The Storm God

Chapter 1579 Confess everything! (Please subscribe!)

Although the Krypton Ice Palace is incomparably grand and huge, its main console is very miniature, just like a podium in a conference venue, it looks very pocket-sized. But... Although it is so small, the doorway inside is not simple at all, but it can be said to be the core of the entire Kryptonian Ice Palace.


The most important thing is to inherit the crystal.

The inheritance crystal is like a USB flash drive that records countless technologies and data, and the main console is a computer, or a lock, without the key of the crystal, it is almost a decoration. But Bai Xiaofei was obviously unwilling to just return empty-handed, and insisted on trying to see if he could find some clues.

For this, he racked his brains.


The civilization of Krypton is really awesome.

Even though Bai Xiaofei's black technology emerges endlessly, but the level difference between each other is too much, Bai Xiaofei is also completely powerless.

"your sister!"

Wasted a long time, but got nothing.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't be more depressed, especially in this situation where he was guarding the treasure but couldn't get it, it was even more tormenting. A certain person was so angry that he smashed the main console with a punch, but he held back in the end, after all, he might need it for Krypton's black technology in the future.

If it is really ruined, it will be me who will be in trouble at that time!

It's not worth it!

at last……

After leaving some spatial spells in the Krypton Ice Palace, Bai Xiaofei left directly.

I can't find anything, and it's no use staying here.

Rather than that.

It's better to go home and spend time with my wife and children.

And our poor Dachao, who is still traveling, knows nothing about the robbery in his home.


Clark wasn't in vain, either.

After he communicated with the local eminent monks in the monastery of Huaxia Tibet, the boredom and pressure in his heart immediately subsided a lot, and he felt like seeing the blue sky through the clouds and mists. Dachao, whose state of mind has been improved, stayed in the Tibetan temple for two days, and then he made up his mind and planned to return to the metropolis of New York, USA, to solve all his problems.

With a super speed, it will not take long to return to the United States, it is a matter of minutes.

When Clark came back, the first thing he wanted to look for was Louise Lane.

after all……

It's about your own happiness.

Even though Clark is a superman, he still has the emotions and desires that ordinary people should have. In the face of love and happiness, Dachao is not immune at all, and he will be jealous and unwilling. Dachao may be able to give up other things to Richard, but only women can't!

At this time, Louise did not go out either, and was sorting out information about the test flight of the space shuttle in the Planet Daily. After Da Chao came back, he found her directly, and immediately sent a date invitation to Louise, saying that he had something very important to tell her.


The role of Clark really has no place in Louise's heart.

So naturally, Dachao's invitation was directly rejected by Louise, and the reason was quite good: "I'm working now, and I don't have time to go out to talk with you. Even if I have time, it's impossible, I Know how you feel about me, but Clark, you know, I'm engaged now!"


"You'd better give up your heart. You can't force things about your feelings."

"It's impossible for us!"


Louise looked very sorry.

Clark heard the words, but without saying a word, he turned away immediately, and Louise was dumbfounded.

"I go!"

"What's going on here? How dare you leave so simply?"

"Could it be that I misunderstood?"


Louise was confused and confused.

At this time, she suddenly felt something moving by the window, as if someone was knocking on the glass.


My office is on the 36th floor!

How could someone knock on the glass of his office window outside, unless he could fly...


Could it be Superman!

Louise suddenly had a flash of inspiration, followed by a cleverness all over her body.

Immediately, she turned around and looked towards the window of the office, and she really saw a flying figure in a red and blue tights and a red cloak.

Not who Superman is!


See really is Superman.

Louise's eyes widened immediately, with an unbelievable expression on her face, her emotions became more and more excited, and she muttered to herself: "My God! Superman, is it really you? I shouldn't be Are you dreaming? Where have you been all these years? Why is there no news at all, do you know, I..."


Not waiting for Louise to finish speaking.

Dachao Clark interrupted directly: "I came today to tell you everything. Do you have time?"


"Of course, anytime!"

"It's available now!"


The answer is called a direct and straightforward.

It's completely different from the attitude when I replied to Clark just now, it's almost the same sky and the same place.


Da Chao's expression froze for a moment.

Obviously, he didn't expect Louise to be so straightforward, and he didn't know what it was like. If Bai Xiaofei were here at this moment, he would probably say that Da Chao must be jealous of himself (Clark). To ordinary people, this may be a very ridiculous joke, but to Da Chao, it is a common thing.

Clark was jealous of Superman, not once or twice in the past.

The difference is that in the past, in order to conceal his identity and protect Louise's safety, Da Chao forcibly endured the impulse in his heart, and carried all the grievances and pains by himself. But it's not the case now... Da Chao decided to confess everything about himself to Louise, otherwise he would really lose Louise completely.

Closer to home.

After confirming that Louise has time.

Of course, Da Chao would not be polite to her, and immediately took Louise out of the Daily Planet building, and flew to a very famous restaurant somewhere in the United States. And at the same time... Lex Luthor and others who left the North Pole on a luxury yacht finally arrived safely in New York, the United States.

Regardless of Dachao's movements, or the whereabouts of Lex Luthor and others, all of this was clearly captured by the Tianjian satellite controlled by Baicas. Considering that Lex was carrying Krypton's inheritance crystal, something unexpected happened, and Bai Cass quickly reported the situation to Bai Xiaofei.

"Come back so soon?"

After Bai Xiaofei received the message, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly.

He had to admit that Cass's worry was very reasonable. After all, this was America, and the crime rate was frighteningly high. No one could guarantee that no accident would happen to Lex Luthor. Especially those inheritance crystals, for Bai Xiaofei, each one is a rare treasure with extremely important value and use, and there is absolutely no room for any mistakes.


After much deliberation, Bai Xiaofei finally decided to make a move, such as dispatching some subordinates to follow secretly, or sneak into Lex Luthor and others, so that on the one hand, he can better monitor the other party, and on the other hand, he can also protect the heritage of the crystal at critical moments. Safety is the best of both worlds.

As for Da Chao's movements?


Just talk about love.

Bai Xiaofei didn't have the extra thought to care about other people's privacy.

I love you!


In order to prevent Da Chao from obstructing him, Bai Xiaofei felt that it would be better to tell Richard about Chao Da seducing Louise and having a secret date. After all, the two sides are so familiar, not brothers, but also friends, and neighbors, if they don't report the information, it would be too embarrassing!


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