The Storm God

Chapter 1580 Sow discord! (Please subscribe!)

In a restaurant.

Dachao has turned into Clark again, and is sitting opposite Louise, and Louise is still a little unbelievable until now, that almost useless Clark who often follows her buttocks, actually It is the Superman whom I have admired and loved and missed for a long time!

It's like the most common person you see and often instigates suddenly turns into a god-like omnipotent figure. Apart from surprise and shock, Louise has no other expressions at all.

All right!

She was still puzzled and puzzled.

As expected of being a newspaper reporter, Louise has a strong psychological quality. She quickly recovered from the shock, and then directly cut to the topic: "Then I call you Superman now, or Clark? Are you really Superman?" ?”

to be honest.

Up to now, Louise still has a sense of unreality like a dream, mainly because of the current situation, which is too amazing.

No one can fully accept it for a while!

"Just call me Clark!"

Hearing this, Da Chao shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "In case everyone knows my identity, it will not do you or me any good, and it will bring you endless troubles instead!"


Louise nodded silently.

Then he asked curiously, "Clark, since you hid it so well before, why did you suddenly confess your identity to me now? Aren't you afraid that I will reveal it? You know, I'm a newspaper reporter!"

When she said this, Louise was carrying some kind of resentment, which was obviously aimed at Da Chao on purpose, and Clark was also very clear that the source of this resentment was his leaving without saying goodbye.

"You will not!"

Da Chao smiled confidently, and said, "Because you are Louise, my favorite woman, I believe in you, you would not do this, otherwise we would not have been able to get together in the first place!"

As soon as she talked about the past, Louise's face became very tangled and ugly, because this was the last problem she wanted to face now.

After Dachao left, Louise finally got out of the shadow of no support, and gradually got used to and accepted Richard, and they were already engaged!

But now, Da Chao suddenly appeared without a sound, and even confessed his concealed identity. How could Louise not understand his intention?

This is obviously trying to save myself!

In the past, Louise would definitely be very happy, after all, the other party is a superman! The superhero that girls all over the world fantasize about and love, and it is also their first love, of course they will agree to the other party's request to be together without hesitation.


This moment and that moment!

A few days ago, Louise had a heart-to-heart talk with Richard and decided to live together in a down-to-earth manner. Now Dachao has come out to pursue her again. What's going on!

Louise is not a flirtatious woman, but a strong woman who dares to love, hate, fight and fight. Whether it is for Clark or Richard, she really likes and has real feelings.

One of the two is the former, and the other is the current one. Between the two, it is really hard for Louise to choose.

And the most critical question is mainly about little Jason, after all, he is Dachao's own flesh and blood!

If it weren't for the birth of little Jason, Louise wouldn't be so entangled. A relationship is over as soon as it ends, and it's no big deal to get together and break up with each other.


This is not the case.

Little Jason, as Da Chao's own flesh and blood, is like a bond, tightly connecting Louise and Da Chao. break the relationship between the two.

In addition, Louise still cared about Superman very much in her heart, so Louise was afraid that she could not help but do something wrong, and that would be really sorry for Richard!

Richard has been chasing Louise for more than 5 years, and has carried the blame for Da Chao for so many years. After all the hard work, he is finally coming to an end, and he can marry the woman he dreamed of, but Da Chao suddenly jumped What love to come out, I really feel sorry for Richard when I think about it.

Louise already felt a little sorry for Richard, if she continued to hurt him and broke up with her ex behind her back, then she would really be worse than a pig or a dog!


After thinking about everything, Louise finally directly rejected Da Chao's intention, and made it clear that the relationship between the two had been completely severed as early as the moment Da Chao left without saying goodbye five years ago. !

In the past, the sea was difficult for water, except that Wushan is not a cloud, the lost things and emotions, it is impossible to recover the lost things and emotions after 5 years, even if you are a superman!

"I see!"

For such a result, Da Chao seemed to have expected it a long time ago. Hearing this, he didn't show any sad expression, but a relaxed and relieved expression on his face.

I saw Clark sighed deeply, then smiled, and said, "Louis, don't get me wrong, the main reason I came to you today is to clarify the situation between us, and I didn't intend to pester or disturb you." your love life."

"As for who you choose, that is your freedom and right. If you choose to stay with me, I am naturally very happy, and I promise that I will never let you down in the future. If you choose Richard, I will not be more No matter what you ask for, I will sincerely bless you all!"

Da Chao's answer was obviously beyond Louise's expectations. Hearing this, he froze on the spot on the spot, not daring to answer: "Clark, you... are you really so open?"


Hearing this, Clark suddenly smiled wryly, his voice was full of sadness, and he shook his head and said, "How can you see it? What if you can't see it? I can't rely on my strength and superpowers to snatch you away, right? I'm not a gangster!"

"It's true!"

Speaking of this, Da Chao's face became serious in an instant, he looked at Louise seriously and said: "The reason why I came to you today is not only to tell you these things, but also to But a knot in each other's hearts!"

"Only by untying it can everyone be better off!"

"And there is..."

"never mind!"

Clark hesitated for a moment, and he swallowed the words he wanted to say later.

He actually wanted to talk to Louise about Bai Xiaofei, but considering his current relationship with Louise, it seemed a little stiff, and Bai Xiaofei and Louise are neighbors and friends, in case Louise If Si misunderstood that she was really sowing discord, then she would be in trouble!

So after much deliberation, it's better to forget it, as long as you know about this matter, you don't need to involve Louise.

If there is anything, you should bear it yourself!

Poor Da Chao, but he didn't know that he was trying to provoke others, but others didn't think so at all, for example... On the other side of the city, Bai Xiaofei had already gone out with Louise to date Superman, Informed Richard.


He didn't say it himself.

Instead, I heard an anonymous phone call and told Richard that this kind of thing probably no one would personally expose, otherwise the gain outweighs the loss, and I am the one who is forced to suffer.

And when he learned that his most powerful competitor, Da Chao, who had disappeared for more than 5 years and suddenly appeared again, was dating his fiancée again, Richard was stunned on the spot!


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