The Storm God

Chapter 1582 The Magical Use of the Main Console! (Please subscribe!)

Superman is gone.

With endless depression and confusion, he left Bai Xiaofei's house in despair. Clark found that he still couldn't see through this mysterious Chinese man. The other party gave him a very dangerous feeling, and his level of horror even surpassed Lex Luthor at one point, so Da Chao felt very uncomfortable.

Now that what needs to be said has been explained clearly, he naturally won't wait any longer.

It flew away directly.

at the same time……

In a castle somewhere.

Lex Luthor finally received the report from his subordinates. And according to the information collected by everyone, some people have indeed witnessed the loss of Dachao’s return recently, but the reaction of the public is not very large. They thought it was someone cosplaying, so everyone, including witnesses I myself didn't really care too much.

But some people don't.

For example, for Lex Luthor now, with some slight clues from Xi Jinping, one can be quite sure that Superman is really back!

For nothing else, just because Superman went to the Daily Planet.

And well known.

Lois Lane of the Daily Planet.

They are almost Superman's personal and exclusive reporters, and there are even rumors that the two are a couple or something. In the past 5 years or so, Superman has not heard from him. If he really comes back now, the other party will go directly to the Daily Planet to find Louise Lane to talk about the old days. This is not human nature.

Coupled with someone's phone call reminder, based on all the information, Lex Luthor is very sure that his worst enemy is really back.

on this...

Lex Luthor was very excited.

It's like being a top expert, fighting all over the world, but no one can compete with him, lonely as snow!

Now that he has finally met an opponent who can match him, he is of course very excited, and even wished to fight against Da Chao immediately, and the game will last for three hundred rounds before he is satisfied. Of course... Lex Luthor also knew that without the help of kryptonite, he would never be a match for Dachao.



He immediately asked the most critical question: "Have you found any clues to kryptonite?"

"found it!"

The subordinate replied: "Boss, we found that the Museum of Nature has collected an extraterrestrial meteorite from 1978. If the information you gave us is correct, then the meteorite is probably the so-called Kryptonite meteorite. The defense force of the museum It's not very strong, should we snatch it out immediately?"


Hearing this, Lex Luthor suddenly said in a bad mood: "The Metropolitan Museum of Natural History is built near the center of New York City. Although its own defense is not good, it cannot stand up to the important location. If you really go to grab the stones, you probably won't be able to use it." In 5 minutes, the police in New York City will be able to seal your siege!"

"What's more, Superman is suspected to be back, isn't it obvious that you are giving away someone's head!"

"Give it all back to me!"


He gave the order to die.

Everyone immediately stopped what they were doing and returned to the castle.

In order to ensure that the plan is foolproof, Lex Luthor has to deploy a plan against kryptonite and a strategy to send Superman away from the mountain, and no slightest mistake will be allowed. Someone said that he never wanted to go in such a chaotic place like a prison!

That night.

Under Lex Luthor's plan.

A rather huge robbery took place in two banks in New York City and successfully stole more than ten million dollars.

But the expected Superman never appeared from beginning to end.

"What's the situation?"

Such a weird situation, even if it is Lex, who is as wise as a demon, he still can't figure it out. Xin said: "Superman, don't you claim to be the messenger of light and justice? Don't you take care of such a big crime in New York? Or after you came back, you changed your temper and didn't want to be a hero anymore." ?”

A group of people are confused and confused.

But they don't know that the current Dachao is also depressed to death, and even wants to kill someone in anger. Because he had already returned to the Ice Palace of Krypton in the North Pole at this moment, and he found out that his home had been stolen, and almost all the inheritance crystals in it had been stolen.

And at the beginning.

The first murderer that Da Chao suspected was Bai Xiaofei!

Who told Bai Xiaofei's attitude during the day to be too plain and strange, it's impossible not to make people suspicious.


In a secret location within the Kryptonian Ice Palace.

