The Storm God

Chapter 1591 Revenge with naked wings! (Please subscribe!)

A secret stronghold.

A group of big men are drinking, chatting and spanking.

And in a small room not far from them was Little Bai Lei who had fallen into a coma. At this moment, a special helmet device was installed on Xiao Bailei's body. The neutrino pulses in it could make Xiao Bailei fall into a coma for a long time, preventing Xiao Bailei from waking up suddenly and attacking everyone.

After seeing the powerful strength of Little Bai Lei, Lex Luthor and others naturally did not dare to neglect in the slightest, and directly used the strongest means to deal with Superman.

As for Little Bai Lei's Thor's Hammer...

All right.

This question is obviously not a problem for Lex Luthor, who is as wise as a demon.

Seeing that everyone couldn't pick up Thor's Hammer, Lex Luthor directly ordered someone to lift Xiao Bai Lei over, and then used Xiao Bai Lei's palm to hold Thor's Hammer, so that he could easily pick it up . With such a scene, Lex Luthor's eyes suddenly brightened, and he said secretly: "What a powerful weapon, it even has its own identification, maybe it can be used to deal with Superman!"


After getting Xiao Bai Lei done.

Lex Luthor organized the most powerful scientific research team to carry out various researches on Thor's Hammer. At the same time, in order to get the kryptonite in Bai Xiaofei's hands, Lex Luthor also called Bai Xiaofei himself, but what was hard was that before he finished speaking, he was forcibly "hanged up" by Bai Xiaofei.

"what's the situation?"

Listen to the busy tone on the phone.

Lex Luthor's face was bewildered, this is completely unreasonable, could it be that Bai Xiaofei doesn't care about his daughter's comfort?

But I don't know, how can Bai Xiaofei be measured by common sense!


After a teleport.

Bai Xiaofei, who performed the Flying Thunder God Technique, immediately appeared beside Xiao Bailei.

As Bai Xiaofei's goddaughter, Xiao Bailei naturally possesses the space technique that Bai Xiaofei personally carved, so that whether it is searching, locating, or rescuing, it can be done in an instant, so as not to miss the opportunity. So... After confirming that Xiao Bailei was indeed missing, Bai Xiaofei activated the Flying Thunder God Technique without any hesitation.


Seeing the unconscious little Bai Lei.

Bai Xiaofei's expression was instantly moved, his eyes were full of pity and guilt, he secretly blamed himself for still underestimating Lex Luthor, so that today's accident happened to Xiao Bailei. At the same time, his hands were not idle, and he shot directly, dismantling the neutrino pulse device on Xiao Bailei's head with incomparable arrogance.

Just a glance.

With extremely tyrannical mental power, he analyzed the composition and principle of the device in his hand almost instantly.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being slightly startled, and secretly exclaimed: "It turned out to be a neutrino pulse! With the current social environment and technological strength of this world, it seems that there is no such technology? Could it be that Lex Luthor used Krypton's Created by technology? As expected of Dachao's old enemy, he really has two brushes!"

Bai Xiaofei also knows something about Krypton's technology.

During the period of upgrading the Gemini Saint Cloth, Bai Xiaofei browsed Krypton's technology in his spare time to see if there was anything that could help him, and even improve his background. The neutrino pulse happened to be one of them, but because the structure was too complicated, Bai Xiaofei didn't place it on the Gemini holy cloth.

Bai Xiaofei never expected that in such a short period of time, Lex Luthor not only understood this technology thoroughly, but also optimized and improved it.

As for Lex Luthor's intelligence, he couldn't help raising it to another level.

It really should not be underestimated at all!


such technology.

For Bai Xiaofei, it was completely ineffective.

One is because Bai Xiaofei's strength is too strong, his own resistance is far higher than that of ordinary people, even Superman, and his mental power is also above the extraordinary, and his current body is a Zhenjin clone, It's not a physical body in the traditional sense. Its own special structure and essence alone can completely block the attack of neutrino pulses.

As for whether Lex Luthor has other means and cards, it's hard to say.

Closer to home.

After removing the device on Xiao Bailei's head.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Xiaofei used his spiritual force to restore Xiao Bailei's brain activity, making her wake up quickly.


After Xiao Bai Lei woke up.

Seeing that the person in front of him was Bai Xiaofei, he was overjoyed.

