The Storm God

Chapter 1581 The wedding date is brought forward! (Please subscribe!)

that night.

After Louise came back, Richard really talked to her about Superman, and Louise didn't know why, so she didn't hide Richard, but chose to tell the truth.


There is something about Superman's true identity, but Louise has kept it, just like what Da Chao said, the less people in the world know about this kind of thing, the better, otherwise it will be bad for everyone!

For Louise's openness, Richard was very moved. He felt that he was thinking wildly, and it was a bit too small for a gentleman, and he couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

But he never regrets it!

As a man, I might ask, who would have no doubts about their wife going on a tryst with an ex? And it happens at such a critical time.

Unless he's an idiot!


Richard was silent for a while, and finally asked the answer he wanted to know the most: "Tell me the truth, is Jason the son of Superman?"


Louise did not hide this, and the current situation is very obvious. Even if she conceals it herself, it is deception. Instead of this, it is better to tell the truth.

And she also believed that Richard shouldn't care about these things. After all, the two had already talked about Jason's father before. The only difference was that this time Richard finally knew who Jason's biological father was.

"It really is him!"

Richard didn't say much after hearing the words. In fact, who is Jason's biological father? For Richard, the result is the same, that is, Louise's predecessor.


Jason turned out to be the child of Superman. This result still made Richard feel quite stressed!

If Richard and Louise can get together, and Jason is also Richard's nominal child, then Jason is the adoptive father of the future Superman. Can he be free of pressure? !

Of course, the premise of all this is that the two can get together, and that Superman will not compete with the two for Jason's custody.

on this...

Richard immediately expressed his doubts, and Louise also gave a clear answer: "Richard, don't worry, the relationship between me and Superman is all in the past, and now I just want to Live with you well, as for Jason's custody, you don't have to worry, Superman doesn't know that Jason is his son, so naturally he won't ask us for custody."

"Even if he finds out in the future, it's fine. Whether it's the other party's Superman status or for the sake of Jason's future, I believe he won't ask for custody rights. This is good for everyone!"


After hearing Louise's words, Richard's hanging heart finally let go, but he was still a little worried that Superman would underestimate the enemy, so he suggested: "Louise, why don't we advance our wedding date?"


Louise also knew Richard's worries and worries, and the other party did this just to make herself safer. Hearing this, she pondered for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

Get married early.

In this way, whether it is for Richard, Superman, or Louise herself, it is a good thing, so that everyone will not feel bad.


Louise and Richard began to discuss the auspicious date of their marriage and related messy issues. They didn't hug each other until late at night when they were exhausted.

And on the other side of the city.

In Gertrude's castle, Lex Luthor, who should have been complacent, now had a sullen face, full of seriousness, which made him unable to sleep peacefully in the middle of the night.

His old friend was wearing a sexy pajamas, with a graceful figure appearing and disappearing from time to time, snuggled up to Lex Luthor, yawning, and said: "Lex, isn't it just a phone call, as for thinking so much? Maybe It might just be a prank. Besides, Superman has disappeared for so many years, and people have almost forgotten his existence. If he really came back, he might have already started saving the world, but there is no movement at all now. So I don't believe in the return of Superman or anything!"

"That's because you're stupid!"

Lex glared at her angrily, frowned and said: "Since the other party can find out my phone without anyone noticing it, it means that he knows our situation well. Sleeping, will you be bored and play this kind of joke with us?"

"Probably not?"

The beauty shook her head, with a cute face, and immediately asked: "But why did he tell you? Could it be for some ulterior purpose? Then what should we do now?"

"Let's wait until we talk!"

Lex Luthor squinted his eyes and said: "The other party has a mysterious identity and great powers. The purpose of calling us is nothing more than to use us to achieve the purpose of restraining Superman so that he can reap the benefits of a fisherman, but I, Lex Luthor, How can it be a pawn willing to be manipulated by others? Let's sit still and wait and see what happens, and at the same time collect all the information about Superman to see if we can find any clues, especially the existence of kryptonite, which is the only thing we have to deal with Superman. With a good weapon, with him in hand, we can sit back and relax!"

"All right!"

"I listen to you, anyway, what you say counts, and when it comes to conspiracy and tricks, we are no match for you!"

"So can we sleep now?"


While speaking, the beauty stretched out her pink lotus-like jade arm and hugged Lex Luthor's neck, and moved her mouth in front of the other party, exhaling like a landau.


The temptation of beautiful women is too great, even Lex Luthor can't stand the charm of the other party, and the big plan has been made, and he feels a lot more relaxed. Lex Luthor was immediately aroused by the beautiful woman and hugged him Caught each other, and began to linger with the beautiful woman.

Early the next morning.

The beauty led people to start searching for clues to Superman and kryptonite according to Lex Luthor's instructions.

Lex Luthor, on the other hand, sits in the base camp and uses his genius brain to start planning future plans.

Such as dealing with super.

Like taking revenge on Bai Xiaofei!

Another example is where it is more appropriate to create a continent in order to maximize your own interests. These all require careful planning, otherwise one wrong step may lose everything!

And the other side.

Clark still hasn't returned to work at the Daily Planet. Although he has already dealt with the emotional entanglement with Louise, it will still take some time to completely get out of this relationship.

Besides, Clark also has some other things to deal with, such as looking for Bai Xiaofei and telling him his decision.

"terribly sorry!"

Superman incarnate as an ordinary Clark found Bai Xiaofei, and then said straight to the point: "After some consideration, I decided to refuse your request. Inheriting the crystal is very important to me. I can't give it to you, but there are things about technology. I can give you some convenience."


Bai Xiaofei nodded lightly.

Superman's decision was already in his expectation, but now it is different from the past, the inheritance crystal has already been stolen by Lex Luthor and others, and it doesn't make any sense whether Superman agrees or not.

Therefore, Bai Xiaofei's attitude towards Da Chao was very flat, but this kind of reaction made Da Chao quite surprised and puzzled: "Aren't you angry?"


Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly, of course it is impossible to tell Da Chao that your inheritance crystal has been stolen long ago, basically it is his own, even if you disagree it is useless.

"What's there to be angry about?"

He could only pretend to be magnanimous and waved his hands, and said with a smile: "Business cannot be done with righteousness. It's still too early. Maybe one day you will think about it and you will agree. Don't worry, don't worry."

Clark: "..."


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