The Storm God

Chapter 1659 North of the Milky Way! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei looked at Ducao in puzzlement, and asked suspiciously: "You mean, let me recruit soldiers?"

According to the plot of Xiongbing Company, at the beginning, Qiangwei and Jagustin (Ajie for short) were responsible for this task. After training, make it a super fighter who can stand alone.

And listen to Ducao's words.

It seems that he wants to let himself and Qiangwei do this kind of "fooling" people.


General Ducao nodded.

Immediately, he showed some information to Bai Xiaofei, and said: "Recently, there have been some disturbances and news reports by aliens across the country. I have already asked Ajie to lead someone to investigate, otherwise this task will be handed over to He and Qiangwei are the most suitable. At present, there is almost no one on the Juxia, so I can only ask you for help."


"You stay in the research department to study and delve into the technology of dark energy. You stay for several days. If you don't leave the door, you should go out and walk around."

"The combination of work and rest is the kingly way!"


Acting like I was thinking of you.


Bai Xiaofei smiled noncommittally.

He didn't believe that General Ducao came to find him alone, just for such a trivial matter of "fooling" people, how could he use a bull's knife to kill a chicken? Therefore, Bai Xiaofei guessed that the other party's reason for coming must not be so simple, there must be something else, as for what it is, it is unknown, because Bai Xiaofei knows too little information.


The main thing is that someone is too lazy to think about it that much.

On the contrary, the information that General Ducao gave to Bai Xiaofei was even more attractive, especially an investment company named "Angel International" in Tianhe City, which caught Bai Xiaofei's eyes almost instantly, and couldn't help exclaiming: "An alien wearing silver armor broke into the Angel International Building, a female angel from the Angel Nebula..."

This moment.

In Bai Xiaofei's mind, a beautiful figure immediately flashed, it was the highest figure, popularity, or charm in the army of the Super Seminary, with the "north of the Milky Way, I am the most beautiful!" The title-Angel Yan.

Could it be...

Another meaning of General Ducao is that he wants me to deal with angels?

Regarding this point, in the original work of Xiongbing Company, it is also clearly mentioned that no matter whether the arrival of the angels is suitable for the purpose of coming, we must try our best to establish communication with them. As for who carried out this task, it was not mentioned, but in the subsequent plot, Angel Yan took two angels and had a meeting with Reina.

Bai Xiaofei vaguely remembered that it should be the time when Sun Wukong came out of the mountain to try and test the Xiongbing Company.

Think here.

He couldn't help being shocked, and his eyes lit up.

Xin said: "Since Angel Yan has come to Earth, what about Lena? Logically speaking, she should have already arrived on Earth, right? If this is the case, let others deal with Angel Yan. I still can't resist the angel's insightful eyes, and the cute and cute Lena is more suitable for me!"


Bai Xiaofei expressed his thoughts and doubts.

Unexpectedly, General Ducao shook his head and said, "Xiao Fei, I didn't expect that you even knew that child Reina, but it's a pity that Reina will arrive on Earth tomorrow, and our current time is relatively short." Nervous, look... can you be more careful and help us go to Tianhe City?"


Bai Xiaofei flatly refused.

Without any hesitation or consideration, he immediately explained: "I'm very sorry! General, it's not that I don't want to help you, but that I can't. As far as I know, angels have eyes of insight. They are already invading our data and reading our thoughts. I have too many secrets, and I don’t want to expose them naked to others all at once!”

"So you should find someone else!"


A look of helplessness.

To be honest, in Bai Xiaofei's heart, he still very much hopes to meet Angel Yan for a while, after all, that is one of his favorite characters, but considering his current ability, he should bear with it. Otherwise, the only one who is forced to suffer is myself. If the other party really reads my data and thoughts, it will be really sad.

It is also very possible to draw the sword on the spot and chase him down.

after all……

According to the settings of the super god hero company.

Angel Yan and the power of the galaxy are the best data match, which is what everyone calls "CP". As for Bai Xiaofei, when he first came, when he saw Ge Xiaolun, he had already made up his mind to break up the family, and then Occupy Angel Yan. If Angel Yan really sees out these careful thoughts and calculations, what do you think will happen to Bai Xiaofei?


