The Storm God

Chapter 1809 Take down the goddess! (Please subscribe!)

According to the hints of the optimization system, this dna optimization focuses on the improvement and transformation of the brain region, so it takes a relatively short time, about two days, to complete it completely. Otherwise, if super genes like Galaxy Power, Nuoxing God of War, etc., Dongzha would have to absorb a type that lasted thousands of years, Bai Xiaofei would definitely not absorb it now.

To know.

During the DNA optimization period, Bai Xiaofei couldn't use other abilities.

It's okay to absorb dna that takes a short time like Radam. In just a few days, with Bai Xiaofei's many methods, he won't encounter any danger. And that is a long time, especially the super gene of more than a hundred years, it is another matter. There is no absolutely safe environment, even if you beat Bai Xiaofei to death, he will not choose to absorb it.

That's not evolution and promotion at all, but fucking death!

That's what fools do.


Development of brain regions.

As well as the strengthening and transformation of the nervous system, it is undoubtedly very painful.

Even with Bai Xiaofei's super strong physique and mental quality, he couldn't help but let out a slight snort of pain. Fortunately, he had expected it a long time ago, and imposed a sealing circle on himself in advance, sealing all the voices, otherwise it was inevitable that Lena would see something, and it was difficult for him to explain.


Reina is not an idiot either.

Even if he couldn't hear the sound, he could tell something was wrong from Bai Xiaofei's expression. Leina, who had been observing carefully, saw Bai Xiaofei frowning suddenly, seemingly in pain, the goddess was startled, stepped forward quickly, supported Bai Xiaofei's arm, and asked with concern: "Xiaofei, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay!"

Bai Xiaofei smiled.

He said nonsense: "It may be that I have been too busy in the past few days, and I am a little tired. It would be good to have a rest."

"Then you are still working so hard?"

These days Bai Xiaofei is indeed busy enough.

At the very least, what Reina knows is enough for most people to drink a pot, let alone those who can't see it. Seeing Bai Xiaofei's complexion so bad, he was filled with love immediately, and couldn't help but said: "Xiaofei, since you are not in good condition, then don't do any research, I will help you to rest!"


Bai Xiaofei didn't refuse.

The development of brain regions, and the strengthening and remodeling of the nervous system, does not happen overnight. And the more you get to the back, the more painful it is, just the beginning can make Bai Xiaofei frown and groan in pain, which shows how terrifying the back end is. Bai Xiaofei didn't suffer, of course he wouldn't wrong himself for no reason.

Coupled with the fact that there is such a beautiful, watery, gentle and pleasant goddess by her side, a fool would refuse.

As for Radam's research...


Isn't there still White Cass?

Anyway, he is an artificial intelligence life, there is no such thing as fatigue and exhaustion, just leave everything to him.

The behavior of throwing away the shopkeeper, so-and-so didn't happen once or twice.

Not bad at all this time.


With Reina's support.

Bai Xiaofei hugged the goddess happily, walked into the luxurious villa in the space card, and went to rest in bliss. Baikas was the only one left, pitifully still carrying out various research and analysis work on Radam's body and the Clone Beauty team. A hard-working look, can be said to be the representative of the best little brother.


Two days passed by in a flash.

During this period, neither Bai Xiaofei nor Lena ever left the space card's villa. They spent almost 24 hours a day in it, showing off their affection. The lonely man and the lonely woman live in the same room, and they both have deep affection and affection for each other. Under the fire, everything that should happen will happen naturally and inevitably.


In the end, the goddess Lena did not escape Bai Xiaofei's clutches.

Taking advantage of this rare opportunity to be alone, Bai Xiaofei used the need to take care of him as an excuse, and with the help of all kinds of interludes and tricks + hot girl jokes, he finally completely captured the goddess. At the same time... the goddess Lena's first night of falling red was also very secretly preserved by Bai Xiaofei.


That is the super gene of Sunlight.

Bai Xiaofei himself never imagined that the way he obtained Leina's super gene would be like this, it really exceeded expectations. What made him even more unbelievable was that, according to the analysis of the optimization system, Bai Xiaofei couldn't absorb the ability of the sun's light because it conflicted with the dna ability of the superhuman body.


With such a result, Bai Xiaofei was indescribably depressed.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems to be reasonable. You know, Dachao's ability is to absorb the solar light waves of yellow stars to complete the energy storage of his own cells, thus obtaining extraordinary power. The light of the sun can directly drive the energy of all the stars for its own use, and it can be called a human-shaped self-propelled sun.

One absorbs energy and the other uses energy directly, at least in terms of function, there are certain contradictions and conflicts. This is the same as the electricity generated by the generator, which generally cannot be used to supply the operation of the generator itself. To complete this project, it is necessary to set up a transfer grafting instrument.

But Bai Xiaofei's situation was even more complicated.


He is alone.

It is not a machine, so it is impossible to set up any transfer device.

In addition, the body of a superman cannot absorb the energy of any star system. For example, the red solar light waves emitted by red dwarfs will restrain all the abilities of the body of a superman, and even cause threats and damage to it. But Reina's solar light ability is not the case, as long as it is star energy, it can be perfectly driven and invoked.


