The Storm God

Chapter 1658 Dark Matter Plane! (Please subscribe!)

Hummer's technical content is very high.

At the same time, it is also one of Bai Xiaofei's favorite cars, but now he decided to give it away, just to get Ge Xiaolun's blood. The purpose is naturally self-evident, it is for the power of the galaxy, one of the three great god-making projects. It is no exaggeration to say that this is almost the most powerful ability in the Super Seminary.

none of them!


Because of Ge Xiaolun's immaturity, his performance was somewhat unsatisfactory.

But he is still a liberal arts student!


Bai Xiaofei was different.

Whether it is divine body, ability, or brain power, neither is of the same order of magnitude. I believe that after obtaining the super gene and anti-void ability of the power of the galaxy, and Angel Yan, or Zhixin's void ability, after combining the two into one, the effect and power that Bai Xiaofei can exert will definitely be stronger than Ge Xiaolun.

The premise can be infinitely successful.

after all……

In Ge Xiaolun's current state, although the super gene has been activated, it has not been officially activated.

Whether it can be successfully absorbed, optimized and integrated into his own DNA, Bai Xiaofei can't guarantee it completely. Success is naturally the best, it can save him a lot of trouble. If it doesn't work and fails, Bai Xiaofei's loss is nothing more than a big Hummer, and he will have a lot of opportunities to get Ge Xiaolun's blood again in the future.

Closer to home.

With unlimited optimization capabilities enabled.

From the depths of Bai Xiaofei's soul and consciousness, a complicated message came immediately: "The super gene [Galaxy Power] (not activated) was detected, and its ability far exceeds the upper limit of the rest of the body's genes, and it can be absorbed and fused first. With the body The current optimization speed of the gene, the estimated optimization time is 6 months and 19 days in 3851."

"I rely on it!"

Seeing this result, Bai Xiaofei was taken aback and burst out with foul language. Immediately, he murmured to himself in bewilderment and disbelief: "Isn't it! It takes nearly 4,000 years to optimize the power of the galaxy? Is there a mistake? When you finish optimizing, I'm so fucking day lily It's all too cold!"

But it's also right to think about it carefully.

The three major god-making projects in the De Nuo galaxy, whether it is the light of the sun, the God of War on the Nuoxing star, or the power of the galaxy, are all huge and vast projects that exhaust the resources of the planet and cost tens of thousands of dollars. Especially the power of the galaxy, because of facing the ultimate fear, the war broke out when it was about to break through the technical bottleneck.

That is.

The current power of the galaxy is still an unfinished version.

Although Bai Xiaofei's divine body and genes are quite strong, but after all, the fields are different, and he is unable to drive dark energy and use genetic level technology, or possess material decryption technology. And these are the prerequisites for supernatural genetic engineering. Without these conditions, ordinary people may not be able to touch the edge of the divine engineering.

Infinite optimization can absorb and absorb the power of the galaxy in such a situation with almost no foundation, and optimize it at the genetic level of the ontology. It can be seen that it is already very powerful and terrifying. It's just that this time is a bit long, but I believe that if Bai Xiaofei masters the prerequisites for the supernatural genetic engineering, he should be able to greatly reduce the time required for optimization.


All of this is Bai Xiaofei's speculation, the specific situation is unknown.

But what he can be sure of is that he must be a super gene that can't absorb the power of the galaxy now. Time is too abnormal for a long time. Combat power is severely reduced. With the Tianhe battle about to break out, it was naturally impossible for Bai Xiaofei to let this happen.

And compared to the optimization time of nearly 4,000 years, there seems to be no big difference in the super genes that absorb the power of the galaxy a few years later. Instead of taking the risk of putting yourself in danger and advancing the optimization time a little bit in advance, it is better to take advantage of this time to study the prerequisites for supernatural genetic engineering.

Just choose those technologies that can't help Bai Xiaofei increase the speed of infinite optimization, at least it can make his technological means, the level greatly improved and strengthened! In short, giving up absorbing the power of the Milky Way now, and instead focusing on the research of black technology, for Bai Xiaofei, it can be said to kill multiple birds with one stone.

Think about it.

Bai Xiaofei rejected the [Yes] option of infinite optimization without hesitation. Instead, use special means to completely preserve Ge Xiaolun's blood, and store it up for later absorption and optimization when he has the ability. Following a flying thunder god technique, he returned to the Juxia aircraft carrier battle group again.

And this time.

Ge Xiaolun had already followed Bai Xiaofei's instructions, left the Juxia by plane, flew back to Juxia City, and became an ordinary person again. Of course, the big hummer bought with his own blood was also taken away with him. As for whether Ge Xiaolun can unravel the mysteries and play with the Hummer, it's none of Bai Xiaofei's business.

After coming back.

