The Storm God

Chapter 1585 Effective value-added! (Please subscribe!)

"Wait a little longer!"

According to the plot in the movie, the value-added change of the inheritance crystal is not achieved overnight, but takes a certain amount of time. For this reason, Lex Luthor has been ridiculed by his old friend a lot. The current situation is the same, although Bai Xiaofei is extremely anxious, he is still unwilling to accept the possibility of failure, and believes that the time has not yet come.


He waited and waited.

After waiting for half an hour, there was still no reaction in the swimming pool.

Now Bai Xiaofei was really in a hurry: "I'll go! Is it really not possible? In the movie, Lex Luthor would have reacted in a few minutes at most, why now there is no movement of a fart, or is it the inheritance crystal?" Can add value to other ordinary objects, but can't change the quality of energy crystals?"

Think here.

He couldn't help but be full of disappointment.

And just when Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but want to go over and see what was going on.


Billowing bubbles suddenly appeared in the swimming pool.

As if a submarine volcano was about to erupt, the water surface in the entire swimming pool instantly became boiling, like boiling hot water, with a huge momentum. At the same time...Bai Xiaofei's mental strength also keenly sensed that waves of special radiation were spreading crazily around the swimming pool.


Here is the time of mirror space.

The rules and local area of ​​everything are limited by Bai Xiaofei to the size of a football field, so no matter how fierce the radiation waves are, it is useless, and they cannot spread out at all. And it is also the reason why Bai Xiaofei uses the mirror space, because when the inheritance crystal plays a value-added role, it will burst out a very powerful special radiation wave.

This radiation wave will cause all electronic equipment within a radius of nearly a hundred kilometers to fail, and it is even more powerful than the most powerful EMP. In the movie, it was because of Lex Luthor's crystal value-added experiments that caused the space shuttle to lose control, so that it gave the climax scene of Dachao's official return.

Closer to home.

See this sudden change.

Bai Xiaofei was overjoyed immediately, he was so happy that he almost jumped up, he cheered and said: "Hey, is this done? Maybe it's not impossible, but the time required for the value-added function, which is longer than other ordinary items. The green energy crystal with extraordinary ability and efficacy, even in the Atlantis family, is a very powerful energy source!"

And it doesn't matter how excited someone is.

In the swimming pool.

As the radiation wave continued to spread and strengthen, the boiling phenomenon on the water surface became more and more intense. After about two minutes, the boiling phenomenon finally slowly eased, but a large area of ​​emerald green color began to extend from the bottom of the swimming pool, and the situation was like the growth of green bamboo, rising steadily.

And the source of these emerald green colors...

Nothing else, it is the green energy crystal that has been enhanced by the inheritance crystal of Krypton!

I saw these green energy crystals, which were irregular in shape as a whole, rapidly growing out of the swimming pool, becoming bigger and bigger, and expanded to the size of a house in a blink of an eye. The emerald green brilliance, almost The entire mirror space is illuminated into a green color.

Seeing such a scene, Bai Xiaofei was so excited.

The eyes almost popped out.


However, besides being excited, Bai Xiaofei's keen mental power also quickly discovered the difference in these grown energy crystals. The green energy crystal possesses such enormous vitality that it can stimulate the growth of animals and plants, make combat puppets, and endow dead objects with the ability to move, giving people a sense of vitality.

But the huge green energy crystal in front of him is not like that at all. It is like a walking dead with an empty shell but no soul. Bai Xiaofei carefully used his mental power to check and analyze it back and forth several times, but he couldn't detect any vitality from it!

"What's the situation?"

Bai Xiaofei was stunned at the time.

Facing the unprecedented abnormal phenomenon, he didn't know whether the current situation was a success or a failure.

Let’s say it’s a success, but the energy crystal doesn’t contain any trace of energy, so it can only be regarded as a crystal, not an energy crystal: let’s say it’s a failure, and the Kryptonian inheritance crystal has indeed applied the functions of value-added and qualitative change to energy. Crystal, and successfully expanded it countless times.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

The role of qualitative change is still going on.

Because the water source is sufficient, and the power possessed by the inheritance crystal is absolutely sufficient, so it will never stop until the energy crystal reaches a certain level. It's just that when the qualitative change reaches a certain level, the speed of its value-added will slowly slow down until it finally disappears.

The depressed Bai Xiaofei didn't rush forward to research why there was no energy in the energy crystal, but waited patiently for the end of the qualitative change. Maybe the current situation is because it is only a semi-finished product. How, let's wait until the end of the qualitative change.

And he waited.

Just waited for two and a half hours.

Compared with the qualitative change process of other general things, the value-added of energy crystals obviously takes longer. But the result now is almost the same as before. The huge green energy crystal that has been qualitatively increased still looks like it has no energy at all, like a dead thing, but Bai Xiaofei is entangled.


"It still doesn't seem to work!"


Bai Xiaofei sighed depressingly.

Although he hadn't thought of such a situation, but seeing it with his own eyes, he was still a little disappointed and frustrated in his heart. Even the crystal civilization of Krypton cannot increase the value of the energy crystals of the Atlantis family. It seems that it is impossible to mass-produce them to achieve the purpose of equipment upgrades in the short term.


But at this moment, the little brat suddenly jumped out.

He said to Bai Xiaofei: "Don't rush to make a conclusion, I think the structure of these energy crystals is no different from the previous ones (green energy crystals), could it be that the Kryptonian inheritance crystals cannot increase the value of the special energy , so it just changed its crystal shape?"


hear this.

Bai Xiaofei's eyes suddenly brightened.

Then suddenly said: "Yes! Why didn't I think of this, the form and particularity of energy can be said to be the most mysterious existence, especially the crystal energy of the Atlantis family, which is even more unique, krypton Although Xingxing's technology is awesome, it should not be able to expand its value out of thin air."

"If it is true as you said, the qualitative change only increases the value of its substance itself, but not its energy, then I only need to inject some energy into these crystals. Wouldn't these energy crystals like dead objects be able to become as good as they are?" Is it really the same? Although the process may be cumbersome and slow, it is still an effective means of value-added and mass production!"

"I'll try it now!"


Bai Xiaofei has never been an inkblot person.

Just do what you think, according to the characteristics that energy crystals can absorb almost all energy and transform it into the energy you need. He immediately took out a magic reactor the size of a football, and then used the energy conversion transmission device to connect the output connection to the energy crystal that had just been qualitatively increased and was the size of a hill.


With the activation of the switch.

The vast energy of the mana reactor was immediately guided to the energy crystal through the energy conversion transmission device. Under Bai Xiaofei's extremely nervous and curious eyes, he saw the hill-like energy crystal, which immediately became brighter like a powered light bulb.


The brightness of energy crystals is very limited.

And it's also very unstable, as if the current is not stable, and it's about to run out of power. It just lights up a little bit, and after turning its emerald green color into greener, it completely goes out. Not only that... Even the energy conversion and transmission device at the other end also stopped.

no way.

Because the mana reactor has been completely exhausted.

Seeing this situation, Bai Xiaofei was not surprised but overjoyed, and even couldn't help jumping up excitedly on the spot: "Hahaha, it's a success! It's a success! The inheritance crystal of Krypton really didn't disappoint me. My energy Crystals can finally be mass-produced, which is great! Shredded coconut!"


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