The Storm God

Chapter 1588 Lolita is justice! (Please subscribe!)


Kitty brought Xiao Bai Lei and Lex Luthor together.

But at this time, beside Lex Luthor, there were more than a dozen men and women of all kinds, all of whom didn't seem to be very kind, and they looked very difficult to mess with. According to Kitty's understanding of Lex Luthor for many years, these people should be the best of all kinds of talents that Lex Luthor recruited from the society to help.

"who are you?"

Before Kitty could speak, Xiao Bai Lei, who had no fear at all, was the first to ask.

Moreover, he hit the nail on the head, and directly approached Lex Luthor, the big boss. Such a performance, of course, immediately attracted Lex Luthor's attention. He thought that Bai Xiaofei's daughter would be easy to deal with, but now it seems that, The situation seems to be a little different from what I expected.

"Little girl!"

Lex Luthor looked at Little Bai Lei curiously, and asked with a smile, "Aren't you afraid of us?"

If it were an ordinary little girl who found out that she was cheated and surrounded by strangers, she would probably be terrified, but Xiao Bailei was completely different. Like discovering something interesting and new, this kind of performance really surprised Lex Luthor and others.

"Why should I be afraid?"

After hearing Lex Luthor's words, little Bai Lei tilted her head, showing a very cute look, blinking her bright and huge eyes, and said cutely: "Are you scary? Or is your strength very powerful?" Strong? I don't think so! Compared to my dad's monster brothers, you are all low!"

Lex Luthor: "..."

Kitty and the others were also stunned on the spot.

The beautiful little girl who looked like a little princess in front of her was so weird in her thinking and behavior, far beyond their imagination, they couldn't help being stunned in place.

But they quickly recovered. After all, Xiao Bailei was just a child. As a notorious criminal and villain, who would care about a child? Even Lex Luthor, who is as wise as a monster, is no exception. Of course... some guys with weird tempers, extremely violent, and hitting people at every turn are not counted.

And Lex Luthor would not find such a guy as his teammate, because such a guy is prone to problems.

Closer to home.

After Lex Luthor recovered.

She glanced at Xiao Bailei in surprise, then smiled and said: "It's fine if you're not afraid, that's right, I have something to talk to your father about, but he's too busy and doesn't have time, so I can only invite you here. I believe that after your father knows that you are here with me, he will contact us and cooperate soon."

"During this time, you and Kitty!"

"How about it?"


Lex Luthor looked like a big bad wolf right now, but unfortunately, Little Bai Lei was not Little Red Riding Hood. She looked at the dozen or so people around her, and immediately showed a very disdainful expression on her face. He pouted his lips and said, "It's not that good. The reason why I came here with you was that I thought I would have some fun. I didn't expect you to have such a thing. It's really disappointing!"

While talking.

He also shook his head very distressed and frustrated.

After seeing this scene, Lex Luthor and the others were stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but say again: "..."

My heart said, what's the situation with this little girl?

Isn't it normal?

A group of people looked at each other with bewildered and puzzled faces, and then burst out laughing, not taking Xiao Bailei's words seriously. After all, children's minds are different from those of adults, and they can be described as unconstrained. It is understandable to think of strange thoughts and behaviors once they come out.

Lex Luthor still had business to do, so naturally he didn't have the extra thought to say anything to little Bai Lei. Losing his patience, he immediately winked at Kitty, meaning: "Hurry up and take this little girl away, we will discuss future plans later, no outsiders can be present."

Kitty understood.

Pulling Xiao Bai Lei, she was about to leave.

But Xiao Bailei snorted coldly, stared at her eyes and said: "I won't go, you guys are meaningless, I'm going back!"


He shook his hand vigorously.

Little Bailei was held by Kitty's little hand, and she easily broke free from Kitty's shackles, turned around and left.

The series of movements were astonishingly fast, and he walked a long way in the blink of an eye.

And this time...

Lex Luthor and the others finally reacted.

"Catch her!"