This task must not be accepted!


After listening to Bai Xiaofei's explanation, General Ducao was taken aback for a moment, full of surprise and disbelief. He obviously didn't expect an angel to have such abilities, so he immediately nodded in agreement and said: "If If an angel really has the eyes of insight as you said, it would indeed be inappropriate to send you there!"

The value of Bai Xiaofei is immeasurable.

Considering that it may be the strongest trump card on the earth, and the confidence to deal with the alien invasion, General Ducao will certainly not let Bai Xiaofei take the risk.


He doesn't mention it anymore.

Instead, he changed the subject and asked about Bai Xiaofei's research results.

Bai Xiaofei told the truth and said frankly: "After these few days of hard work, I have initially mastered those technologies, but I want to thoroughly integrate them, even integrate them with my black technology, or go further and develop It will take considerable time and research to develop stronger technology and equipment!"


"If it's just data encryption and firewalls, it shouldn't take long."

"It will be done in about half a month!"


As soon as the words came out.

General Ducao just stayed where he was.

He stared wide-eyed, looked at Bai Xiaofei in disbelief, twitched his mouth and said, "Xiaofei, what did you just say? You said that you have...preliminarily mastered all the super genes related to the Kamigawa civilization." The prerequisite technology? And the data encryption and firewall settings can be done in about half a month?"


Bai Xiaofei nodded lightly.

Then he sighed, and said speechlessly: "I am ashamed to say that the super genetic technology of the Kamigawa civilization is too broad and profound. I have spent so long without sleep and sleep, but I can barely master it." , if you switch to other black technologies, it may take half a day at most to fully master them!"

A decadent look of being depressed and depressed because of his lack of ability.

As everyone knows...

his behavior.

In the eyes of General Ducao, it was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, which shocked him unnecessarily.

You know, that is the super genetic technology of the Kamigawa civilization. It is one of the greatest technologies in the known universe. It took countless people, countless financial resources, material resources, energy, and time to temper the crystallization of wisdom. How dare you You have mastered it in just a few days. With such a monstrous performance, how embarrassing are you for those sages who have spent tens of thousands of years and were unable to get started!

This moment.

General Ducao looked at Bai Xiaofei, just like looking at a monster, in addition to being shocked, it was still shocking.

Even facing the great gods of other galaxies, even the main gods, the supreme gods, etc., he has never done this before, but now he looks at Bai Xiaofei like this, because the strength, means, and learning ability that Bai Xiaofei showed are really amazing. It's too terrifying, it's simply terrifying!

In addition to being shocked.

All that's left is endless fear and dread.

I am afraid that I will lure wolves into the house and invite an enemy for the earth that is far more terrifying and terrifying than the interstellar invasion.

But this idea, General Ducao only passed away in a flash.

He trusts his instincts.

After a while.

General Ducao, who came back to his senses, immediately changed his style of painting.

Immediately changed his mind and said: "Xiao Fei, since your time is so precious, I don't bother you to deal with the task, I just send someone else to go, and if it doesn't work, there is still me, hahaha, big deal I'll do it myself. You, stay on the Great Gorge obediently, and do your research with peace of mind!"

"Strive to complete the data encryption and firewall settings as soon as possible, I will wait for your good news!"

"That's it, you are busy, I'll go first!"


Turn around and leave after speaking.

Not sloppy, that's called a crisp.


Bai Xiaofei was speechless for a while.

Looking at General Ducao who was about to leave in a hurry, he shook his head amusedly, and said in his heart: "I'll go, what about a dignified general, isn't this a little too much? Forget it! Now that you've all come out, then Simply go out and have a good time, and let your brain relax a bit, haste makes waste!"


He immediately stopped General Ducao.

At the same time, he quickly chased after the other party, and said as he walked: "General, the research is not in a hurry, I just want to go out for a while. While relaxing, it happens to help you relieve some of the burden. Just Juxia City, see who is there, when I go to find Xiao Lun, I will bring them all back together!"


General Ducao was taken aback when he heard this.

But after that, I had fun, and then I walked and talked with Bai Xiaofei, talking and laughing.

A happy atmosphere.


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