bai Xiaofei and others looking at him, Clark immediately asked the doubts in his heart.

on this...

Bai Xiaofei's answer was very straightforward.


Someone laughed and shook his head, with a look of "Your question is very ridiculous", and said: "Of course it is to make myself stronger and more powerful! This is like going to school. After finishing elementary school, there is Middle school, even after finishing college, master’s degree, professor, etc., this world is still full of endless mysteries waiting for us to explore and develop!”

Speaking of which.

Bai Xiaofei's eyes fell on Da Chao, and he said with deep meaning: "Survival of the fittest, pursuit of a higher level, this is the instinct of biological evolution. And it just so happens that the technology you have on Krypton, in some respects, is Far better than us, and what we don't have and are seriously lacking, if it were you, what would you do?"


Da Chao fell silent immediately.

He understood and understood what Bai Xiaofei meant.

But understanding is all about understanding. It is still difficult for Clark to let him hand over the last civilization inheritance of Krypton to an existence that is almost a stranger. This is the same as if you sympathize with someone very much, or even pity the misfortune of the other person, but it is impossible to use all the property you own to help the other person.

For Dachao.

The inheritance crystal in the Ice Palace of Krypton is not only a simple carrier of civilization, but also a root of Clark's existence in this world, allowing him to clearly know where he came from, why he came, and what he should do in the future Going on...not to mention the afterimage of the consciousness of Dachao's biological father Jo-Eir, the importance of which is self-evident.

Such an extraordinary thing, if it were you, would you easily hand it over just because of a few words from a stranger?

Anyway, Dachao can't do it.

"terribly sorry!"

After pondering for a moment.

Da Chao finally rejected Bai Xiaofei's request.

I saw him looking at Bai Xiaofei firmly, and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Bai Xiaofei, to be honest, I am willing to believe everything you say, and I am very happy to share some of Krypton's technology with you, but inheriting the crystal is not important to me. It’s so meaningful, it’s absolutely impossible for me to hand it over to you!”


Clark turned slightly.

His muscles were tense, ready to strike at any time.


Bai Xiaofei on the opposite side.

Hearing the words, he chuckled, shook his head and said, "Clark, don't be nervous! We are not villains if we can't make deals, we are not villains. If we can't talk about the crystal matter, we won't become enemies. Your mood and concerns, I will I also understand very well, how about this, I will give you a month, you go back and think about it!"

"Anyway, we are not in a hurry. We have enough time to wait for your change of heart! During this period, if you encounter any difficulties and need help, you can come to us at any time. As long as we can help, we will never hesitate. But I think the possibility of this situation should be very small, after all, you are a superman!"

"Just ask, is there anything in this world that can stump you Superman!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"


Someone smiled meaningfully.

Regardless of Da Chao's reaction and thoughts, after a long series of laughs, Bai Xiaofei activated the Flying Thunder God Technique, and took Xiaoqian and the three daughters to teleport back to their villa in Manhattan, New York. Only Da Chao, who was stunned, was left stunned, dumbstruck: "This, is this teleportation? Teleportation based on one's own ability without the help of any technology?"

"How did he do that?"

"With the power of science and technology that you don't understand, coupled with your own terrifying strength and means, if such a person does evil..."

"That's simply unimaginable!"


Clark suddenly felt a sense of urgency.

This was the first time he had encountered such a troublesome opponent since his debut. Even when facing the three generals of Zod, Clark had never been so pessimistic and desperate. Because of the means and abilities of Bai Xiaofei and others, in the eyes of Da Chao, they are really evil.

This moment.

Da Chao was worried that Bai Xiaofei and the others were too moral and had other plans, even if he handed over the inheritance crystal to the other party, they would not let it go. He was also afraid that the other party would blame others for not handing over the crystal, which would cause huge damage and casualties to the world, and he was extremely entangled in his heart.

He felt that he really needed to find someone to talk to to relieve his stress and depression, and the only person Da Chao could think of was Louise. But... she is already engaged, and even the child is over 5 years old. When I left, I didn't say hello to the other party, and I left for more than 5 years!

How can this be broken?

Clarke found sadly that, let alone asking Louise whether he should agree to Bai Xiaofei's request, it is even unknown whether Louise will take care of him now! When thinking of Louise, especially her fiancé, and her 5-year-old son, Da Chao felt even more unhappy.

It's like a knife twisting!


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