The Storm God

Chapter 1657 Blood for Hummer! (Please subscribe!)


After pondering and asking for a while.

Bai Xiaofei has a general understanding of Ge Xiaolun's current situation: the super gene in his body - the power of the galaxy, has been activated, but it has not been activated yet, because the super gene, especially the super gene warrior like Ge Xiaolun who has a divine body, such as Liu Chuang, such as Zhixin, such as Angel Yan, etc., when the super gene is officially activated, will emit an unimaginably huge radiation impact.

And this kind of radiation shock, even a god-level heart can't bear it.


Only when the body dies.

That is to say, after the heart stops beating completely, the super gene system in the body will be officially activated.

And in the anime of the original book, there are similar manifestations, Ge Xiaolun, Liu Chuang, Angel Yan, Zhi Xin, Qilin... all turned on the super genes in their bodies after experiencing death. Others, such as Zhao Xin, Cheng Yaowen, Rui Mengmeng, etc., although they didn't show it in detail, they should be similar. After all, they are the protagonists of the Xiongbing Company, with super god potential, and it is impossible to treat one more than another.


Because of Bai Xiaofei's intrusion.

As a result, Ge Xiaolun did not encounter the previous plot, that is, the fateful encounter with Liu Chuang, so that he died unexpectedly, activating and opening the super gene galaxy power in his body. So considering the future development and the direction of the plot, Bai Xiaofei thought twice and decided that it would be better to send Ge Xiaolun back.

He believes.

Under the inertia of the plot.

Ge Xiaolun will definitely meet Liu Chuang, and both of them will activate the super genes in their bodies. Otherwise, if Ge Xiaolun stays with him all the time, maybe it will change the original plot and lead to unpredictable changes. This is undoubtedly very unfavorable for the current Bai Xiaofei.


Bai Xiaofei pulled Ge Xiaolun aside.

Then he briefly explained what he meant, and finally said: "Xiao Lun, you go back first, you should go to school, I have something to do and I can't leave here, we will meet again when we are done. Let's upgrade and fight monsters together, wipe out aliens, and save the world!"


The corner of Ge Xiaolun's mouth twitched.

Looking at Bai Xiaofei who was talking more and more vigorously, with black lines all over his face, he said speechlessly: "Brother Fei, why are you almost the same as what they said, and even upgraded to fight monsters, wipe out aliens, and save the world? Science fiction Have you watched too many movies? The world is obviously good now, why are you talking about such a mess!"

"Could it be brainwashed?"


The last sentence.

Immediately attracted Bai Xiaofei's glaring gaze and a fierce thud.


Ge Xiaolun ate a burst of chestnuts, begged for mercy again and again under the pain, waved his hands and said: "Brother Fei, I listen to you, just go back obediently, this place is not suitable for me anyway! However, what you said before Is the matter of sending me the big hummer for real, or is it a joke?"

Speaking of this.

His face immediately turned red with embarrassment. It's no wonder that I usually feel embarrassed when I ask someone to borrow money or something, but now that the manager wants a super big Hummer with open eyes, I personally think it's a bit of a thing, right? Of course... Except for some guys with a face that can be called the Great Wall.


Bai Xiaofei laughed loudly and patted Ge Xiaolun's shoulder, saying, "Of course it's true! But as I said before, it's fine if you want a big Hummer, but you have to promise me one condition first, as long as you can do it, Without further ado, buddy, I will hand over the big Hummer to you immediately!"


Hearing the affirmative answer, Ge Xiaolun was immediately excited, so happy that he almost jumped up on the spot, and then looked at Bai Xiaofei with bright eyes, his voice trembling with excitement, and said: "Brother Fei, tell me, what are the conditions?" , as long as I, Ge Xiaolun, can do it, I promise to be unambiguous!"

As he spoke, he patted his chest vigorously, making a "bang bang" sound, as if swearing.

It seemed that he was really moved by Bai Xiaofei's big Hummer.

"This is easy!"

And seeing Ge Xiaolun react like this.

Bai Xiaofei also smiled, a mysterious smile, full of hints of a successful plot and a sense of déjà vu.

Then, under Ge Xiaolun's extremely expectant and curious gaze, he slowly said: "Xiao Lun, to be honest, I am very keen on research, and I am especially interested in some rare and rare materials. And you The super gene in the body is one of the three major god-making projects in the Deno galaxy, breaking through the power of the galaxy of fear!"

"So, I think..."

"I go!"

Bai Xiaofei didn't finish his sentence.

Ge Xiaolun was already frightened by his weird smile and tone, he took two steps back in horror, and said in horror: "Brother Fei, you, don't you want to dissect me? This won't work, absolutely not! I can't I don't want to be a guinea pig in the laboratory, if that's the case, I don't want the big Hummer!"

As he spoke, he waved his hands wildly.

The rejection was extremely straightforward.


Bai Xiaofei was speechless for a while.

