The Storm God

Chapter 1808 Optimize the system! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei started his research on Tiejiaman Aegis.

As for Leina, she was placed on the sidelines and was in charge of watching. After all, she didn't understand anything about this kind of technological research, and the only thing she could do was to be on the safe side. If the Aegis of Tiegaman breaks free from the shackles of the illusion, Reina's sun's light can also cause great damage and threat to him.

Closer to home.


Bai Xiaofei's spirit once again entered the consciousness of Tiejiaman Aegis.

And it was different from the first time to cast Yuedu, Bai Xiaofei only got in touch with it slightly, and then pulled him into the illusion and then exited. This time, he explored deeper, reaching the bottom of the soul of the clone team, trying to surpass Radham's body parasitic in the team's body.

In Bai Xiaofei's opinion, no matter what it is, as long as it is a living and conscious creature, it should have its own unique spirit and soul.

Radham should be no exception.

find him.

Maybe it will be able to release his control over the clone team.

Bai Xiaofei's spiritual attainments are very high, and his mental power is also exceptionally strong. Although Radam hid it deeply, he was finally found by Bai Xiaofei. But... to his surprise, according to the investigation of the mental consciousness at the scene, Bai Xiaofei discovered that Radam did not have the consciousness to control the cloned American team.

It is more like a deep induction and guidance. In other words, all the behaviors of trying to escape before were all done by Team Clone. At most, Radam was just offering an opinion or something, he was an accomplice, not the culprit of all the incidents that Bai Xiaofei thought.

"How can this be?"

Bai Xiaofei was immediately surprised.

You must know that not only the clone team, but all of Bai Xiaofei's clone troops have been specially designed. Whether it is the genetic level, the brain domain, or the spiritual consciousness level, they are all strictly controlled and guarded. Loyal and loyal, there will be no possibility of betrayal.

And now...

With the help of Radam, they actually possessed their own consciousness? Get rid of the control and shackles Bai Xiaofei set for them.

It's just unbelievable.


In order to verify whether his conjecture is correct.

After Bai Xiaofei detected the parasitic location of Radam's body, he directly used his spiritual force to hypnotize the cloned team and Radam's body consciousness with his powerful mental power. Let them all think that this body is about to die. Because only in this way, Radam's body will break away from the body of Team Clone America and find another way out.

And with their pitiful and limited mental strength, they naturally couldn't resist Bai Xiaofei.


A creature resembling a cicada popped out.

It is only the size of a baby's fist as a whole. It looks sharp, but it is very fragile, giving people a feeling that it can be completely crushed with one foot.

This is Radam's body.


It kept making harsh and unpleasant sounds, as if in fear.

Regardless of its meaning and circumstances, Bai Xiaofei directly filled it with a transparent container made of unusually hard material, and then threw it to Bai Cass, allowing him to conduct further research and analysis on Radam's body. As for himself, he once again launched an investigation on the spiritual consciousness of the clone team.

And this time.

Clone America is completely back to normal.

Whether it's self-awareness, loyalty to Bai Xiaofei's thoughts, etc., they have all completely returned to their former state. This can't help but make Bai Xiaofei feel very surprised, secretly said: "It's really unexpected that Radham, whose body is so fragile, actually has the ability to release the control of spiritual consciousness. It is indeed a parasitic life form, it is really amazing!"

follow closely……

Someone began to wonder how to maximize their own interests.

On the other hand, Rena, who was very interested in Radam's main body that Baicas was in charge of researching, said in admiration: "My God, is this the creator of the exoskeleton armor technology? This, this is also Is it too small? It feels like anyone can shoot it to death, right?"


Bai Cass also said with emotion: "Life is so miraculous. Don't look at it as fragile and pitiful, but the evolution of brain nerves is extremely developed. It is precisely because of this that they choose to parasitize a stronger body. So as to achieve the perfect combination of force and intelligence, and then expand and invade abroad.”