"We can't let her get away, or our plans will all go to waste!"

"What are you doing in a daze, hurry up!"


Lex Luthor nearly exploded in frustration.

If a dignified super criminal can't even look down on a child, it would really be embarrassing if it spreads out.

The dozen or so subordinates around immediately took action upon hearing the words.


Not all of them shot.

The environment everyone is in is a deserted factory. The factory workshop is very empty, and there are not many equipment and sundries. The surrounding situation can be said to be clear at a glance. Just a child, even if you are allowed to run, how far can you run? This is like killing a chicken with a sledgehammer. If a few people can go up and get it done, everyone will not be foolish enough to take action.

It was three men and a tough woman who caught people.

Among the crowd, they are the least capable, so they also have the least right to speak and status. They are naturally responsible for such roles as running errands. And the current task is just to catch a child who wants to escape, and they don't care at all, even if four people make a move, they think there are too many people.


They don't think so very quickly.

If it is an ordinary child, perhaps one or two people is enough to deal with it, but is Xiao Bai Lei an ordinary person? That is a superman who perfectly inherited the power of Thor!

Seeing that the other party was steadfast and refused to let her leave, Xiao Bai Lei immediately lost her temper.


"This is what you forced me to do!"

"You can't blame me!"


Seeing two burly men approaching her, Xiao Bailei immediately smiled brightly, her eyes were full of excitement and excitement, and she said to herself, "It's hard to come out here, so you can't just return empty-handed, right? These guys Although it’s extremely weak, it’s better than nothing, right?”

"Come on and practice your hands!"


In the kindergarten these days, little Bai Lei often played with little Jason. And the two children are both supermen with extraordinary powers, so the items they play are naturally different from those of ordinary children, such as the competition of strength, the use of abilities, etc. Of course, all of these are carried out It is very concealed, otherwise it will be troublesome if someone finds out.

But in many competitions, Xiao Bai Lei loses more than wins, and Xiao Jason, who has perfectly inherited all the abilities of Da Chao, is stronger than Xiao Bai Lei in almost every ability except being unable to summon lightning. , and even has some abilities that little Bai Lei doesn't have at all, such as super vision, super hearing, super breathing, and so on.

Although Little Jason hasn't fully developed his own power, but as the son of Superman and a perfect hybrid, his potential is immeasurable. The speed at which Jason's strength increased was incredible.

He caught up to Xiao Bai Lei's level in a very short period of time, and even faintly showed signs of catching up.

All this can't help but make little Bailei a little frustrated. Although children don't have the desire to compare, they still have a bit of a desire to win. Seeing that little Jason is getting better and better, even surpassing herself, Xiao Bailei is depressed and at the same time embarrassed to find Bai Xiaofei, she just wants to improve herself with her own efforts.


After seeing through Kitty's abduction.

Xiao Bailei didn't expose it on the spot, but chose to play tricks, the purpose is to vent. In the end, I found that the opponent was just such a small person, and he was weaker than him. He didn't fight with one hand at all, so he lost interest on the spot. Instead of wasting time here, it's better to go home and talk to parents, or children Jason was so much fun playing together.

However, these guys don't know what to do, and they still don't let me go, and they want to catch me!

Can she bear it?

Little Bai Lei not only possesses the power of Thunder God, but also perfectly inherited the arrogance and warlike heart of being an Asa god. So Xiao Bai Lei, who originally wanted to expose this point, saw the other party's reluctance, she immediately gave up her heart, and decided to have fun with these guys, and let them know that what is lolita is justice!




Poor two burly men came to Xiao Bailei and were about to grab someone, when they felt dizzy for a while, and they didn't react yet, Xiao Bailei was holding him one at a time, and he came straight to a hundred and eight She fell over her shoulder ten times and lay straight on the ground. She was in severe pain and couldn't get up again.


Seeing this scene, Lex Luthor and others were dumbfounded and dumbstruck.

Each one is full of unbelievable expressions.

Jaw dropped.


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