Then his face darkened, and he bowed his head and said guiltily: "I'm sorry, Daddy, I was too careless, and in the end, you came here to save me..."

"Silly boy!"

Bai Xiaofei patted Xiao Bailei's head with a wry smile, and said: "There's nothing to be sorry about, I'm your father, if I don't save you, who will save you? And this matter itself is not your fault, if you You have to blame Daddy, he didn't protect you well, Daddy should be the one who should apologize!"


Little Bai Lei wanted to say something else.

At this time, a group of big men who heard the movement in the house rushed towards the hut with weapons in their hands.

Bai Xiaofei, who is extremely sensitive, naturally sensed the situation outside, and then made a gesture of silence to Xiao Bailei, and said with a smile: "Leilei, don't be so bad, now those guys are rushing over, let's see what Daddy will do for you!" If you take revenge and bully my family's Lei Lei, Daddy will definitely make them pay a heavy price!"

at the same time.

The vast and majestic mental power instantly swept out like a stormy sea. The poor hut turned into endless debris on the spot, and then under the control of Bai Xiaofei's spiritual power, it turned into a circular shock wave, directly sweeping away all the big men rushing towards this side.


A group of burly men.

Without any resistance, it was like encountering a torrential flood on the spot, and it was directly thrown upside down by the impact. Wherever their figures passed, except for some very heavy metal equipment, which could still remain intact, everything else was almost smashed into pieces on the spot.

Pity these big men, when the impact of the storm of spiritual power stopped completely, they turned into hedgehogs one by one, covered with various debris and wreckage, blood pouring in, and it was miserable. With such horrific injuries, it seemed impossible to survive, and some of them even lost their lives completely as early as the beginning of the impact.

As for Bai Xiaofei and Xiao Bailei, they walked out from the wreckage of the hut unscathed.


"Are you satisfied with the result?"


Bai Xiaofei asked with a smile.


Xiao Bailei nodded heavily.

Then he frowned and said: "But the most hateful guy is not here, and my hammer is not here. They probably took it away. Let me feel it!"


Immediately closed his eyes.

Xiao Bailei began to calm down to understand the location of Thor's Hammer.


She opened her eyes.

Then pointing to a certain direction in the distance, said: "Daddy, it's over there!"


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

Immediately, she picked up Xiao Bai Lei, flew up, and flew towards that direction.

at the same time.

A secret research center.

A group of people were doing all kinds of research back and forth on Thor's Hammer, but suddenly, the pointer on the instrument jumped crazily. Although it only lasted for less than half a minute, it still aroused people watching from the sidelines. Lex Luthor's attention. He hurried over and asked, "What happened just now?"

"have no idea!"

"The hammer seemed to be activated just now, but it stopped suddenly. We don't know why!"

"Maybe it reacted to some energy?"


The researchers were all stunned.

But Lex Luthor was different. After listening to the other party's explanation, he suddenly had a bold idea, and his face froze instantly, becoming gloomy and frightened.

He was about to turn around and leave here with his daughter Kitty, just in case.

But at this moment.


There was a sudden loud noise from the roof of the research center.

When everyone looked up, they saw Bai Xiaofei and Xiao Bailei, just like a god, descending from the sky majestically, with incomparable domineering aura!

"Lex Luthor!"

Bai Xiaofei locked onto Lex Luthor's position with just one glance, and then said in a gloomy voice: "You dare to threaten me with my daughter and take away Leilei's hammer, you are so brave. Tell me, wait a minute How do you want to compensate Lei Lei? Don't even think about running away, you and Ben have no chance in front of me!"

the other side.

Little Bailei made a small move.

Seeing that Thor's Hammer, which was completely sealed off in the research center, flashed infinite lightning immediately, Ruyan flew back into Xiao Bailei's hands like throwing a forest.


Thor's Hammer in hand.

Xiao Bailei instantly transformed into the God of Thunder mode, adding thunder to her body, and her momentum was overwhelming. The billowing thunder and lightning, even more like a demonstration, destroyed the entire research center in an instant, turning it into a mess of ruins and wreckage. Some of the lightning flashed past Lex Luthor's side dangerously.

So good that Lex Luthor peed his pants in fright!


This is what Xiao Bai Lei did on purpose.

Winged Naked Revenge!


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