The Storm God

Chapter 1578 Thieves Don't Go Empty! (Please subscribe!)

New York.

Manhattan high-end villa area.

Bai Xiaofei is accompanying Xiao Bailei, doing the homework task left by the school - a small handmade production. Next to her was her little friend, because her parents were busy with work and had no time to pay attention to herself, so she had no choice but to go to Bai Xiaofei's house, playing and doing homework with Xiao Bailei, little Jason.

After these few days of contact.

Little Bailei and Little Jason got along very harmoniously and happily, almost becoming buddies. No way, who made them have too many common languages. One is a hybrid of Kryptonian and Earthlings. He has enormous power, but he has to hide it and disguise himself.

And another.

They are descendants of the Asa Protoss and the Red Queen.

They also have extraordinary power, and since both of them are children, there is almost no generation gap, so they can easily play together.

At this time, Bai Cass suddenly called.


"There is news from the Ice Palace of Superman Krypton!"


White Cass' voice was strange.

That's because he knew that there were outsiders on Bai Xiaofei's side, so the language he used to communicate was the Atlantean language that had never appeared in this world. Except for Bai Xiaofei and Diana, even Xiao Bailei and Xiaoqian couldn't understand, let alone the young Jason who didn't understand almost anything.

"God, there is finally news from Krypton Ice Palace!" Bai Xiaofei paused when he heard the words, so excited that he didn't jump up on the spot, then smiled and said to Xiao Bailei: "Daddy has some work matters Need to deal with it, the small production here you two first do it yourself, daddy will be back soon, ok?"


Xiao Bailei said very sensiblely: "Daddy, go and get busy, work is important!"

"The two of us can do it here!"

"So cute!"

Bai Xiaofei glanced at her appreciatively.

Then he stroked the shiny black hair on Xiao Bailei's head as a reward, then turned and left the room.

After returning to his bedroom, Bai Xiaofei first applied an isolation magic circle to prevent the partition wall from having ears. Then I contacted Cass and said: "Let me guess first, Dachao is still traveling around the world outside, the location of the Ice Palace on Krypton, if I guess it is right, it should be found by Lex Luthor ?”

"Yes, Sir!"

White Cass replied: "Everything is about the same as you expected. The Krypton Ice Palace was indeed found by Lex Luthor. He seems to have mastered some kind of special technology for searching the Krypton Ice Palace. After entering the Arctic Circle, he directly I ran in the direction of the Kryptonian Ice Palace, and found out its exact location in no time!"


Regarding this situation, Bai Xiaofei was noncommittal and could only smile wryly.

After all, Lex Luthor is Da Chao's old enemy. He was able to use his mortal body to fight with Da Chao, who is almost a god in the world, for many years. big. Coupled with the inertial effect of the plot and the pity of fate, there are some things that you really can't agree with!

Just like looking for this Kryptonian ice palace.

Bai Xiaofei has countless black technologies, and even the technology of the Kryptonian civilization that also comes from different universes, isn't it awesome? But he couldn't find Dachao's Kryptonian Ice Palace. And what about Lex Luthor? Even though he is a backward native human race, he can't compare to Bai Xiaofei in every aspect, but he can easily find the super Krypton Ice Palace!

What can you say if your name is Bai Xiaofei?

Closer to home.

What Bai Xiaofei cares about is not the ice palace.

But in the Ice Palace, the Kryptonian family is proud of the highest masterpiece of top technology-inheritance crystal.

The rest are clouds!


Bai Xiaofei calmed down slightly, and then asked: "Lex Luthor and the others should have obtained the inheritance crystals in the Krypton Ice Palace by now, right? Did they take all of them, or are there still some in the Krypton Ice Palace?" Crystals they couldn't find, and... where are they now?"

"Yes, Sir!"

Baikas replied: "They have indeed obtained the inheritance crystals. According to my scanning and analysis of them, I know that Lex Luthor has a total of eight inheritance crystals. These eight crystals are all transparent and colorless. , and there is no most critical green crystal. As for whether they have taken all the crystals in the Krypton Ice Palace..."

"terribly sorry!"

