The Storm God

Chapter 1592 Surrender or Die! (Please subscribe!)


"Shoot quickly!"



The research center naturally has its guards.

Except for those who were directly buried by the wreckage, the remaining guards, without the orders of the boss Lex Luthor, all spontaneously picked up weapons and attacked Bai Xiaofei and Xiao Bailei. Not to mention, the firepower of these people is quite good, and they even prepared very fierce anti-tank rocket launchers!


For Bai Xiaofei and Xiao Bailei, these things are not even qualified to tickle them.


Pity those gunfire.

Before rushing to Bai Xiaofei and Xiao Bailei, all of Bai Xiaofei's mind power was blocked outside.

Even some of them were bounced back.


The guards suffered heavy casualties.

Almost instantly, he was completely disabled by his own weapon, and the entire army was wiped out.


The two landed.

Came to the terrified Lex Luthor.

Then, under Bai Xiaofei's signal, Xiao Bailei smiled, walked over and placed Thor's Hammer on Lex Luthor's chest. The latter was immediately crushed by Thor's Hammer and could no longer stand up. Immediately after Little Bai Lei took a step forward, stepped on Lex Luthor's body, condescending like a demon, directed at the desperate Lex Luthor, and said with a "grinning grin", "Surrender, or die!"

"I am Sorry!"

Next to it is Lex Luthor's girlfriend, Kitty.

This beauty is quite smart, even if Bai Xiaofei and Xiao Bailei did not target her, at this moment, she did not choose to run away, but stood there obediently, looking at this side full of fear, especially her boyfriend Lake Sluther, with a helpless expression on his face.


Lex Luthor made his choice in a split second.

I saw him suppressing his anger and unwillingness, finally lowered his proud head, and said in a deep voice: "I, I am willing to surrender, please don't kill me!"

It's not that Lex Luthor is cowardly, without the slightest backbone and integrity, but that he is very clear and clear that Bai Xiaofei and Xiao Bailei in front of him are not supermen, unlike most Americans who, even if they commit a serious crime, are not superhuman. He still insisted on the principle of not killing people, if he dared to say "no", the other party would really kill him.

At that time, my life will be gone, and I'm still talking about my integrity!

Being able to bend and stretch is king!


I haven't lived enough yet.

And there are still many ambitions that have not been realized. How could he completely ruin himself because of one failure? That's what idiots do!

Huaxia has a saying that is good - keep the green hills, and you will not be afraid of no firewood!

As long as you are alive, anything is possible!

What is etiquette?

Survival is the most important thing!

Therefore, Lex Luthor immediately chose to surrender without hesitation, planning to save his own life first, and plan slowly for future revenge.

such a pity……

The ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

How could Bai Xiaofei fail to see Lex Luthor's innocence? Hearing that he didn't say anything to little Bai Lei, he just silently bought a slave contract of the highest level from the Time and Space Mall, then threw it to Lex Luthor, and said with a sneer: "Mr. Lex Luthor, morning Why bother today? Since you have chosen to surrender, then sign this contract!"

"This is……?"

Lex Luthor picked up the slave contract with a dazed expression, and his face darkened immediately after he read the contents inside.

"You want me to be a slave?!"

He gritted his teeth and said angrily.


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

His eyes were full of coldness and ruthlessness, and he said in a deep voice: "This is called toasting without eating fine wine. I invited you before, but you didn't agree, and now you dare to hit my daughter's idea, and you still expect me to treat each other with sincerity." Stop dreaming! Lex Luthor, there are only two paths before you, one is to become our slave, and the other is to die immediately!"


"Even if you die, you can never get rid of us!"


The voice just fell.

Bai Xiaofei waved his hand.

The space card flashed, and immediately after the door opened, two advanced intelligent robots walked out, and according to Bai Xiaofei's instructions, one of them who had just died was carried onto the medical table of Medpod 3000. Pulled it back from the kingdom of death.

And this person.

At the beginning of resurrection, it was injected with nanoworm solvent.

After rebirth, although he had life again, he completely lost his freedom and completely became a puppet controlled by Bai Xiaofei.


See the newly resurrected soldiers.

Now he knelt before Bai Xiaofei humbly, with a standard attitude of a diehard.

Lex Luthor was stunned.

"This this……"

He couldn't believe that there was someone in this world who could bring the dead back to life. Could it be that the other party was a god? The most important thing is that the resurrected person will be completely reduced to the other party's slave. This is the most frightening thing. Lex Luthor doesn't want to be such a puppet himself, that would be worse than death.

The beauty Kitty next to her was even more unbearable, because she was too excited to bear the violent impact, and passed out directly.

It's very crisp and neat.


Regardless of how the other party reacts and thinks.

Bai Xiaofei over here smiled and said: "You have also seen the situation just now. I am not afraid to tell you honestly that this is just one of my many methods, which are more terrifying and cruel than this. I have plenty of them. If you don't believe me, you can try it, I guarantee you will be satisfied!"

"Whether to surrender or choose to die, and then be resurrected by me to become a complete puppet, I will give you ten seconds to consider."

"Ten, nine, eight, seven..."


The speed of the countdown is called a fast one.

A certain person was doing it on purpose at first glance, obviously not giving the other party any time to think.

"I agree!"

Seeing that Bai Xiaofei's countdown speed was as fast as chanting sutras, Lex Luthor was so angry that he scolded his mother, wishing to swear at the other party, "Why are you counting down like this!" Strong, unable to fight, unable to run, what can he do? !

In the end, he had no choice but to choose to surrender.

"very good!"

"He who understands the current affairs is a hero, if that is the case, then sign it!"

"Use your own blood!"


Bai Xiaofei ordered.

Lex Luthor didn't dare to neglect, for fear of causing Bai Xiaofei's dissatisfaction, and then killing himself, and turning him into a complete puppet. Although slaves also don't have much freedom, they are better than puppets, at least they have their own subjective consciousness and thoughts . So he quickly bit his own finger, and signed his full name on the slave contract.

The deed is complete.

In a bright brilliance.

The contract document turned into dust and disappeared in an instant. At the same time, in the depths of the souls of Xiao Bai Lei and Lex Luthor, there was an inexplicably strange connection. This was the power of the slave contract. Little Bai Lei is the master, and Lex Luthor is the slave. With just one thought, Little Bai Lei can make Lex Luthor's life worse than death!

Let Lex Luthor become his slave, this is Bai Xiaofei's explanation to Xiao Bailei. One is to relieve Xiao Bai Lei, and the other is to punish Lex Luthor very well. Furthermore, with a military adviser like Lex Luthor who is as wise as a demon by his side, he can also protect his mind and body well. The little Bai Lei who is not very experienced yet.

It can be said to accomplish several things in one fell swoop.


Lex Luthor naturally also felt the special power of the contract, and then his face became completely dark.

He originally thought that the contract document was just like a contract, and he didn't care much about it at all. It was a big deal if it was signed. Who would have imagined that this is not the case at all, the document is actually equivalent to a devil's contract, once signed, it will completely become the slave and puppet of the other party, from now on life and death can not be controlled by oneself, it is all up to others to decide.

This moment.

The despair and horror in Lex Luthor's heart can be imagined, almost breaking through the sky. Recalling the time when Bai Xiaofei came to the castle and asked him to cooperate, Lex Luthor regretted it, and said in his heart: "Shit! If I knew how hard and miserable today is, I should have agreed to him back then!"


It's useless to say anything now.

Money is hard to buy, I knew it earlier, there is no such thing as regret medicine in this world.

I can only accept my fate!


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