The Storm God

Chapter 1590 Luther's Call! (Please subscribe!)

Manhattan House.

In the mirror space created by Bai Xiaofei.

The mirror space belongs to a special space dimension, which is similar to reality, but completely different and irrelevant to each other. But here, whether it is space, time, center of gravity, gravity, etc., all the rules are formulated by Bai Xiaofei. To put it simply, in the mirror space, Bai Xiaofei is almost equal to an omnipotent god.


His operations are limited to the mirror space itself.

Like other things in the space, that's another matter. After all, this is just space magic, not domains and small worlds. Bai Xiaofei's control is still very limited.

Upgrading the Saint Cloth is obviously not an easy job, but in order to save space, Bai Xiaofei naturally adjusted the flow of time in the mirrored space. One day passed outside, but here it is only one hour, which is also what Bai Xiaofei can achieve Extreme operation, unless his magic state can be improved again.

In the outside world, almost a day has passed.

But in the special environment of the mirror space, Bai Xiaofei almost spent a busy and fulfilling month.

Hard work pays off, after these hours of continuous transformation and improvement, Bai Xiaofei finally completed the upgrade design of the Gemini Saint Cloth. Not only did it replace its energy power core with the green energy crystal of the Atlantis family, but even the overall functions and system context, as well as enchanted inscriptions, etc., were all modified.

The upgraded Gemini Gold Saint Cloth has a more noble appearance. The whole body is golden and gorgeous, and it is matched with the green energy crystal full of vitality. The two complement each other perfectly. Humans, and at the same time, their power, compared to the original, is also more powerful, with a leap in quality and quantity.

Take the simplest example.


Bai Xiaofei was wearing a Gemini.

It is also necessary to use space gems, power gems, and even artifacts such as the Star Breaker Hammer to fight Thanos without losing. And now... After the upgrade of the Gemini Gold Saint Cloth, even if Bai Xiaofei doesn't have the Space Gem, the Power Gem, the Star Breaker Hammer and other artifacts, with the power of the new Saint Cloth alone, he can resist Thanos' full attack.

From this, it can be seen how much the improvement of the Gemini Golden Saint Cloth is.


The most important thing is that Bai Xiaofei himself has also become stronger.

Otherwise, no matter how strong the Saint Cloth is, if it falls into the hands of a good-for-nothing idiot, it will be impossible to fully display its power. Only in the hands of the right person can it be even more powerful.

Closer to home.

If you want to say that the root of the greatest improvement of the Gemini Saint Cloth is not these external factors, but its internal factors. You must know that the green energy crystal from the Atlantis family has the power to give life upgrades to dead things and the power of will. Although its power is not comparable to Marvel's Mind Gem, it has the ability to give other dead things will consciousness , but not at all.

As long as Bai Xiaofei is willing.

He can use the green energy crystal at any time as a soul gem to create countless illusions.

However, considering that there are certain dangers in doing so, if not done, these consciousnesses will become independent and independent, like Ultron, and betray themselves. So even though Bai Xiaofei was very excited, he still suppressed this idea. He didn't rush to give the Saint Cloth full will and consciousness, but designed a special emotional program on it.

This program can absorb and simulate the habit and spiritual will of the wearer to achieve the purpose of learning and perfecting himself. Bai Xiaofei can check the completion level of this program at any time. If there are no accidents or dangers, he will unlock its seal and release it , making it fully integrated with the Holy Cloth of Gemini to become a complete existence.

Simply put.

It is to really let the holy cloth have its soul and consciousness.

After all, Gemini is the first Saint Cloth upgraded and built by Bai Xiaofei. Although there are no technical problems, other functions, especially the problem of endowing the Saint Cloth with consciousness, have yet to be inspected and verified, so as not to make any troubles. So Bai Xiaofei was not in a hurry to upgrade all the holy clothes.

He plans to wait for the Gemini to use it for a period of time and confirm that there are no problems before conducting a comprehensive promotion and mass production.

And now...

What Bai Xiaofei wants to do most.

Just put on the Holy Cloth of Gemini and experience its enhanced power.

With Bai Xiaofei's strength and the strength of the Gemini Saint Cloth, ordinary people can't get into Bai Xiaofei's eyes at all. It's not that Bai Xiaofei looks down on people, but that the other party can't bear such a great power. Bai Xiaofei doesn't even You need to exert all your strength, even with a light tap, you can kill a large area, how can you try this?

The first thing he thought of was the most powerful and powerful existence in the local world-Superman Clark.

And only Superman can act as a Gemini experimenter.

Like Xiaoqian and Diana.


The most stern red queen, all three of them can't do it!

The difference in strength is one aspect. The main reason is that they are all Bai Xiaofei's family members. Bai Xiaofei simply can't make a move. He is always afraid that the attack will be too heavy and hurt the other party. How can we try this? Unlike Superman Clark, Bai Xiaofei didn't know him very well, he wasn't even considered a friend, so he didn't have to worry about that at all, he just beat him hard, even if he got hurt, he just wanted to bask in the sun casually.

Only in this way can we really test out where the limit of the upgraded Gemini is.

After making up my mind.

Bai Xiaofei put away everything and exited the mirror space.

At this time, the real world is just after 8:00 p.m., Xiaoqian and Diana are cooking in the kitchen, and Huniuer is like an uncle, sitting in the living room watching a boring soap opera. Even when he saw Bai Xiaofei appearing, he just greeted him lightly, with a very cold look on his face.


I looked around.

Bai Xiaofei didn't see Xiao Bailei's figure, so he couldn't help wondering: "Where is Leilei, did you go to Richard's house to play with Little Jason?"

"have no idea!"

The red queen stared at the TV intently.

He said lightly: "Anyway, I didn't see her when I came back, so I guess so, why don't I go to you and ask."


When Bai Xiaofei heard this, he was speechless.

Xin said: "Damn! You are her real mother, is there such a mother as you?"

A certain person has long been accustomed to the Red Queen's unreliability, so he is no stranger to it. Although he is extremely depressed, he still decides to go to Richard's house to see the situation. After all, girls are extroverted, so I have to guard against them. It is said that children in the United States are more precocious, so what if Lei Lei is captured by Little Jason? Is it possible to take all Richard's family away? !


Even if little Jason has no objection.

It is estimated that Louise and Superman Clark will not agree.

"Ring ring ring!"

Just as Bai Xiaofei was about to leave the room and went to Richard's house to look for Xiao Bailei, the phone in the living room suddenly rang. The Red Queen turned a blind eye, continued to watch her own boring soap opera, ate popcorn, and acted as if it had nothing to do with her. Bai Xiaofei had no choice but to turn around and walk over to answer the call.


His face changed on the spot.

Because the call was from Lex Luthor, and the first sentence he opened his mouth was: "Bai Xiaofei, your daughter is in my hands now..."


I haven't finished listening yet.

The phone in his hand was crushed to pieces by the furious Bai Xiaofei.

"what's the situation?"

Sensing that there seemed to be something wrong with the situation here, Queen Hong frowned and couldn't help but ask. It's just... the current Bai Xiaofei, his heart is already filled with anger, how can he even care about her. I saw Bai Xiaofei suppressing the anger that was about to erupt, and said lightly: "It's okay, I'll go out for a while, and I'll be right back!"

The voice did not fall.

The whole person has already rushed out of the room quickly, making the red queen very angry. When the unwilling Queen Hong ran to Richard's house and wanted to ask what happened to Bai Xiaofei, Bai Xiaofei had already cast the Flying Thunder God Technique and teleported directly to Xiaobai who was imprisoned by Lex Luthor and others. Lei is here.


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