The Storm God

Chapter 1589 Neutrino Pulse! (Please subscribe!)


"What happened just now? Why did they fall down? Is it my eyes, or am I dreaming?"

"How could a child..."


It's not that Lex Luthor and others haven't seen the big world.

For an existence as strong as Superman, they have all seen each other's abilities with their own eyes, so there is no doubt about their inner quality. But after all, Xiao Bailei was just a child, and in the blink of an eye, he threw two burly men like rag dolls, so that he couldn't get up. Such a thing was a bit too shocking.

And such a picture, they can't help but let them contact a person, that is Superman! Because apart from Superman, they have never seen anyone who can easily throw a big man like a toy to play with, and Xiao Bailei not only did it, but also seemed to be very relaxed, with a fundamentally He didn't try his best.

This moment.

Everyone couldn't help wondering: "Could it be that this little girl is Superman's daughter?!"

As everyone knows...

Although little Bai Lei is not a child of Superman.

But its strength is not inferior to Superman's son Jason Jr., and even in some respects, it is far superior to him.

"Everyone be careful!"

Lex Luthor was worthy of being a famous villain, one of Superman's old enemies, his mind was abnormal, he quickly recovered from the shock, and then began to dispatch troops to direct everyone to deal with Xiao Bai Lei. In his opinion, even if little Bai Lei is a child of Superman, there is nothing to be afraid of.

After all, he is just a child!

His mind is far less mature than that of an adult, not to mention that Lex Luthor still has some secret weapons inherited from Kryptonian crystal technology.

Therefore, they can be said to be confident.


Lex Luthor still takes good care of his girlfriend.

While ordering everyone to deal with Xiao Bailei, he also reminded her to hide aside, so as not to be accidentally injured by the battle between the two sides.

Regardless of Kitty's situation.

the other side.

More than a dozen men and women held weapons one after another, and started a confrontation with Xiao Bailei.

Among them, only a limited number of two have weapons made by Lex Luthor based on Kryptonian technology, and the rest of them are still holding ordinary firearms, including pistols, rifles, even AKs, and heavy firearms. Bazooka, etc., in order to deal with Superman, their equipment can be said to be quite comprehensive.

Seeing so.

Naturally, Xiao Bai Lei would not be polite to them.

With a thought in her mind, Thor's Hammer immediately appeared in Xiao Bailei's hands like magic.

In addition to advocating force, Asgard is also popular in magic, such as Loki, who is the representative and leader among them. And as Bai Xiaofei's goddaughter, he certainly wouldn't let his children be biased. While teaching little Bailei hammering martial arts, he also didn't leave behind the education of magic.

Compared with Thor, our Xiao Gongju is obviously more powerful. It can be said that he has a complete cultivation of magic and martial arts, and his combat power is unparalleled.


Little Bai Lei obviously prefers direct combat.

I don't know whether it is due to nature, or it is derived from the genetic influence of her biological father (Thor), the magic that Bai Xiaofei gave her is mostly used by Xiao Bailei to store her hammer, and other conveniences only It can be said that there are very few magics used for fighting.

Closer to home.

With Thor's Hammer in hand, Xiao Bai Lei became even more excited. It seemed to be able to sense the mood of its master, and it also became excited. While buzzing, layers of lightning and thunder were released from its body. I was dumbfounded.

follow closely……

Just heard a "boom".

A horrific flash of lightning flashed, and the poor man turned into a roast chicken, his hair exploded everywhere, and his whole body was scorched black. He looked very miserable! Fortunately, Xiao Bailei didn't have the intention to kill, otherwise, with her strength and the ability of Thor's Hammer, she would have killed her to the brim.


Another man was closer to the "roasted chicken".

Seeing the companions around him suddenly turned into this appearance, I felt a sense of fear in my heart, while screaming in horror, I kept moving closer to the companions around me.


He just didn't take two steps.

Thor's Hammer rushed towards him like lightning, knocking him unconscious.

Not only that.

In the disbelieving eyes of Lex Luthor and others.

After Thor's Hammer knocked the man unconscious, it turned around suddenly, as if it had its own consciousness and will, and rushed towards the nearest woman, and then faced the crazy shooting of the AK in the opponent's hand, "crack "With a sound, at the same time as hitting the woman into the air, he even smashed the AK gun in his hand to pieces!

Poor Lex Luthor's three subordinates rushed to the street to collect the boxed lunch before they could figure out what was going on.

But Xiao Bailei became more and more excited as she fought.


Thor's hammer flew backwards.

It just so happened that the other gangsters also discovered the location where Xiao Bailei was hiding, and immediately charged forward with weapons in hand.

