The Storm God

Chapter 1577 Burglary! (Please subscribe!)

Several days passed.

Tianjian Satellite still hasn't found any clues about Krypton's Ice Palace, so it can be seen that this big super is well prepared. In addition, the Xunjiang spacecraft has now flown to a space area about 100,000 light-years away from the earth, and the news it brings is also not very good. The shadow of General Zod's trio was not found at all.

on this...

Bai Xiaofei had expected it.

So although I was a little speechless, I was not depressed.

What really depressed him was Superman. It stands to reason that Clark has already returned to work in the newspaper office. As Superman, he should also show up, right?

But the fact is that is not the case at all.

"What plane?"

Bai Xiaofei was puzzled, and thought to himself: "Could it be that Dachao is so arrogant that he has to find a critical moment where he can demonstrate his ability and irreplaceable status before he officially returns? For example, the flight test ceremony of the aviation plane ten days later? Or is it a storyline?" Is the inertia acting weird?"

As everyone knows...

The reason why Da Chao did not return.

In addition to some of its own reasons, it was more due to the intrusion of Bai Xiaofei, Diana and others.

Especially the tremendous pressure that Bai Xiaofei brought to Dachao.


There is also the reason for Louise and Jason.

After all, Louise used to be Dachao's official girlfriend, and the two had sex together, which was Clark's first woman. Now things are different, and his girlfriend has followed someone else and even gave birth to a child. For the pure and nostalgic Dachao, it is undoubtedly a huge blow that is very difficult to bear.

But at this time, Bai Xiaofei and others met again and forced Da Chao to hand over Krypton's inheritance crystal.

With all these things superimposed, who can stand it?

Not even the big ones!


Clark, who was so uncomfortable, didn't even go to work in the newspaper.

Of course, he didn't resign, but he excused that some unexpected emergencies happened at home, and he had to go back and deal with it. Seeing that Clark is an old employee of the Planet Daily, and he works diligently and performs very well, Richard's father didn't say much, and approved Dachao's vacation on the spot.

"Leave again?"

Louise was puzzled by this.

Xin said: "What's the matter with this guy? Back then, he suddenly said that the world is so big, and I'm going to travel to see it. Now I just came back, and I'm leaving again. It's more mysterious than the president!"

Little did they know that a large part of the reason why Da Chao wanted to leave was because of Louise herself. After all, Louise is Clark's official girlfriend, but now she is with Richard and has a son. As an ex-boyfriend, I see the two of them loving each other every day in the newspaper. Who can stand it? ah!

All right!

Dachao is broad-minded and will not care about such a small matter.

But I can't stand it, and there are other messy things, all of which are piled up on Da Chao's side at such a critical moment, such as the problem of Bai Xiaofei and others, which is the most stressful one among them! How can you help others when you can't even handle your own affairs? This is the real reason why Dachao returned to the Metropolis, but he has not made an appearance for a long time.

He felt like he wasn't ready yet.


This time he chose to relax himself.

Instead of going back to the farm in the countryside to talk to his adoptive mother, Clark chose to travel, intending to use the beautiful environment of the earth to relieve his stress and boredom. As for the distance, this is nothing to Dachao who has super speed and flying ability.

But in this way, Bai Xiaofei suffered a lot.

To know……

After controlling the big super that day.

The cunning Bai Xiaofei planted many imprints and spells on Clark. On the one hand, he wanted to keep abreast of Dachao's dynamic situation. When attacking, he could also use spells to gain convenience for himself, but the most important thing was , I still want to use Dachao's whereabouts to locate the exact location of the Krypton Ice Palace.

Fortunately, Da Chao has traveled all over the world!


How can I find this?

In desperation, Bai Xiaofei could only put all his hopes on Lex Luthor.

And at the same time.

In a certain sea area near the Arctic Circle, a rather luxurious miniature yacht suddenly docked. Immediately afterwards... Lex Luthor, who had restored his classic bald-headed image, took his old friend and a few confidantes, wrapped in thick down cotton coats, off the yacht, and set foot on the The journey to find the Kryptonian Ice Palace.

One of the subordinates seems to have just joined. He looked at his boss suspiciously, and couldn't help but ask curiously: "Boss, are you sure that what we are looking for is here? I think it's a deserted place, and there is nothing there. Could it be a mistake? Bar?"

"No mistake!"

Lex Luthor said confidently: "I went to Superman's Ice Palace back then, and then I worked hard to study its special radiation. Although Krypton's technology is extremely powerful, it may invalidate all search methods in order to hide myself. Whereabouts, but still can not escape the detection and analysis of the alpha wave!"

"I'm not wasting my life in prison. The alpha wave detection instrument I designed and invented can search and explore the special radiation signal of Krypton's ice palace with great precision. According to the instructions and positioning, Superman's ice palace should be in the On this ice sheet, everything around is unimportant, because it may be an illusion created by Kryptonian technology, and it is used to blind people's eyes!"

"Trust my skills!"


The boss is so sure, what else can the younger brother do?

Of course I choose to believe.


On the desolate ice field, the north wind howled, and it was bone-chillingly cold.

The team led by Lex Luthor was exceptionally tenacious and persevering. Relying on their own feet, they walked about ten kilometers in this extremely harsh environment. And just when Lex Luthor couldn't help but wonder if there was something wrong with the alpha wave detection instrument, the super Kryptonian Ice Palace suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

It was like a mirage, it popped up out of nowhere, and it shocked a few younger brothers.

But Lex Luthor became excited instantly.


"I'm right, I said it's here, so it must be here!"

"We finally found it!"


I was so excited that I almost jumped up.

And the younger brothers next to them, after recovering, took a step back curiously.

Only then did they discover to their surprise that the facts were exactly as the boss had said, that the Kryptonian Ice Palace really had a black-tech device that could blind people’s eyes and detect it, if they hadn’t been pressing Alpha Wave Regardless of the instructions of the detection equipment, continue to move forward. If it were someone else, they would probably turn around and turn the corner after seeing the huge glacier in front of them.

Regardless of how these little brothers outside react.


The excited Lex Luthor rushed in directly. Like visiting the back garden of his own home, he easily bypassed the many twists and turns of the Kryptonian Ice Palace, and soon came to the core console of the Kryptonian Ice Palace. The center console is also very cooperative, and quickly displayed all his inheritance crystals for Lex Luthor to select and operate.

Obviously, the Ice Palace main console, which is not intelligent enough, is regarded as a Kryptonian by Lex Luthor.

At the same time, this is also the place that makes Bai Xiaofei speechless the most.


A civilization as powerful as Krypton.

In terms of the technology that I am most proud of, there is no anti-theft technology designed, which is simply incredible.

The only explanation and possibility that Bai Xiaofei could think of was for Joel to allow his son to control the Kryptonian Ice Palace. After all, Da Chao has been sent to Earth since he was a baby, and he doesn't know anything about Krypton at all. If anti-theft technology is designed, how can you let Da Chao inherit this ice palace?

If this is the case, then Da Chao will have to bear the blame himself.

Who told you not to install anti-theft!


No matter what the reason is, Lex Luthor is cheaper now, allowing them, a criminal gang of burglars, to easily take all the last inheritance crystals of Kryptonian civilization for themselves, leaving only one completely It's just an empty shell of the Ice Palace for Dachao.

After getting the crystal, Lex Luthor and others left Krypton Ice Palace without hesitation. They thought that all their actions were unnoticed, but they didn't know that since they just entered the Arctic Circle, they had been completely captured by Bai Xiaofei's Tianjian satellite.


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