Even if Bai Xiaofei can really set up a transfer device in his body. The superhuman body is afraid of the shortcomings of the red sun's light waves, which will also greatly limit the star power of the sun's light, and even at a certain moment, such as when the surrounding stars are all red dwarfs, it will completely limit Bai Xiaofei's own strength play.

So far.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help feeling even more depressed.

As we all know, the ability of the sun's light is quite buggy, and its power can be used to the extreme. Even the eternal body like the holy Kaisa can be killed, and it can also be used as energy supply in normal times, etc. In terms of practicality alone, power It can be absolutely above the body of a superman, but Bai Xiaofei can't absorb such a good thing at all, how can you tell him to accept it?

It's like you have discovered a huge and incomparable treasure, and you also have the key to open the treasure in your hand, but you just can't get this treasure.

Can you be willing? It would be strange not to go crazy.

at last……

Bai Xiaofei had no choice but to recognize this matter.

After pondering and thinking for a while, he felt that there was no room for maneuver in this matter.

For example, in the not-too-distant future, after the body of the god pupil is completed, its ability surpasses the body of a superman, and it may be able to absorb the super gene of the sun's light and integrate into itself. Or... I can also use other methods to obtain the ability of the sun's light to drive stars.

And what Bai Xiaofei is best at is undoubtedly creating clones.

Vibrating gold doppelganger!

Wood Dun clone!

Xuanbing clone!

These are prime examples.

In other words, as long as Bai Xiaofei uses Lena's dna as the prototype, fuses part of his own dna, and then creates a perfect body, he will be able to perfectly control the sun's light just like controlling other clones. And there are absolutely no side effects.


All this is very beautiful.

But in reality, it will definitely not be so easy.

After all, the Sun's Light is one of the three major god-making projects. It took countless resources of the Kamigawa civilization to create the god's gene. Even Bai Xiaofei's dna optimization and fusion would take more than a thousand years, let alone Integrating the god's gene, the perfect cloning is carried out.

If it was really that simple, in the original book, after Leina was captured by the gluttonous army, she probably did this long ago.

Even Karl, the god of death who owns the most powerful artifact in the known universe, the big clock, cannot perfectly copy Lena's ability, which shows how powerful the god genes of the three major god-making projects are. With Bai Xiaofei's current strength and means, he probably doesn't have the ability to create a clone that can perfectly integrate the ability of the sun's light.

Maybe a time shuttle would do.


It is now on the verge of an upgrade.

Whether it can help Bai Xiaofei achieve this goal is still unknown, everything has to be completed by Bai Xiaofei to complete the upgrade task.

And thinking of the upgrade task issued by the space-time shuttle, requiring himself to witness the holy Kaisa being blown to death by the Emerald Star, Bai Xiaofei felt dizzy for a while. Whether or not this god-killing feat can be successfully completed, the big explosion of the Emerald Star alone is enough for Bai Xiaofei to drink a pot.


This is clearly forcing Bai Xiaofei to die.

Even the eternal mention of the holy Kaisa has been blown into countless atoms. How can I resist with my own strength? That is the terrifying power of a stellar supernova explosion, even the virtualization of Zhenjin's clone, it can't last that long. Unless you can completely jump into another space and dimension, you can be sure of everything!


A flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in Bai Xiaofei's mind.

Speaking of jumping into another space and dimension, he suddenly called out his wooden clone.

The Mutun clone not only has the ability of reincarnation eyes, but also perfectly replicates all the functions of Sharingan, and the virtualization ability derived from Uchiha Obito is different from the virtualization of Zhenjin clone, but completely I have achieved the level of pulling myself into the other dimension of space. If you use this ability and cooperate with other means, it may not be impossible to witness Kaisha's fall with your own eyes!

Think about it.

Bai Xiaofei was immediately excited.

This huge problem lingering in his mind is finally a little bit of a clue now.

And at the same time.

outside world……

Whether it is Huaxia, Morgana's demon army, or the international situation on Earth, all of them have undergone tremendous changes because of an emergency world earth security conference convened and held by Huaxia. The demon army began to shrink its strength rapidly. Many countries have also begun to launch various secret operations in full swing.

The gluttonous legion far away in outer space is also slowly approaching the earth.

In the same way, Holy Kaisha led more than a dozen high-level guardian angels, and they are also rushing towards the earth through the wormhole post channel of the Great Worm Bridge.

third day.

Early in the morning, Bai Xiaofei, who had just integrated Radam's dna ability, hadn't waited to carefully check his progress, when he suddenly received a call from Lianfeng of the Juxia. The content of the communication is very simple, with only one meaning, that is... Bai Xiaofei's Skynet plan can now be fully implemented.


"Although the result is far from what I expected, it is quite good to this extent."

"Wait for a moment, I'll be right there!"


hang up the phone.

Bai Xiaofei immediately began to dress and wash up.

As for the goddess Lena, she was still lying naked on the big warm bed, sleeping lazily and soundly.

There is no way, Bai Xiaofei's ability is too strong, even her super genetically modified divine body can't bear Bai Xiaofei's "destruction", and the two of them will fight for 2 days. After two full days of lingering love, even after sleeping for more than ten hours, Leina still hasn't recovered.

Bai Xiaofei is too fierce!


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