Bai Xiaofei immediately re-invested in the research and communication of the scientific research department. And like a dry sponge, it swims in the ocean of science and technology that is the prerequisite for supernatural genetic engineering, frantically and greedily absorbing all available knowledge and technical information, and constantly enriching and strengthening its own technological background.

During this period.

Qiangwei, Lianfeng, and even General Ducao who returned to the Juxia from the Northern Star all came to look for Bai Xiaofei.

It's just that they were all sent away by Bai Xiaofei.

No one came.


A certain person was completely immersed in the world of supernatural genetic engineering technology, stuck in it, unable to extricate himself. It wasn't until a few days later that Bai Xiaofei finally mastered the decryption calculation technology that drives dark energy and matter, and then he recovered from his obsession with madness and returned to a normal state.

And according to Bai Xiaofei's understanding of supernatural genetic engineering technology, dark energy is widely used, and it can be said that it is the most important thing for miraculous civilizations and powerful space civilizations across the interstellar world, not one of them. Super fighters also rely on the ability to combine dark energy to be able to disdain the universe, otherwise they will only be beaten by mechs.

Speaking of dark energy, we have to mention another concept closely related to it—dark matter.

The reason why it is called dark matter rather than matter is that it is fundamentally different from ordinary matter. Ordinary matter refers to those things that can be seen and touched with eyes or tools under normal circumstances, ranging from small atoms to large cosmic stars, from nearby objects to various galaxies in the depths of the universe.

Ordinary matter can always interact with light or some waves, or under certain conditions, it can emit light by itself, or refract light, so that people can perceive, see, touch or measure it with the help of instruments, but dark matter is just the opposite.

It does not interact with light at all, let alone emit light.

Because they do not emit light and do not interact with light, they will not reflect, refract or scatter light, that is, they are 100% transparent to various waves and light. Therefore, in astronomy, dark matter cannot be seen by means of light, whether it is electromagnetic waves, radio, infrared rays, gamma rays, or X-rays, all of which are useless, so they are not perceived by people or by instruments. observed.

This special matter is called "dark matter".

Human research on the universe so far shows that: 27% of the universe is composed of dark matter, and dark matter is like glue that connects all matter together. And a part of dark matter is disappearing, and the reason for their disappearance is dark energy, and dark energy is likely to consume dark matter.

Dark energy is an imperceptible form of energy that fills space, has negative pressure, and increases the expansion speed of the universe that drives the movement of the universe. Compared with dark matter, it is even more peculiar, because it only has the effect of matter and does not have the basic characteristics of matter, so it cannot be called matter, so I call it "dark energy".

Dark energy, like dark matter, does not absorb, reflect or radiate light, so humans cannot directly use existing technology for observation. But with rational thinking, people can predict and perceive that it does exist. In the standard model of the universe, dark energy accounts for about 68.3% of the mass-energy in the universe.


The reason why the Shenhe civilization was able to complete the god-making project is because they broke through and mastered the black technology that drives dark energy, and the cosmic space dominated by dark matter, dark energy, and all other negative-pressure matter is called "Dark Matter Plane".

And the plane of dark matter is almost everywhere and all the time.

Similarly, compared to the "bright" material plane we live in, the dark matter plane can also perform magical functions such as storing data and equipment, items...etc. Dark energy can even achieve the attack of natural elements such as fire, electric discharge, etc., a little more powerful, and even erosion, darkness and other effects.

The so-called dark communication is also set up on the plane of dark matter, because the basic circuit composition is different, so in terms of security and smoothness, dark communication is higher than that in general science fiction, such as laser communication, quantum communication, neutrino communication, etc. Things like Angels and Demons, Karl the Grim Reaper, and even the Great Strait, etc., use dark communication technology.


With the distance of countless galaxies, ordinary communication methods, even the most powerful quantum entanglement communication, cannot achieve instant communication capabilities at will without delay. And this is undoubtedly crucial to the ever-changing battlefield. Don't you see, in the original novel of Xiongbinglian, after the earth's dark communication was destroyed, have they been hanged and beaten by others?

But now, relying on his powerful brain power, reserves of scientific and technological knowledge, and astonishing learning ability, Bai Xiaofei has already mastered the prerequisite technology of the super genetic engineering of the Shenhe civilization possessed by the Juxia, and initially It has been thoroughly understood and mastered, and it is already possible to drive tiny dark energy and contact the plane of dark matter.


What Bai Xiaofei has to do is to integrate the black technology of the Shenhe civilization with his own various hole cards. Try to get them all under control as soon as possible. Only in this way, Bai Xiaofei is qualified to contact and study super genes, and even improve the infinite optimization ability of his own DNA, so as to greatly reduce the time for absorbing and absorbing the power of the galaxy.

And at this moment.

General Ducao found Bai Xiaofei, saying that his superiors were going to implement the Black Great Wall plan, that is to say, the plot of the Xiongbing Company finally unfolded.

Bai Xiaofei also had to temporarily stop the research at hand.


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