"The Krypton Ice Palace has special shielding and interference devices, and the Tianjian satellite cannot detect anything inside. However, according to the current situation analysis, there are two possibilities. One is that Lex Luthor and others made mistakes, I didn't get all the inheritance crystals inside, at least I didn't get the green core crystal; and the second possibility is that the green crystal is not in the Krypton Ice Palace at all!"

"As for Lex Luthor and the others, they have already boarded a yacht and embarked on their way back, and they are still in the Arctic Circle!"

"Sir, what are you going to do?"


Bai Xiaofei pondered for a moment.

Following his gaze, he made up his mind and said: "There is no doubt about the importance of the Krypton Ice Palace. Just in case, it is better for me to go there in person. Bai Cass, will Lex Luthor and others discover the Krypton Ice Palace?" Pass me the coordinates of Gongshi, as for Lex Luthor and the others, just pay attention to monitoring, don't lose their position!"

"Now is not the time to contact them, it's still useful to keep them!"


White Cass understood.

The next moment, Bai Xiaofei received the exact coordinates of the nearest location of the Krypton Ice Palace at the North Pole.

"Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!"


Bai Xiaofei summoned a physical clone.

Let him stay at home, accompany Xiao Bailei and Xiao Jason to do the homework left by the school, and continue to work on small productions.

As for his true self, he was wearing the Gemini Gold Saint Cloth, concealed his figure, flew high into the sky, and then directly activated the space transmission ability, causing a thunderous roar in the sky at a height of 10,000 meters, and then appeared directly in the next moment On a piece of ice in the Arctic Circle.

"There are ways!"

After standing still, Bai Xiaofei swept his mental power around, and immediately noticed the abnormality of the surrounding situation. The huge glacier mountain in front of me turned out to be made of illusion, somewhat similar to the cover-up method in the array, but this is more advanced, it can not only deceive the eyes and ears, but even emit a bone-chilling cold air, to the point of deceiving the real.

"As expected of Krypton's black technology, it's really awesome!"

Bai Xiaofei sighed in his heart, and immediately walked in without saying a word, and soon saw the vast and magnificent Krypton Ice Palace. Although Bai Xiaofei had seen the appearance of the Ice Palace long ago from movies and models, but at this moment he experienced and witnessed it personally, he still couldn't help being shocked and amazed by it, full of strong awe and thirst for knowledge!

I am obedient!

This is just the tip of the iceberg of Kryptonian civilization.

If the entire planet was like the Kryptonian Ice Palace in front of us, full of mysterious and unknown black technologies, what a scene and world it would be!

With his mind full of fantasies and longings, without any hesitation, Bai Xiaofei walked directly into the Ice Palace of Krypton. At the same time, he released thousands of scout bees to help him figure out everything in the Ice Palace of Krypton. Of course...the main thing is to search for clues to the inheritance crystal.

As the saying goes, "thieves never leave empty space."

Now that he's here, of course Bai Xiaofei won't return empty-handed. It's best if Lex Luthor and the others finish all the crystals. At the same time, now is also a great opportunity to study the composition of Krypton's Ice Palace, otherwise, when Da Chao comes back, it will be impossible for you to study even if you want to.

After a while.

All the scouting bees returned to Bai Xiaofei's side.

But the analysis they came up with is that the current Krypton Ice Palace is a complete empty shell, and no inheritance crystals have been found at all, and even the composition of the Ice Palace itself has no research value, because According to their scans, the main body of the ice palace is mainly water and some other microscopic mixtures.

Such substances are similar to crystals, ice cubes, diamonds, etc. Obviously, there is not much value to dig!

For such a result, Bai Xiaofei was obviously dissatisfied.


He is also helpless.

The difference in technological strength between the two is too great.

Bai Xiaofei dares to bet that this Kryptonian Ice Palace is definitely not as simple and useless as the detective bees analyzed, but due to the limitations of technology and knowledge of civilization, they simply cannot analyze its specific functions and powerful features That's all. It's like an ancient native, it is absolutely impossible to understand that a small nuclear bomb can turn all their tribes into flat ground.

at last……

Bai Xiaofei came to the main console of the Ice Palace.

Since there is no way to intervene in other aspects, he can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor, to see if he can find some research directions and clues from the main console.


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