The corner of Xiao Bailei's mouth turned up, and she said with a smile: "Be careful of the passing vehicles when crossing the road!" The next moment, the two men who were rushing over were directly caught by a huge container on the side. Knocked away. And the instigator, of course, was Thor's Hammer under Xiao Bai Lei's instigation.

Little Bailei got excited about playing, once she got a hit, she immediately fled away, and played hide and seek with everyone again. One reason is that she is just a child after all, and she is more playful, not as simple and straightforward as adults. Another reason was that among those men who came to capture Xiao Bai Lei, two of them gave her a very bad feeling.

Her intuition told herself that if she underestimated the enemy, she might capsize in the gutter.


For safety reasons.

Xiao Bailei finally chose this way of fighting, which is both safe and fun, and it can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

However, she was happy, but Lex Luthor and the others were about to cry. Because as time went by, little Bailei had nothing to do, but their injuries became more and more serious. In this short period of time, they were taken aback by Xiao Bailei who used various means to bring down seven or eight of them.


"What is the origin of this little girl? Not only does she have superhuman strength, but she can also control lightning?"

"And the hammer in her hand is obviously not an ordinary thing!"

"The situation is very bad!"


the other side.

Seeing that his men were more than half injured in an instant, Lex Luthor was startled and anxious.

Others may misunderstand that Xiao Bai Lei is the child of Superman, but Lex Luthor does not think so, because he has fought against Superman many times, and Lex Luthor knows very well that Superman is definitely not a Chinese. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for Xiao Bailei to be the daughter of Superman, unless someone is cheated on.

But that's obviously unlikely.


This is not the crux of the problem now.

The most important thing is how to catch Xiao Bai Lei. If this continues, when all the subordinates are on the street, it will probably be his and Kitty's turn next. Lex Luthor didn't want this, so he had no choice but to grit his teeth and shout to his subordinates: "Gith, now is the time, use our secret weapon!"


Keith on the other side was overjoyed when he heard the words.

Then without hesitation, he opened the safety device of the secret weapon in his hand, and then immediately turned off the switch.

at the same time.

Xiao Bai Lei naturally also heard Lex Luthor's order.

She felt a little bad. Although she didn't know what the secret weapon in the opponent's hand was, Xiao Bailei understood one thing, that is, never give the opponent a chance to release a big move, otherwise she would definitely suffer. So after confirming who said Gies among the crowd, she immediately threw Thor's Hammer in her hand.

Needless to say, the speed of Thor's Hammer is definitely faster than lightning.

The secret weapon in Gith's hand was hit by Thor's Hammer as soon as he pressed the switch. Before the weapon system could be activated, it exploded on the spot and shattered into countless wreckage. At the same time, a special energy Then it exploded, and Gith himself was directly blasted out.


Little Bai Lei breathed a sigh of relief.

He secretly said in his heart: "It's so dangerous, I almost let the other party succeed, it's really a close call!"

I haven't finished feeling.


A huge dizziness suddenly hit his head.

Xiao Bailei intuitively felt her brain roaring, and the sky was spinning, and one of them couldn't stand up, but fell to the ground directly, and couldn't get up no matter what.

She tried to control Thor's hammer to fly back to her side to protect herself. But... the dizziness in the brain was too domineering, Xiao Bailei gritted her teeth tenaciously, and after trying hard, she still couldn't resist the dizziness that hit her like a stormy sea, and passed out completely.

the other side.

When Lex Luthor and the others saw that little Bai Lei hadn't moved for a long time, they immediately showed complacent expressions. Following the boss' signal, the two younger brothers immediately rushed forward and tied up little Bai Lei. And what they used was not ordinary ropes, but special shackles.


"Little girl, play with me, you are too young."


Lex Luthor walked up to the unconscious little Bai Lei, and explained with a smile: "Gith is just the bait I shouted, and the neutrino pulse weapon in Myron's hand is my real trump card. The pulse can stop the electronic activity in the brain for a moment, unless it is protected by armor, even Superman can't hold it, let alone you!"

"I originally used this secret weapon to deal with Superman, but I didn't expect you to taste it first."

"By the way, you, Bai Xiaofei and others, what secrets do you have?"

"Could it be an alien too?"


After some melee just now.

Lex Luthor's attention has obviously shifted from Superman to Xiao Bai Lei's ability, and the more mysterious Bai Xiaofei and others. Of course... there is also the Thor's Hammer that does not conform to the laws of physics at all. It was as if a new continent had been discovered, and my heart was full of curiosity and desire for knowledge.


They are struggling.

Because Lex Luthor and others found out depressingly that Thor's Hammer couldn't be picked up at all.

Everyone: "..."


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