The Storm God

Chapter 1583 You are late! (Please subscribe!)

After a while of operation.


Suddenly there was a light sound from the organ.

Seeing this, Bai Xiaofei was immediately overjoyed, and said cheerfully, "It's done! There's no anti-theft procedures, this super is so cute!"

follow closely……

A green crystal.

And more than a dozen transparent and colorless inheritance crystals, all presented in front of someone.

Bai Xiaofei happily grabbed these crystals, without caring about his happiness and excitement, he went directly to the main controller, and began to test their functions one by one. According to the plot of the movie, each of these transparent and colorless crystals has different recorded content and functions. To find out everything about them, Bai Xiaofei can only use the most stupid method to try one by one.

As for the most important core - the green inheritance crystal.

Bai Xiaofei put it away directly. He now has more than a dozen transparent and colorless crystals in his hand, so naturally it's not the green crystal's turn to appear. To be on the safe side, before the experiment, Bai Xiaofei specially set up a super-large isolation magic circle, directly covering the entire Krypton Ice Palace, so as not to be discovered by Dachao's super hearing.

After everything is ready.

Only then did Bai Xiaofei begin to formally experiment with the function of the crystal. And for the convenience of memory, he also specially labeled the transparent crystals in his hand, from 0 to 15, a total of 16. Then start experimenting with the smallest one. When the No. 0 crystal was inserted into the slot of the main console, near the crystal wall of the empty ice palace on the opposite side, the graphic image of Joel, the biological father of Dachao, was projected immediately.

It is different from the technology in "Superman. Man of Steel".

The virtual projection of this Kryptonian Ice Palace is not an existence similar to intelligent life that possesses the consciousness and thoughts of Jor-El and can manipulate Kryptonian technology, but a simple projection. Otherwise, there is almost no answer to the questions of Lex Luthor and others about burglary.

That's good, it saves Bai Xiaofei a lot of trouble.


Compared to Lex Luthor.

Bai Xiaofei is obviously more efficient. He didn't foolishly ask Krypton's black technology, how awesome and how it works like Lex Luthor, but directly planned to let Joel use Krypton's black technology. Technology, to produce a special crystal that contains all the technical data of Krypton.

This saves time and effort.


Joel smiled and said: "This is a piece of cake for our Kryptonian technology. However, this crystal contains almost all of our technological data, and its volume is much larger than usual. Using It’s not very convenient, and you need a special instrument to read it, are you sure you want to do this?”


Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being slightly startled when he heard this, he didn't expect there to be such a restriction, but he can't control that much, the most important thing now is to hurry up and get all the information away, otherwise if Da Chao comes back early, he will be It's hard to tell why, but he has really become Dachao's enemy.

"When making crystals, can you also make reading instruments?"

With an attitude of giving it a try, Bai Xiaofei asked a question, but Joel nodded and said: "This is of course no problem, but although the instrument is easy to make, the necessary energy supply equipment cannot be matched. It can only be driven inside this ice palace, and it is no different from a waste product outside, you must remember!"

During the conversation.

And some devices in the palace started to work.

As if by magic, I saw a huge bucket-like transparent crystal popping out of the ground. Compared with ordinary transparent crystals that can be held directly in the hand, this transparent crystal that carries almost all Kryptonian technical data is quite huge in size.

And the special instrument that can read its information is also not far away, as if planting a tree, it rises rapidly.

This is a strange-shaped device that looks like an octopus with eight crystal legs. The size and length are almost the same as the huge transparent crystal. It looks like it should be directly buckled on it. On the top of the octopus is a platform device similar to the main console of the Kryptonian Ice Palace, with many notches, obviously used to insert crystals.

Joel is very comprehensive.

When making the instrument, the method of operation and the control crystal for reading the instrument were also made together.

Compared with ordinary inheritance crystals, the control crystals of the reading instruments are obviously more miniature, about the size of a finger. Similarly, there are 16 of them, which correspond to ordinary inheritance crystals. As long as different control crystals are inserted into the instrument, the corresponding type of technical information can be read.

Such a design can be described as very humane, which made Bai Xiaofei very satisfied. After collecting the instruments and crystals, Bai Xiaofei contacted Bai Cass and asked about Da Chao's actions, and Bai Cass replied that Da Chao was wandering back and forth in the sea around the Arctic, as if he was searching for What.

"I guess they are looking for Lex Luthor?"

Bai Xiaofei was startled when he heard the words, and then suddenly realized that Lex Luthor took the blame for him, making Da Chao gnash his teeth with hatred, probably Da Chao would never let him go if he didn't find out the other party and give him a hard lesson. Following Bai Xiaofei, he laughed and said to himself: "Since this is the case, then I still have some time, so I should take this opportunity to ask Joel about Krypton again.

Not only that.

Someone was also very kind, using the magical effect of the green inheritance crystal and the main console, specially regenerated a batch of transparent inheritance crystals for Dachao.


There are surveillance videos about the Krypton Ice Palace.

Bai Xiaofei must have deleted it completely, otherwise, wouldn't he be telling Da Chao clearly that he did all of this!

However, he also knew how to measure it. If all the surveillance videos were deleted, people would definitely be suspicious, so Bai Xiaofei just deleted all the surveillance videos about himself after Lex Luthor and the others left. Then, using Krypton's black technology, a fabricated surveillance video was fabricated.

all of these.

Bai Xiaofei did it thoroughly.

Even if Dachao came back, he could also use Krypton's black technology, but he would not be able to distinguish the authenticity of the surveillance video.

Because Clark lacks the most critical green inheritance crystal.

In this way.

Bai Xiaofei will be able to remove all suspicions.

After finishing all the aftermath work, someone teleported directly back to the Manhattan villa with fruitful results and a smug smile.

And our poor Dachao is still on the vast sea, searching for ships that may be Lex Luthor and others, trying to find his lost crystal. But they don't know that Lex Luthor and others have already returned to New York, USA, and they have created several answers, the purpose of which is to lure the superstar out.


Neither Dachao nor Lex Luthor got what they wanted.

Especially Lex Luthor.


That night.

Lex Luthor couldn't bear it anymore, and finally sent someone to the Metropolitan Museum of Natural History, planning to take away the meteorite from Krypton, and use it as a trump card to deal with Da Chao. However... when they tried their best to steal the meteorite back, they found that it was a fake.

Not only that.

The fake kryptonite still contained a note.

In the standard Chinese language, it clearly wrote: "Want kryptonite? Sorry, you are late, this is a small punishment for ignoring me! If you don't accept it, just come to me, I believe you Lex Luthor's mind should be able to guess who I am, waiting for you!"


At the end of the message, there was actually an extremely arrogant smiling face.




Lex Luthor is so angry.

He smashed the fake kryptonite in his hand on the spot, and at the same time, a person couldn't help but pop up in his heart, and this person was naturally the Chinese youth who came to visit a few days ago, but was rejected by him——Bai Xiaofei!


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