Lena nodded repeatedly.

To the vast universe, and the development of living things, cast awe-inspiring eyes.

But at this time, Bai Xiaofei made an extremely bold decision, and said to Bai Cass, "Take a sample of its blood for me!"


White Cass did as he was told.

As Bai Xiaofei's most loyal personal assistant and housekeeper, he certainly knows what Bai Xiaofei wants to do. And according to the research and analysis of Radam's body, Baikas felt that absorbing Radam's dna would not cause any harmful effects to Bai Xiaofei, so he didn't say anything more, and silently followed suit.

However, Lena on the side looked puzzled and asked, "Xiao Fei, what do you want its blood sample for?"

"Of course it is to study dna!"

Bai Xiaofei didn't explain much, just said casually.

Being able to absorb the strongest ability of other people's dna to optimize himself is his biggest trump card and the foundation of survival. Even Lena, at this stage, cannot tell the other party, otherwise if it is leaked, the super heroic army will It is difficult to guarantee that no one will design a god-killing armor-piercing bullet specifically for him.

It's about his own life and safety, Bai Xiaofei doesn't want to take any risks.


It's best not to say anything.


Reina rolled her eyes angrily.

Bai Xiaofei's answer was as if she hadn't said anything, which made her super dissatisfied. However, she didn't say much, since Bai Xiaofei didn't want to tell herself, it meant there was a certain danger, or there were other difficulties. Leina is not the one to ask questions to the bottom of the casserole, seeing that Bai Xiaofei didn't want to talk, so she just let it go.

Such behavior can be said to be very empathetic.


And Reina's reaction.

But Bai Xiaofei saw everything in his eyes, seeing her so sensible, he was even more satisfied in his heart.

Secretly said: "As expected of my goddess!"


He started his own plan.

While pretending to conduct research on Radam's blood samples, he began to collect and extract Radam's dna information while capturing traces.

Soon, Bai Xiaofei's infinite optimization ability gave a hint: "Find the complete dna information that can be absorbed, absorbed, and optimized. After fusion, it can further enhance the development of the brain domain, the maximum value of mental power, and the ability of the nervous system. But it will reduce the strength of the physical body to a certain extent, will it be absorbed?"

Since Bai Xiaofei's superhuman body has evolved to about 60%, the ability of infinite optimization has also received some improvements and changes. Simply put, it is more and more like a super genetic system, and it has begun to have a certain amount of intelligence And consciousness, just like the super genes of Ge Xiaolun and others.


Normally, there is no movement.

Only when Bai Xiaofei uses it, such as when trying to absorb other people's DNA, will this optimization system emerge. A certain person was naturally very happy about this, and secretly guessed that maybe when his dna was strengthened to a certain level, he would be able to have his own super gene system like Ge Xiaolun and others.

No more nonsense.


Seeing the prompt of optimizing the system, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being slightly taken aback, secretly surprised: "My God, this little bug-like thing can even improve and strengthen my spiritual power at this level? Do you want to be so perverted?" ? But weakening the power of the body to a certain extent is a troublesome matter, should it be absorbed or not?"

After some hesitation.


Bai Xiaofei still decided to absorb it.

Bai Xiaofei doesn't really care about his physical strength. With his current level, he's around the second level of the Holy Level. Besides, his superhuman body is still improving and evolving, and it's far from reaching the ultimate level. Even if it's weakened because of it, I believe that he will be able to recover soon, but the development of the brain, the strengthening of the nervous system, and the improvement of mental power are very rare.

Comprehensive analysis and comparison, the advantages should outweigh the disadvantages.


Bai Xiaofei wanted to gamble.

He believes that his luck should not be too bad.

After all, there are so many powers of wish and fate suppressing him, even if he becomes black today and becomes a non-chief, no matter how unlucky he is, there is a limit.

The next moment, Bai Xiaofei absorbed Radam's dna ability without hesitation.

dna optimization begins!


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