The Storm God

Chapter 1856 Lena was robbed! (Please subscribe!)

"Xiao Fei?"

"Brother Fei (instructor)? Didn't you say you went to an alien planet?"

"It's saved now!"


Not to mention how shocked and horrified Morgana was.

On Juxia's side, after discovering Bai Xiaofei's figure, they were all excited. They were all excited, and their fighting power was also accompanied by confidence. Their morale was greatly boosted.

on the contrary……

The Demon Legion is completely different.

The human name, Ershu Ying'er, and the master of the underworld are like thunder. Some of their compatriots have personally experienced Bai Xiaofei's terror. Now they see Bai Xiaofei appearing in a murderous fighting posture, and they are immediately frightened. broken.

Morale ebbed and flowed, and the balance of the battle naturally began to tilt.

The demon army quickly retreated, and the soldiers of the Juxia immediately took advantage of the situation to launch a frantic counterattack. Xin Zhao, Iron Wolf, Qiangwei and other super soldiers who were suppressed and ravaged by the void fighters breathed a sigh of relief.

They knew that with Bai Xiaofei around, even if they lost this battle, it wouldn't be too ugly. Then... One by one, they were very spineless, and directly led the Void Warrior, the most troublesome enemy, to Bai Xiaofei.

And the Void Warrior was also very cooperative, he didn't kill Qiangwei and the others, and instead focused all his attention on Bai Xiaofei, obviously treating someone as the number one enemy and threat.

"Void Barrier!"


It will not be polite to Bai Xiaofei.

From the very beginning, it was the ultimate killer move, with subverting and modifying the law of conservation of mass as the driving core, the launch constituted a specific void energy barrier, trapping Bai Xiaofei in the middle in an instant.

at the same time……

The void engine began to operate at full power.

Analyzing the target, rewriting the primary definition, reflecting light energy, anti-dark energy, gravitational disorder, air extraction... and so on, all of them bloomed like a hundred flowers in an instant, as if they didn't need money, and they all hit Bai Xiaofei.

A posture of trying to kill Bai Xiaofei in an instant.

the other side.

He just managed to control Leina, and cracked part of the ghosts authorized by the Sun's Light. He was horrified, afraid that the Void Warrior was not Bai Xiaofei's opponent, so he quickly contacted Morgana and asked to leave the battlefield.


At first, Morgana disagreed.

The moment she saw Bai Xiaofei, all the anger and hatred towards Bai Xiaofei surged in her heart. When Bai Xiaofei was in the United States, he destroyed all his demon bases, but Morgana hadn't settled the debt with Bai Xiaofei yet.

And now...

Controlling Lena is undoubtedly the best time.

Morgana didn't believe that Bai Xiaofei would do anything to his woman. The other party throws a mouse trap, but I can control Leina and release the ability of the sun's light to my heart's content. This kind of ravage is the best way to vent.

To be honest, she really wanted to see Bai Xiaofei's despair and helplessness.


Morgana is the Demon Queen after all.

Whether it is strength or mentality, it is by no means comparable to ordinary people. The thoughts in her heart were completely suppressed by Morgana almost as soon as they rose up. Because she has a more important goal.

That's Holy Keisha!


Compared to the grievances towards Bai Xiaofei, the relationship between Morgana and the Holy Kaisa is the real hatred, and it is still chaotic. Now it's hard to come up with the current plan to kill the gods, and everything is ready.

Naturally, Morgana wouldn't have any troubles because of Bai Xiaofei.

What if you screw up?


At that time, it will be me who will suffer and be depressed.

Morgana is an absolutely shrewd queen, so naturally she won't take a huge risk to deal with Bai Xiaofei because of a small loss. As long as the plan to kill the gods is completed, there will be no holy Kaisha, the biggest threat, at that time, and the demon army will be the most powerful existence in the known universe.

By then...

Wouldn't it be easy to deal with Bai Xiaofei who was just like politics?

So Morgana finally agreed to Ghost Shadow's request, and then ordered Artest and others to open the worm gate immediately, and was responsible for teleporting the controlled Lena from the Juxia to the designated position.

As long as there is no such thing as Lena, the biggest uncertain factor, it will be easy to deal with Bai Xiaofei. For example, the Void Warrior given to Morgana by Karl the God of Death is undoubtedly the best candidate to test Bai Xiaofei's strength and means.

There is no need to waste one's own soldiers, just quietly watching and appreciating from a distance, you can easily obtain a lot of information and data on Bai Xiaofei's body, such a good thing, Morgana will naturally not refuse.

As for the super soldiers of Juxia and Xiongbing Company?


His eyes wandered to look at the display screen in front of him.

Seeing that every monitor displayed mostly the miserable and embarrassing scenes of the Juxia, Morgana smiled disdainfully, and secretly said: "I might still care about them before, but now..."

"The lingering defeated generals are almost left with two or three bare-bones aircraft carriers, big cats and kittens, so nothing to be afraid of! Artest, tell all the troops to retreat, there are enough things here! "

"The upcoming battle of killing gods is the top priority of our plan!"