Dachao activated the special mechanism specially set up, and then, a green inheritance crystal slowly emerged from the ground.

This is the core crystal that Bai Xiaofei values ​​and cares most about!

Just have it.

Countless Kryptonian ice palaces can be created.

Unexpectedly, Da Chao did not take it away, but hid it in a special mechanism.

"It's really careful!"

In the villa in Manhattan, everything that happened in the Arctic Krypton Ice Palace was presented in front of Bai Xiaofei's eyes. When he left, Bai Xiaofei paid attention to the many locations in the Ice Palace. Nano-scale high-definition camera devices are used to monitor and grasp the situation inside.


The return of Dachao, and related operations.

Finally let Bai Xiaofei know where the green inheritance crystal that he cares most about is hidden.

While secretly memorizing all the steps and operations, someone secretly said in amazement: "It seems that the inheritance crystal should be hidden in a special independent space, just like a phantom space. It is impossible not to scan out the black technological strength and the power of the mind!"

"I don't know if there is any special anti-theft design for the mechanism device. It is best not to have it. If there is, it will be troublesome. If I want to get the green core inheritance crystal, I have to control it again. Chao, and then get the North Pole Krypton Ice Palace to unlock the anti-theft device!"

"It doesn't matter so much, let's see how he does it first!"


Bai Xiaofei thought so.

At the same time, Da Chao in the monitoring screen also took action again. He said that the green inheritance crystal was placed in a slot of the main console, followed by transparent and colorless crystals that looked like popsicles, and they were quickly released from other slots of the main console. grow out.

See this scene.

Bai Xiaofei from the villa couldn't help secretly giving himself a thumbs up.

I said in my heart: "Fortunately, the main console was not smashed at the time, otherwise I really didn't know it. It turns out that it still has this function. What a surprise!"

According to the movie setting of "Superman Returns", those transparent and colorless inheritance crystals can quickly increase the value of the substances they touch after contacting water. Lex Luthor used this ability to launch kryptonite into the sea , so that it conjured up an incomparably vast kryptonite continent out of thin air.

Unfortunately, the number of these transparent crystals is very limited.

Lex Luthor is enough, but Bai Xiaofei is not enough, so he has been thinking about how to use just a few crystals to maximize the benefits. And now seeing that Dachao used the green inheritance crystal and the ability of the main console to produce a large number of transparent crystals almost instantly, Bai Xiaofei was so excited that he almost jumped up.


"Having this ability, I'm still going to fuck up!"

"Use it however you want!"


Someone is very excited.

At the same time, Dachao in the screen used crystals to control the black technology in the Ice Palace of Krypton, and finally discovered the truth of the matter. The person who stole those transparent inheritance crystals was not Bai Xiaofei, but his old enemy - Lake Sluther et al. But when he saw this, Da Chao couldn't stand it anymore.

Out of anger, Clark directly turned off all the functions of the main console, and then put all the inheritance crystals on it into the special secret device before, and then left the Arctic Krypton Ice Palace in a hurry. It seems that they are going after the clues of Lex Luthor and others.

after all……

The power of those crystals is really too great.

If one is not handled properly, it may cause unimaginable disasters to the world. Dachao must collect them all before he can.

Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous!


Bai Xiaofei also secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

The situation in his heart was incomparable and he said: "It's so dangerous! If Da Chao watched the surveillance video for a while longer, he would probably find out what I did in it soon. At that time, Clark would definitely not put the inheritance crystal in it again." It's inside that device, and it just added a lot of trouble to me!"

"In all fairness, it's really thanks to Lex Luthor and the others this time. Without their blame, I would be depressed!"

"Thirty-two likes for you guys!"



Bai Xiaofei also didn't hesitate at all. After guessing that Da Chao had almost gone far, he immediately activated the Flying Thunder God Technique, sneaked into the Krypton Ice Palace again, and then quickly came to the special device, following Da Chao's previous instructions. Operate and start to crack the mechanism.


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