The Storm God

Chapter 1857 Praying Mantis Catch Cicadas! (Please subscribe!)

this moment.

The Void Warrior was completely dumbfounded.

He couldn't figure it out, Bai Xiaofei was obviously trapped by his own void barrier, and then he was nearly half-dead and disabled by various means and abilities, why did he suddenly run behind him?


Still unscathed!

Not only him, but everyone around who saw this scene were also stunned. At this moment, everyone was like the Void Warrior, completely dazed by the strange scene on the scene, how could there be two Bai Xiaofei?

"Could it be..."

The fastest responder was Queen Morgana.

She suddenly thought of something, her expression changed instantly, and she quickly reminded the Void Warrior: "No! That abused guy is Bai Xiaofei's clone, and the current one is his real body. He was testing your ability before, attack quickly!" , don't give him a chance to make a move..."


It's too late.

Before Morgana could finish speaking, Bai Xiaofei laughed straight away, using the means of space ability, instantly set up and formed a special enchantment circle that just wrapped the Void Warrior into it, completely sealing it inside.

Not only that.

The moment he succeeded, Bai Xiaofei waved his hand again and again.

I saw black hole grenades the size of fists, as if they didn't need money, they just threw them wildly at the void warrior. And he didn't give the other party a chance to react, the timing was just right, almost immediately when the grenade entered the barrier, it was detonated immediately.


The miniature black holes exploded instantly.

The crazy and terrifying space suction force is like a monster that devours the sky and the earth, vowing to swallow everything. It is true... the power of one black hole grenade is indeed limited, but what if N multiple black hole grenades explode simultaneously in a small space?

The terrifying power formed by nearly a thousand miniature black holes intertwined and superimposed is absolutely super abnormal. Bai Xiaofei himself admits that he can't handle it, let alone an ordinary mechanical body equipped with a void engine.

To know.

This black hole grenade comes from the hands of the dark elves in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. A burst of power, if hit head-on, can kill even the cursed tauren who will rage Thor.

Its formidable power can be seen from this.

What's more, in a small space, nearly a thousand black hole grenades exploded at the same time! That scene...was like throwing a plastic toy into a shredder made of superalloy.

The end of the void warrior can be imagined.

as expected.

The Void Warrior, who was caught off guard, was unlucky in an instant. Nearly a thousand mini black holes exploded at the same time, causing his mechanical body to be severely damaged in an instant. The huge mechanical wings were the first to suffer. Swallowed clean!

Followed by its mechanical arm, thighs, head, and main core, it was soon smashed into countless particles by the infinite terrifying suction force of the black hole, and then swallowed up.


The void engine is not covered either.

Although he was caught off guard, the Void Warrior reluctantly activated his abilities when he was in danger. He actually set up a set of tight void barriers that fit his body, protecting him like a protective shield.


All in vain.

In the world of Super God Heroes, the power of black holes is almost the most terrifying. Even Carl, who is as strong as the god of death with a big clock, wants to blow up black holes, perhaps void matter, and has to rely on countless stellar energy as the drive. It can be seen The power of black holes.

The void engine is indeed very powerful, but it just bypasses the balance of mass.

Energy conservation must still be observed.

simply put.

That is, the void warrior also needs enough energy to activate the ability, thus forming the power of the void, subverting and modifying the conservation of mass. The intensity of subversion and modification depends on the target object, the stronger the intensity, the more terrifying the energy required.

And the current Void Warrior is just an experiment of Karl, the god of death.

It is the lowest version of the model, whether it is the ability of the void engine or the problem of energy acquisition and supply, it is the most elementary. It may not be a big problem to deal with half of the super genetic soldiers, or other crises.

But if you want to fight against the most famous criminal in the universe - the black hole, it is obviously not qualified.


The black hole formed by the black hole grenade is only miniature, not a pure cosmic black hole. Its power is almost not even one millionth, but it cannot hold up to a large number, and it is detonated at the same time in a small sealed space enchantment circle of.

Such a result is another matter.

No matter how weak it is, it is definitely not something that a void experiment can compete with. Of course, it’s not quite accurate to say this. In the final analysis, it’s because the Void Warrior doesn’t have enough energy. Otherwise, even if the version of the Void Engine is relatively low, it can still compete with these black hole grenades with the abnormal ability of peaking and modifying mass conservation. of explosive power.


There is no if in reality, nor is it the light of the sun, and there is no so-called infinite energy.

So its fate can only end in tragedy.


Void Warrior died.

Even though it activated the Void Engine when it was in danger, because it did not have enough energy to activate the ability to subvert and modify the conservation of mass, it was finally crushed and swallowed by the crazy superimposed horror black holes in an instant.

In the end, there was not even a little bit of dregs left.

