The Storm God

Chapter 1584 Crystal experiment! (Please subscribe!)

the next day.

Lex Luthor looked at the returning subordinates and asked, "How is it? Have you got the surveillance video in the museum?"


The subordinate nodded and said: "But it cost a lot of money, because I don't know the exact date, so I bought back all the last month's!"

While talking.

I started turning the inside of the backpack out, and quickly took out a lot of video hard disks. After a rough look, there were at least thirty or so disks.

"Find it quickly!"

Lex Luthor frowned slightly, and then immediately ordered: "You must find out the clues for me today anyway, otherwise our plan will not be implemented at all!"

Kryptonite is currently the only known beneficial weapon against Superman, and without its help, everything would be White Tower.

But now it is missing, which makes Lex Luthor very depressed. Although he has doubts in his heart, he still can't be sure whether Bai Xiaofei took the kryptonite. What if he made a mistake? So it's better to be safe, so as not to waste time.

The surveillance video in the Metropolitan Museum of Natural History is the best way to find clues to kryptonite.

There is one thing that is better in the United States, and that is the capitalist principle of property supremacy. As long as you have money, you can buy almost everything, and you can really do whatever you want!

With the money opening the way, it is not a problem at all to get the surveillance video in the museum. But it will take some time and effort to find the culprit who stole the kryptonite from inside.

Lex Luthor naturally disdained to do such trivial things, because his genius mind had more important things to do.


The subordinates did not dare to be negligent, and after hearing the words, they took action one after another, making equipment, taking notes, and watching videos. They were very busy.

Lex Luthor, on the other hand, picked up his mobile phone and started contacting another group of subordinates, asking, "How is it? Have you found out about that person's abnormal behavior?"

That person is naturally worthy of being Bai Xiaofei.


Another wave of subordinates replied: "According to my recent observation and analysis, his behavior is normal, and there is almost nothing wrong, except that he has two wives!"

Lex Luthor: "..."


Is this also called abnormal?

There are many people with several wives in the world, but whoever is rich and powerful is not surrounded by beauties, hugging left and right, is this not right for you? How rare!

"Continue to monitor!"

Lex Luthor said speechlessly: "Pay close attention to all their whereabouts, if there is any other abnormal behavior, call me immediately!"


Hang up the phone directly.

Finding the clues of the video will take some effort, and there is no rush, so Lex Luthor didn't go over to ask immediately, but turned around and came to the secret room of the ancient castle, ready to test again, the feasibility of his grand plan, and the details of it. Vulnerabilities and the like, strive to be foolproof.

And at the same time.

In the villa in Manhattan, Bai Xiaofei smiled strangely, looked at the guy hypnotized by him in front of him, and said, "Is it really Lex Luthor's subordinate? You are really cautious, even if you already doubt me in your heart, you still want to Find out the clues and evidence, and be 100% sure that I am the one who took the action, as expected of Lex Luthor!"

Even though the young men Lex Luthor was looking for were capable people who were extremely proficient in seclusion and anti-detection skills, no matter how capable they were, they were useless under the perception of Bai Xiaofei's powerful telekinesis, as if they were naked in front of Bai Xiaofei. Everything moves without hiding.

After Bai Xiaofei found out that someone seemed to be monitoring and investigating him, he immediately stepped over to hypnotize and control him.


He will count on it.

He didn't do anything, and patiently waited for Lex Luthor's visit at home. For such a wise general, Bai Xiaofei was determined to win.

so far.

After Bai Xiaofei traveled through the heavens and worlds, he obtained black technology, as well as military generals and cloning masters. There are indeed many masters, and all of them are powerful and powerful. ... Baikas barely counts as one, but the role of assistant is obviously more.

Among the awesome smart general roles in many film and television dramas, Lex Luthor is undoubtedly one of the best smart general candidates.

However, if you want to subdue him completely, follow him willingly, and have no dissatisfaction, you need Bai Xiaofei to use some methods. Otherwise, Bai Xiaofei will always feel something is wrong with the ability to control it. Of course, the key is Bai Xiaofei's control method, which is not strong enough. , if there is a god-defying skill like [Bie Tianshen] that can easily rewrite other people's will, how can it be so troublesome!

After getting rid of Xiao Luoluo who was watching, Bai Xiaofei returned to the villa, and then cast the magic mirror space, and began to conduct experiments on other items that can increase the value of inheritance crystals.

In the movie.

Lex Luthor just cut off the inheritance crystals as small as a grain of rice, and threw them into the water to produce a crystal as huge as a big house. If the entire crystal was thrown into the sea, it could even create a The continent, which is equivalent to or even exceeds the territory of the United States, can be seen from its awesomeness.

This is the black technology that the Kryptonians are most proud of in the world of "Superman Returns"--Crystal Civilization!

As long as there is sufficient water, they can use the power of crystals to create anything they want, whether it is transportation, medical treatment, shelter, weapons, or even planets, they can use this technology to achieve, and the added value comes into contact with Things are just one of the simplest functions.

Bai and the thing that Bai Xiaofei wants to use this ability to add value to is a gift from the Atlantis family in the real world, inherited from the ancient gods --- magnetite.

Magnetite, also known as energy crystal, can be divided into transparent, red orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, gold, black, and the most top-level colorless crystal according to different colors. There are a total of eleven colors and seven grades.

Each color of energy crystal corresponds to a different energy level, as well as functions and abilities.


Energy crystals above purple are the highest grade crystals that only ancient gods can possess. And the highest-grade crystal stone that mortals can have is the fourth-grade and sixth-grade blue crystal.

On the lost road of Atlantis, there is a huge blue crystal enshrined in the pyramid. It is the source of survival and energy for the entire Atlantis family. It is still placed in the floating space of the Elysium world The mainland's pyramid is not on Bai Xiaofei's body.

However, Bai Xiaofei has some low-level green energy crystals here, which have huge vitality, can stimulate the growth of plants, and can bestow dead objects with the ability to move and fight.

Some of the priceless large energy crystals were handed over by Bai Xiaofei to Saintess Tiya for safekeeping, and at the same time, they were used to accelerate the growth of animals and plants in the world of Elysium and various ecological circles.

Bai Xiaofei only has a few fragments of green energy crystals in his hands for research, but even so, that's enough!

Now with Krypton's inheritance crystal, only a few small fragments and sufficient water source are needed to increase the value of the green energy crystal to the size of a villa, which is simply a huge profit!

If he hadn't considered the possibility of causing huge impact and damage to the continental plates of the earth, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but want to create a crystal continent made entirely of green energy crystals!


This world is not good, but other worlds are still possible, but before that, necessary experiments are still required.

After all, energy crystals are different from ordinary things, and Bai Xiaofei is not sure whether Krypton's inheritance crystals can increase its qualitative changes. If not, then everything above is all fantasy!

"Must do it!"

With everything ready, Bai Xiaofei prayed silently in his heart, then directly threw the small transparent inheritance crystal particles bound with the green energy crystal into the prepared swimming pool, and waited for its effect and change.

Time passed little by little.

But there was no reaction at all in the swimming pool, which made Bai Xiaofei very anxious, and couldn't help asking: "Isn't it possible?"


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