The Storm God

Chapter 1660 Supercar Bumblebee! (Please subscribe!)

Time is running out.

Therefore, Bai Xiaofei and General Ducao quickly negotiated a result.

Among them, Ge Xiaolun, Zhao Xin, and Rui Mengmeng were recruited by Bai Xiaofei, mainly because the living environment of the three of them was generally within the same range. As for Qilin, Lianfeng is in charge. Qilin's current situation is similar to that of the original book. A big hole was punched in her chest by the energy gun of a gluttonous soldier. Although she survived under the effect of the super gene, she couldn't recover for a while.

There was a woman lying on a hospital bed with her wings naked, and Bai Xiaofei was a big man, so naturally it was not easy to go and recruit her.

As for Liu Chuang, who has the power to kill gods?


This guy is still in jail.

General Ducao decided to send his daughter, Qiangwei, to recruit him. Not to mention, both of them had the kind of arrogance (ruffian) awe-inspiring personality, overbearing and boundless, and they would fight if they disagreed. Qiangwei is in charge of the rebellious Liu Chuang, and Bai Xiaofei thinks it is the most suitable.

There is one more person.

It is Cheng Yaowen, a descendant of the royal family of Dexing, who has the ability of the heart of the earth.

He is quite special, after all, he is a royal family member. General Ducao once served as a descendant of the royal family of the empire, how honorable, Bai Xiaofei and others, or others, it is not suitable for anyone to go, because he is not of sufficient status, so he invited Cheng Yaowen's mission, Only Lao Du can go there by himself.


Bai Xiaofei read some information on the Juxia.

After the preparations are completed, they will leave the Juxia and go to Juxia City to perform their own tasks.

Of course, Bai Xiaofei didn't pay attention to the task or something, because he knew that these people would definitely come to the Super Seminary. What he really cares about is the super genes in Ge Xiaolun and others. Whether it is the god-killing power of big D Liu Chuang, the German star gun of Zhao Xin, or Rui Mengmeng's Nuoxing sharp knife, they all have great potential. stuff.

As a fan of science and technology, Bai Xiaofei naturally researched and tested it carefully.

"Bai Xiaofei!"

At this time, Qiangwei suddenly appeared in front of Bai Xiaofei, and said with a smile, "Are you going to Juxia City too? Let's go on the same road, let's go together. I also have a lot of questions I want to ask you for advice!"

In the past few days, Sister Qiangwei was exhausted, she almost ate, drank and fell asleep. She was all staying in the weapon department and another weapon experiment place found above, taking care of the weapons and ammunition equipment that Bai Xiaofei gave them. In addition to being shocked and astonished, it was inevitable that he felt great resentment towards Bai Xiaofei.

She deeply suspected that the reason why Bai Xiaofei threw the space card to himself was to be lazy.

That is to say, for no reason, he took the blame for Bai Xiaofei.

Can Qiangwei have no resentment?

"No time!"

Who is Bai Xiaofei?

That is the power of mind and thought, reaching level 4, a power that is almost at the peak.

Coupled with Qiangwei's unkind look, even a fool can see that it is not good, so someone refused on the spot without hesitation, and even found a reason for himself, explaining: "Your task There's only one person, but I have several, so...sorry, I have to go first!"

"Sister Qiangwei, you should take the plane to Juxia City by yourself!"


The voice has not yet fallen.

Bai Xiaofei shot up into the sky like a cannonball, flew straight into the sky, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Only Qiangwei was left standing there, dumbfounded, with an expression of disbelief on her face, and exclaimed: "Damn it! This guy can actually fly? And the speed is so terrifying, it's even faster than space rockets!" Faster! Could it be that he is also the successor of some super gene?"

Regardless of how Qiangwei reacted.


Bai Xiaofei with superhuman strength.

After a short time, he reached the sky above Juxia City, and then he found a remote place and landed.

According to the monitoring information of the Juxia, Ge Xiaolun is still attending classes at the university. Inevitably, he went all in vain and couldn't find Ge Xiaolun, so Bai Xiaofei decided to contact Ge Xiaolun first. As for Ge Xiaolun's contact information, Bai Xiaofei naturally already knew it from the information given by the Juxia.


It doesn't matter if there is no contact information.

You know, Ge Xiaolun still has the big black technology hummer given to him by Bai Xiaofei, which itself is the best communication tool.

Closer to home.

After the call was broadcast, it was quickly connected.