"Yes, queen!"

Artest nodded yes, and faithfully carried out Morgana's order. With the orders and operations from the base of the Devil's Castle, the Devil Legion on the Juxia's side immediately began an orderly retreat.

Xin Zhao, Iron Wolf and other super fighters, seeing Lena being captured by the demon army, and these demons fleeing again, they are naturally very unwilling and angry, and with Bai Xiaofei in charge, their confidence is greatly increased, so one by one At the beginning, he showed his supernatural power, beating the evacuating demon army, but he also achieved cost-effective results, killing many demon warriors.


Compared with the casualties caused by the Devil Legion to the Juxia aircraft carrier battle group, these results are simply not enough, the difference is too much, too much. And the two are completely incomparable.

after all……

Demons can be resurrected.

Even those low-level demons that cannot be resurrected are mostly transformed by earthlings who were infected or bewitched by the demon gene, which is the so-called cannon fodder. There is no comparison with the sacrificed soldiers on the Great Strait sex!

In this battle, the loss of the demon army was indeed not small.


The Great Gorge was even worse.

The aircraft carrier battle group is almost completely abolished, only one broken aircraft carrier main ship is still strong, and almost all of the rest are sunk. Although several destroyers in the distance have not sunk into the sea, judging from the degree of burning Look, it's also obviously close to being scrapped.

Even the fleet of the Man of Steel ended up like this, and the casualties of the ordinary soldiers on it can be imagined. But these are secondary, the most important thing is that the captain of the Xiongbing Company, Sunlight Lena was snatched by the demon army.

Lena's identity is extremely special.

She is alone, so naturally she does not have such a high weight. The key point is that Lena is the future main god of Lieyang Star. She represents the Sunstar, a super powerful physical ally!

If there is something wrong with Leina, or if the devil uses Leina to blackmail Lieyangxing...

At that time, the situation of the earth will be even worse.

The most irritating thing is——

on this...

Lao Du and the others could only watch helplessly.

It's not that they don't want to save Reina, but they are helpless, helpless, and simply powerless.

Looking unwillingly at Morgana's demon army, they all disappeared into the ripples of the micro-wormhole with grinning grinning. Lao Du and the others could only pin all their hopes on Bai Xiaofei, hoping that Bai Xiaofei could lead them again. Give everyone a surprise and miracle.


When the indiscriminate bombardment in the void barrier finally stopped.

All the messy lights finally stopped flickering, and when everyone could finally see the situation inside clearly, the fire of hope of everyone was poured a big pot of cold water in an instant.

See what you see.

Everyone saw only an extremely embarrassed and miserable figure.

Bai Xiaofei's gorgeous, noble, and incomparably domineering Seraphim Pluto's divine robe was now in dilapidated condition, almost completely in tatters. The fully covered divine garment was damaged like rags, and only a handful of them were left. Part of it is still attached to Bai Xiaofei's body, looking at it is pitiful.

The once ferocious and evil Apophis Demon Sword, which gave people an infinite sense of oppression, has completely lost its strange and dense purple brilliance at this moment. Not only is the sword body broken into two pieces, but it also seems to be corroded by sulfuric acid. Hole.

But the worst one was Bai Xiaofei himself.

Oh My God!

It was almost invisible.

Both legs were missing to some extent, blood was rushing down, and the snow-white bones and stubble wings were exposed, mixed with flesh and blood, making it look extremely hideous. To make matters worse, Bai Xiaofei's left half of his body was completely blown away.


Totally gone.

The entire left half of the body, from the shoulder down, was almost gone. If you look in from the side, you can clearly see the exposed ribs, heart, intestines, spine...

Although Bai Xiaofei's head was intact, the entire left half of his face was completely cut off, almost turning into a skeleton. Combined with the injury and shape of his other parts, it is more than a miserable word.

See this scenario.

Everyone who survived the Juxia, even Morgana and the others who were still watching from a distance, in short, one counted as one, and they were all completely dumbfounded at this time. All of them stared wide-eyed, dumbfounded.

Completely lost for words.

that look...

It was like seeing the end of the world, full of collapse and despair.

Of course, Morgana's demon army is different, their stunned is more because of shock and disbelief. He didn't expect the ability of the void warrior to be so terrifying, and Bai Xiaofei was so unbearable in front of the void warrior.

But the Void Warrior who defeated Bai Xiaofei was full of arrogance at this time, snorted coldly full of disdain, and said: "Bai Xiaofei, is this your strength? I am really disappointed, what kind of master of the underworld is nothing more than that That's all!"

"Compared to the wisdom and greatness of my god Karl, you are not even qualified to carry shoes!"

"Is it……"

The Void Warrior had just finished speaking.

An evil and familiar voice of sly laughter suddenly sounded behind him. It suddenly turned around in shock, its electronic eyes shone with unbelievable light, but it was shocked to find that the person who made the sound turned out to be...

"Bai Xiaofei!"


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