The Storm God

Chapter 1587 Kidnapping Little Bai Lei! (Please subscribe!)

the next day.

Lex Luthor brought his girlfriend, Kitty, to the villa complex in Manhattan.

They planned to pay a formal visit to Bai Xiaofei.


Bai Xiaofei was busy upgrading his holy clothes, so he had no time to talk to them.

Xiaoqian and Diana were in charge of interviewing them. The Red Queen went crazy, but knowing that Bai Xiaofei was not there, not only made Lex Luthor a little speechless, but also wondered if the other party was deliberately leaving us alone. Bar? Then Lex Luthor began to test Xiaoqian and Diana's tone to see if they knew the existence of kryptonite.


"Are you talking about the meteorite that fell to Earth in 1978?"

"Of course we know!"



Xiaoqian and Diana had no intention of hiding anything, and directly told Lex Luthor that they did know the existence of kryptonite, which made Lex Luthor stunned again, secretly said: "Damn it! What's going on? Bai Xiaofei and his family don't play their cards according to routine, shouldn't they be hiding it?"

No matter how Lex Luthor reacts.

Here, Xiaoqian continued to act according to Bai Xiaofei's instructions: "Xiaofei told us before leaving that there might be a visitor coming to visit in the near future and would ask about meteorites. It seems that it should be you guys. That's right, I can tell you clearly that the meteorite is in our hands!"


"If you want to get it, you have to pay some price!"

"For example, my loyalty!"


hear this.

Lex Luthor's expression changed on the spot.

Offer your allegiance? Fuck me, the other party is clearly going to accept me as a younger brother!

"Are you kidding me!"

"How can my majestic Lex Luthor be willing to be subordinated?"

"Go dream!"


Without any hesitation.

Lex Luthor rejected Xiaoqian's request on the spot, then turned around and left.

But before leaving, he did not forget to say something meaningful to Xiaoqian and Diana: "You two, America is no better than China, especially in New York, where the crime rate is so high that no one can tell Will I encounter gangsters or the like, so I advise you, it is better to be careful!"


It was obvious that he was threatening Bai Xiaofei's family.

on this...

Of course, the two women dismissed them. Although their strength was not decisive, they should not be underestimated. Even Da Chao could be easily knocked down if he was not careful, let alone some ordinary criminals? The other party had better not run into them, otherwise the two women would definitely teach each other how to behave every minute.

And their attitude.

In Lex Luthor's view, it has become a kind of provocation and contempt.

This made Lex Luthor, who was already extremely depressed, even more furious, and immediately decided to teach the other party an unforgettable lesson in order to retaliate for the other party's contempt for him. But he was not a reckless person, although he was very angry, he didn't explode immediately, but left Bai Xiaofei's house with a smile on his face.

at the same time……

Lex Luthor's brain also began to work rapidly.

Almost instantly, he came up with a brilliant idea, which was to kidnap Bai Xiaofei's daughter, Xiao Bailei. As long as he had this most critical hostage, he would not believe that Bai Xiaofei would not hand over the kryptonite.

After making up his mind, Lex Luthor immediately ordered: "Kitty, let's go to Holy Trinity Kindergarten!"


Kitty was puzzled and said, "What are we doing there?"

Although this beauty has an extremely graceful figure and has been with Lex Luthor for a long time, her IQ is really a little low. If it were someone else, she would probably immediately understand what Lex Luthor was going to do, but she still didn't know why. The appearance looks cute and cute.

on this...

Lex Luthor is used to it.

In fact, the reason why he was with Kitty was because of the cuteness of the beauty. Otherwise, when two extremely smart people are together, they don't need to say anything, and they only need to look at each other to understand what the other person wants to do. This is too boring. How can there be a sense of accomplishment when being with a stupid and cute beauty?

Probably this is the so-called "complementary".


Hearing this, Lex Luthor suddenly smiled sinisterly, and explained: "Since the other party refuses to hand over the kryptonite to us, then we are enemies, and I will not be lenient when dealing with enemies. My instinct tells me that whether it is Bai Xiaofei , or his two wives, they are not ordinary people, otherwise the killers sent before would not surrender themselves to the police station for no reason!"

"It is obviously a very unwise choice to act rashly without knowing the opponent's strength, so I can only focus on their daughter."

"It's just a kid in his teens, you should be able to handle it, right?"


In the end.

Lex Luthor looked at Kitty fixedly, with an expectant expression on his face.


Kitty was speechless for a moment.

She never expected that Lex Luthor would not let the children go, and she really despised the other party in her heart, but who made him the boss, so although Kitty felt a little disdainful, she still had to act against her conscience. The head agreed to Lex Luthor's request, and replied: "Okay, leave the little girl's question to me, and promise to complete the task!"