The voice on the opposite side was none other than Ge Xiaolun himself, and there were some chaotic noises around.

It sounds like you're in class.

"it's me!"

Bai Xiaofei went straight to the topic and said: "Bai Xiaofei, I have something to do with you, let's come out and talk!"


Ge Xiaolun was overjoyed immediately.

Then he agreed in a hurry, didn't even attend class, ran out of the school directly, took a taxi and rushed to the place agreed with Bai Xiaofei.

As for why you drive...

All right.

That's because after a few days of tinkering.

Poor Ge Xiaolun still couldn't find out where the opening device of the big Hummer was. As a result, the big Hummer was in his hands and was always carried on his body like a toy. And the place that Bai Xiaofei and Ge Xiaolun agreed on was far away from his school, so naturally they had to take a taxi there.


After hanging up the phone.

Bai Xiaofei didn't say anything, he summoned a supercar casually, stepped on the accelerator and rushed out.

It is worth mentioning that this supercar also has a long history. The original version was carefully built by Bai Xiaofei in the world of "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Age of Mutants". Later, before leaving, it was given to April. Since he has never been able to travel back to the world of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Bai Xiaofei always thinks of April's sexiness and hotness.


in my spare time.

He redesigned and built a supercar, which is the current version. Although its appearance and interior are almost the same as the one given to April, its overall capabilities and materials are not the same as There is a world of difference. Especially the core of power is even more far apart.

Bai Xiaofei also deliberately named it "Bumblebee".

Because its overall design idea, even its appearance and posture, are almost transformed from the bumblebee in the world of "Transformers". Except that it will not transform into a King Kong posture, everything about it is almost the same as the bumblebee. . Of course, in terms of combat power, defense power, and technology, Bai Xiaofei's Bumblebee is naturally superior.

Closer to home.

The speed of the Hornet is beyond doubt.

The distance of more than 100 kilometers was in front of it, but it was only a little bit, and it quickly drove Bai Xiaofei to the place agreed with Ge Xiaolun. And this location is also very interesting. It is not a famous landmark building, or a shopping mall, a scenic spot, or a hotel. It is just a small restaurant located in a certain alley.

There is only one reason why I chose this restaurant to meet -

Rui Mengmeng is here.

That's right!

This small restaurant is where Rui Mengmeng works part-time.

When Bai Xiaofei arrived, Ge Xiaolun had already arrived one step ahead. After all, his school was far away, but no matter how far it was, it was closer than Bai Xiaofei. Ge Xiaolun had already arrived more than ten minutes ago. Seeing that there was no one inside, Ge Xiaolun simply poked outside and waited for Bai Xiaofei.


The bumblebee made a fierce drift, and docked in a handsome and blurred manner next to the restaurant, which was very compact and almost just right in the narrow place. Then with a "swish", the car door was raised, and Bai Xiaofei's figure appeared in front of Ge Xiaolun's eyes, making him dazzled and envious.


Ge Xiaolun exclaimed.

Immediately ran up, and said excitedly: "Your drifting action just now is so handsome, it's even better than the ones in American blockbusters! By the way, when did you get such an awesome sports car again?" Huh? It's amazing, it's even more impressive than the big Hummer you gave me!"


Speaking of Hummers.

Ge Xiaolun's face suddenly became embarrassed, and he said bitterly: "Brother Fei, you were really serious last time, you ran away as soon as you gave me the car, which caused me to think hard, toss and turn for several nights, I couldn’t even find out where the opening mechanism was, so the big Hummer fell into my hands, it’s just like a toy!”


He looked at Bai Xiaofei with resentment.

Those little eyes full of resentment are just like Dou E's, not to mention being aggressive, those who don't know may think that the two are having sex.


Bai Xiaofei twitched the corner of his mouth speechlessly.

Immediately with a sly smile, he hurriedly told Ge Xiaolun the simple operation method of the Hummer. Then he turned his head and said: "The functions of the big Hummer are extremely complicated, and you can't fully grasp them in a short while. I'll write you a specific operation manual later. Come on, let's go in and talk, what's the point of standing outside?" What's the matter?!"


Ge Xiaolun nodded immediately, and said with a smile: "You are a local tyrant, you have the final say, anyway, I have no money!"

The two walked into the restaurant.


There was a cute girl in front of her, and she greeted her warmly: "The two of you are welcome!"

It was Nuoxing sharp knife Rui Mengmeng.


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