Looking at Ge Xiaolun who made up his own brain, a big cold sweat dripped from his forehead, and he said angrily: "Dissect your head! Xiao Lun, what are you thinking about with your pig's brain? You agreed to let me dissect it. , General Ducao and the others are unlikely to agree! I just want some of your blood!"

The words should just fall.

An ordinary disposable syringe appeared between the two out of thin air.

Under the control of Bai Xiaofei's mind, the syringe slowly floated in front of Ge Xiaolun. At the same time, Bai Xiaofei continued: "If you agree, then let me draw a tube of your blood for scientific research, and the Hummer will send it to you immediately. If you don't agree...just pretend I didn't say anything."


Then he looked at Ge Xiaolun fixedly and said nothing more.

Ge Xiaolun, on the other hand, looked at Bai Xiaofei in a daze, and then looked at the syringe floating in front of his eyes. Only then did he realize that he was thinking wrongly, but he still said in disbelief: "Brother Fei, it's really It's that simple? That's a super Hummer, my blood is so valuable?"

Although he hangs silk, he is not an idiot.

The big Hummer is already expensive, not to mention Bai Xiaofei, a crystallization of wisdom that combines many black technologies, is even more expensive than marketable. Such a huge hummer can be exchanged for a tube of blood, which is simply a wonderful thing. Most of the things like the pie in the sky are not true, but the traps and the like are absolutely true.

Of course Ge Xiaolun couldn't help but doubt and hesitate, thinking: "Brother Fei is trying to trick me, right?"


The idea of ​​black belly was quickly rejected by him.

You know, this is the Juxia aircraft carrier battle group of the Chinese military. Even General Ducao and the others are respectful to Bai Xiaofei, but he himself is an ordinary little dick who somehow has the power of a super gene galaxy of Lao Shizi, and he doesn't know how to use it yet. What can you do to yourself if you have blood in your own tube?


This is an aboveboard solicitation and request, and they have not played any tricks or tricks with themselves.

Why do I doubt others?

So far.

Ge Xiaolun's heart suddenly became brighter.

At this time, Bai Xiaofei who was facing him also shook his head, laughed, and said: "Xiao Lun, some things cannot be measured by common sense, such as those antique calligraphy and paintings in the auction house, in your eyes They may be ordinary gadgets, but in the eyes of some people, they are priceless treasures!"

"Similarly, you may think that a tube of your own blood is worthless, but to me, it is a priceless treasure. I feel that I have made a profit by exchanging a big Hummer for it! Okay, nonsense Not much to say, just let me know if you want to change it or not, I am running out of time now, and there is still a lot of research waiting for me to do it, I really don't have extra time to waste it with you!"

"It's fine, if it's not, then pull it down!"


Bai Xiaofei gave an ultimatum: "If you're a man, don't be silly!"


Ge Xiaolun was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and then began to lower his head and ponder, as if he was thinking about the pros and cons and the true and false.

But he quickly raised his head again.


"Such a good deal, why don't you agree!"

"I promise!"


While talking.

Ge Xiaolun had already grabbed the syringe in front of him, and then stabbed his arm fiercely. While drawing his own blood, he smiled and said to Bai Xiaofei: "Brother Fei, I believe in you! Even if you are tricked, I will admit it, isn't it just a tube of blood, I, Ge Xiaolun, can afford to lose!"

In a blink of an eye.

A tube of blood was drawn to the brim.

"for you!"

Ge Xiaolun handed the syringe full of blood to Bai Xiaofei. His eyes were hot and bright, his tone was forthright and sincere, with a touch of honesty, as well as a deep sense of innocence and simplicity. Seeing Bai Xiaofei startled slightly, he was greatly moved, obviously deeply infected by Ge Xiaolun's unreasonable trust and simplicity.


Bai Xiaofei nodded fiercely.

He took the syringe handed over by Ge Xiaolun, and then praised the other party with satisfaction, "As expected of a character I am optimistic about, he is really refreshing and individual!"

Immediately, with a thought in Bai Xiaofei's mind, when the syringe disappeared, the mini Hummer was also summoned. Handing it over to Ge Xiaolun, Bai Xiaofei suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said with a smile: "From now on, it will belong to you. In addition, I will give you a two-year free upgrade and maintenance If you need anything, you can come to me anytime!"


Turn around and leave.

Looking impatient, all Ge Xiaolun said was "slowly walk, don't see him off", leaving his face speechless and confused: "I'll go! What's the situation? I'm leaving now? By the way, how does this big Hummer recover?" It’s normal size, is there any manual or something like that?”

"Brother Fei, wait a minute..."

"Huh? What about people? Why did they disappear in a blink of an eye? Isn't this speed too fast?!"

"Where did you go?"


When Ge Xiaolun came back to his senses.

Bai Xiaofei had already left the Juxia, and used the Flying Thunder God technique to teleport to the bustling city of Juxia City, and then set up an isolation barrier. With great excitement, he began to draw Ge Xiaolun's blood. Heart said: "The power of the galaxy, obediently become a part of my infinitely optimized genes!"


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