The Storm God

Chapter 1586 Saint Cloth Upgrade! (Please subscribe!)

Although the magic energy reactor was exhausted almost in an instant, this also just shows that the energy crystals obtained by the qualitative change and value-added of Kryptonian inheritance crystals can absorb external energy and transform them into special energy that they can have. But this demand is a bit too big, even the mana reactor can't supply it.


This is incredible!

You know, the mana reactor is Bai Xiaofei's latest model. The magic energy element inside comes from the same element of the Rubik's Cube in the universe, which is the source of the power of the Infinity Gem. Coupled with the advanced black technology of the Tony's Ark reactor, just a palm-sized reactor is enough to support a nuclear power plant. power generation.

But even such a powerful reactor couldn't supply the demand for green energy crystals. In such a situation, Bai Xiaofei didn't know whether he should cry or laugh. Laughing, of course, is because of Krypton's inheritance crystals, which have successfully increased the value of energy crystals through qualitative changes; and crying, because these energy crystals have no energy at all.

Although they can absorb almost all external energy, Bai Xiaofei simply can't afford this energy crystal as big as a hill! After all... The green energy crystal is the fourth-level existence among the crystal levels of the Atlantis family, and it is simply not comparable to ordinary energy crystals.

Coupled with its huge size, its energy requirements are naturally astronomical. In order to fully charge its energy, it is estimated that there are not hundreds of thousands of mana reactors, which is simply impossible. And such a number of reactors, even with Bai Xiaofei's financial resources and strength, it is impossible to get them out all at once.


Bai Xiaofei can still fill a small part of the crystals with energy.

Next, Bai Xiaofei started the cutting work. Using special tools, he removed a fist-sized crystal from the green energy crystal as big as a hill, then reconnected the energy conversion transmission device, and started charging with the magic energy reactor again. , Bai Xiaofei wants to see how much energy such a small energy crystal can absorb.

As long as a comparison is made, the limit of the green energy crystal can be easily calculated.

This is also convenient for Bai Xiaofei to develop and utilize it.

Closer to home.

With the continuous input of conversion energy.

Seeing the energy crystal the size of a fist, it immediately emitted an incomparably bright green light, like a green light bulb, very dazzling. It's just that this phenomenon didn't last for too long. In about 5 minutes, the new magic energy reactor in the energy conversion transmission device was completely exhausted.

And when the energy supply was stopped, the fist-sized green energy crystal became slightly brighter and emerald green.

It is still far from the color of a perfect green energy crystal!

About one-tenth of it.


Seeing this situation, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

He never imagined that even such a small piece of green energy crystal can have such a vast amount and limit, and the level of energy contained in blue crystals that are far above it, and even purple, gold, etc. crystals , what kind of horror should it be? Just thinking about it makes my scalp tingle!

The transmission of energy begins again.

Then it ended soon, and a new mana reactor was completely exhausted and failed.

Bai Xiaofei silently started the third energy input, followed by the fourth, fifth, and sixth times... and facing the continuous injection of energy, the green energy crystal the size of a fist also began to grow stronger and stronger. It is getting brighter and greener, and finally gradually has the brilliance and luster that gemstones should have.

It didn't completely reach the limit until the 20th energy transmission ended, and it stopped absorbing any external energy. But at this time, that piece of energy crystal is already dazzling green, the light is incomparably bright, and its color is even better than Bai Xiaofei's original one, so it can be seen that it has truly reached the perfect quality.

Seeing this scene, Bai Xiaofei was also shocked.

Such a small green energy crystal can hold up to 20 mana reactors, it's simply abnormal!

follow closely……

He was completely excited.

Because with the mass production of green energy crystals, this also means that Bai Xiaofei's equipment can usher in a new upgrade. For example, his Zodiac Gold Saint Cloth was originally powered by the most advanced magic energy reactor. If it is replaced with this green energy crystal, its battery life and instantaneous output power, etc., will usher in a qualitative improvement. leap!

Not only that.

Green Power Crystals have the ability to give life and will to other items.

The Atlantis family usually use it to make puppet warlords, endowing animals and plants with stronger vitality, so as to achieve the purpose of increasing yield and accelerating growth. If it is used as the energy-driven core of the Vibrating Gold Cloth, combined with technologies such as the inscriptions of Atlantis, it is equivalent to giving the Saint Cloth a new life and giving it self-will.

Such holy clothes are not only powerful, but also more tenacious. After the accumulation of time and the honing of the years, they will even evolve automatically, giving birth to a consciousness that is completely their own. That is to say, like the Saint Cloths in the Saint Seiya, it is no longer a dead object, but an inheritance object with its own will!

Thinking of this, Bai Xiaofei became extremely excited.

He is a standard actionist. Now that he has an idea in his mind, he will naturally not let it stay in the ideal and design state. Bai Xiaofei's eyes lit up, and he immediately started to work. Aries is currently on the body of the Moon's true body, so it is not convenient to upgrade, so the first Vibrating Gold Saint Cloth that Bai Xiaofei started to upgrade is the Gemini in his hand.

And this upgrade is not just as simple as changing the energy core, because of the ability characteristics of the green energy crystal, Bai Xiaofei has to specially reset a set of inscription enchantment systems that are suitable for it and can maximize its ability. It is almost the same as overthrowing the previous setting and recreating it.


The upgrade of the Saint Cloth is destined to be a time-consuming and laborious task.

However, thinking of the powerful power of the Saint Cloth after being promoted, Bai Xiaofei was full of energy, and he didn't feel boring or troublesome at all. It can be said that he was completely in the state, and no one could disturb him.

And at the same time.

On the other side, Lex Luthor's subordinates finally found Bai Xiaofei's figure from the surveillance video of the Metropolitan Museum of Natural History, and based on the situation at the time and analysis of all the clues, they came to the conclusion that kryptonite is absolutely It was dropped by Bai Xiaofei and left.


"The clues have been found, so what should we do now?"

"To find him?"


Beauty Kitty asked curiously.


Lex Luthor pondered for a moment upon hearing this.

Then he nodded and said: "Of course! Without kryptonite, we can't deal with Superman at all, and the existence of Superman is the biggest obstacle to our plan. As long as he is still alive, we are doomed to fail, so we must get kryptonite , get rid of Superman, as for that Chinese youth Bai Xiaofei..."

"Meet him first, and then talk about what the other party's purpose is. If you can cooperate, cooperate. If it doesn't work, then you can only..."


That's not all.

But everyone around him understands what Lex Luthor means.


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