All of this is a long story, but in fact, from Morgana's reminder, to Bai Xiaofei's sudden shot, throwing the black hole grenade wildly, and detonating it at the same time, to the Void Warrior's attack and the ability to activate the Void Engine to resist, in the end he couldn't resist being attacked. Completely destroying and killing them all happened in an instant.

In front of Bai Xiaofei, the Void Warrior was almost instantly killed.

There is no way to fight back.


This is not to say that it is too rubbish, but that Bai Xiaofei is too cunning. In fact, Bai Xiaofei has been here ever since Leina fell into a coma and was attacked by ghosts, and the mental defense on Leina's body was an alarm signal. Once triggered, he would rush over in an instant.

However, Bai Xiaofei didn't show up and make a move immediately. It's not that he doesn't want to save Leina, but because he is jealous and scruples about the ability of the void warrior, if he attacks rashly, without knowing the opponent's ability, the loss may not be worth the gain.


From the very beginning, Bai Xiaofei was observing and deciphering the Void ability of the Void Warrior.

The Pangu dark system quickly read all the information about the Void Warrior on the battlefield, Tie Jiaman's flashing eagle and anti-matter cannon, the damage caused to the Void Warrior, the reason... etc. Everything was instantly captured by Bai Xiaofei. Informed and understood.


After having some guesses in my heart.

Bai Xiaofei resolutely appeared, but what appeared was not his body, but a clone of Wooden Dungeon. And the function of this wooden escape avatar is to verify Bai Xiaofei's conjecture, and to create a chance for Bai Xiaofei to kill with one blow.

as expected.

The experiment was successful. In order to instantly kill Bai Xiaofei, the Void Warrior really used the abnormal ability of the Void Engine. Because of this, Bai Xiaofei, who was hiding in the dark, really verified all his guesses.

The powerful Pangu dark system, almost instantly formulated a feasible killing plan for the weakness of the void warrior in front of him. Among the many plans, using the terrifying power of the black hole grenade is undoubtedly the fastest and most effective.

Only then did Bai Xiaofei show up and instantly kill the Void Warrior.

The praying mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole follows behind!

But that's all.


All the reasons and specific circumstances of this are only known to Bai Xiaofei himself. The bystanders around, including Queen Morgana, had no idea at all, otherwise Bai Xiaofei's plan would not have gone so smoothly.

But the more so, the more shocked and unbelievable the scene of Bai Xiaofei killing the Void Warrior was. Especially Morgana, others don't know the ability of Void Warrior, but she knows it clearly.

Morgana never imagined that the Void Warriors developed by Karl, the God of Death, who worked so hard to research and develop them with all his strength, would be killed so easily. Whether it's Tie Jiaman's fierce beast D-boy, or Bai Xiaofei's tricks, all of these make our Lady Queen feel unreal like a dream.


She started to go into a trance because of it.

Seriously doubt whether the key part of Death Karl's mysterious plan to kill the gods, getting the holy Kaisa to the expected ambush and sniping location, can be realized, and the two instant kills of the void fighters are all doubts and wavering fuse.


A queen is a queen after all.

The current situation is imminent, and the arrow has to be guarded against. Even if there is some worry and doubt in her heart, Morgana can only grit her teeth and fight hard, otherwise, if she gives up lightly, then all the hard work and sacrifices, But it was all wasted.

What's more, now that the sun's light has been obtained, all the plans, only the holy Keisha is left, and she is only one step away from victory, so how can she be willing to rest assured. In order to trust her tens of thousands of years of classmates and friends, Morgana finally chose to believe in Karl, the god of death.

In other words, the God Killing Plan must be carried out!


before leaving and acting.

Morgana felt that it was very necessary for her to act like a winner and to be proud of herself in front of Bai Xiaofei, so as to get revenge for what the other party had done to her before, and this was the only revenge she could do at the moment.

"Bai Xiaofei!"

"You were lucky this time, and you were able to kill even the Void Warrior, but in the end, you lost in the end, because Sunlight Leina has been captured by me. Now that Lena is in our hands, if you are sensible You'd better give me two days of silence!"


Speaking of this, the face of Morgana's star projection image suddenly darkened, and she said viciously: "If you dare to mess around on my territory and kill my compatriots, then don't blame me for being rude to your women!"


The image just disappears.

The surviving people on the Juxia all stared blankly at Bai Xiaofei who was facing the sky, with worried and anxious expressions on their faces.

And a certain person was calm, with a mysterious and strange arc on the corner of his mouth, secretly said: "You are welcome to Lena? Haha! You must have that ability, I will tell you my real body now By Reina's side..."


With a "bang", the whole person instantly turned into a cloud of white smoke and disappeared without a trace.

Seeing this, Lao Du and the others on the Juxia were stunned, their eyes widened, and they murmured in disbelief: "Damn it! This... is also Bai Xiaofei's clone?! "


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