"very good!"

"After that's done, we'll have a round at the old place!"

"Wish you all the best!"


Lex Luthor smiled and kissed Kitty on the cheek.

Later, when passing by a certain street, Lex Luthor let Kitty get out of the car, and then walked away, separated from Kitty, and went about their own affairs.


Time flies.

In a blink of an eye, night began to fall.

Holy Trinity Kindergarten finally ushered in the bell for school dismissal. Groups of children began to rush to the school gate and left the kindergarten under the pick-up and escort of their parents, relatives and friends. Little Jason and Little Bai Lei were no exception, but Little Jason was picked up, but Little Bai Lei was not, because her parents were busy with "work" and had no time to pick up Little Bai Lei.


Those are all excuses to fool people.

In fact, the real reason is that with Xiao Bailei's strength and mentality, there is no need for her parents to pick her up. At the same time, it can also create more time for her to contact and play with Xiao Jason. It can be said to be the best of both worlds. Therefore, Xiao Bailei is also accustomed to this phenomenon of no one picking up and dropping off. She is not at all depressed or unhappy, but rather likes it.

However, there seems to be a little surprise today.

Just when Richard was picking up little Jason and was about to pick him up with little Bai Lei, the beautiful Kitty, who had changed into another outfit, appeared in front of little Bai Lei, and said to her with a smile: "Lei Lei, hello, I'm Kitty, your father's assistant, and I'm here to pick you up after school."

While talking.

Also took out a small notebook.

There is a photo above, the two people in it are Bai Xiaofei, Xiaoqian, Diana, and Kitty herself. Moreover, there is even a young child in the photo who looks somewhat similar to Xiao Bai Lei. Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that it should be Xiao Bai Lei's appearance when she was a child.

Richard, who was next to him, naturally noticed Kitty and the photo displayed in her hand.

Originally, he was a little wary. After all, Richard had never heard of Bai Xiaofei having any assistants. What if this woman is a liar and a child abductor? But after seeing the photo, Richard couldn't help but relax a lot from his vigilance, then smiled and greeted Kitty.


"You should be the lead of Richard from Planet Daily, right? Mr. Bai often mentioned you to me, saying that you are a very good person, and..."

"Unexpectedly, you are more handsome than the rumors!"


Kitty spoke embarrassingly.

Since she came to kidnap little Bai Lei, she would naturally do some homework in advance. Whether it's the photos in her hands, or the information about Richard and others' identities, personalities, hobbies, etc., they are all part of the preparation work in advance. Obviously, although she is a bit cute, she is not stupid or stupid, especially after staying with a character like Lex Luthor for a long time, Kitty still has some tricks and so on.

Coupled with her natural beauty, it is easy to give people a good impression.

So Richard who came and went slowly relaxed his vigilance, but he was still a little uncertain about the identity of the other party. In the end, for insurance purposes, Richard decided to call Bai Xiaofei and ask if there was such a thing. If the other party really belonged to Bai Xiaofei Assistant, of course everything is fine.

It's a pity that Bai Xiaofei is currently in the mirror space, busy upgrading the Gemini, so of course Richard's phone call cannot be made. But at the critical moment when Richard was in a dilemma, wondering whether he should trust Kitty or not, and handed over Xiao Bai Lei to her to pick her up, Xiao Bai Lei's cute big eyes suddenly rolled around, followed by a hug. Live Kitty.

"Uncle Richard!"

Little Bailei looked at Richard with a smile, and said bluntly, "Since Aunt Kitty has come to pick me up, then I won't go back with you, I'm going to find my father!"

A look that seems to be very familiar with Kitty.


And see this situation.

Richard couldn't help being slightly taken aback, and smiled wryly in his heart, "It seems that I'm thinking too much!"


He completely let go of his vigilance.

After a few polite words with little Bai Lei, he took little Jason and left Holy Trinity Kindergarten.

And a little confused and puzzled, why did Xiao Bai Lei cooperate so well? Kitty Belle, seeing her goal achieved, didn't care about other things at the moment, and immediately took Xiao Bai Lei to hail a taxi, and then went to He galloped all the way to the agreed meeting place with Lex Luthor.

Poor Kitty, she didn't notice at all that the innocent-looking little loli next to her had a faintly sly smile on her innocent and lovely face, and the big, constantly turning big In the eyes, from time to time, there are strands of bright and clean light.


All this has long been seen through by her.

Xiao Bailei is just playing tricks, knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, she will go to the mountains with tigers!


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