The Storm God

Chapter 2058 Take the initiative to attack! (Please subscribe!)

the next day.

When the morning sun shone on Xi Jun's face, he finally regained consciousness.

After a short period of confusion, Xi Jun was startled suddenly.

"This is the second day?"


He just remembered it suddenly.

Last night, Bai Xiaofei said that he wanted to learn hacker-related technical knowledge by himself, but... why did he suddenly fall asleep in a daze? And he fell asleep right away until dawn, could it be that Mr. Bai Xiaofei did all of this?

Why did he do this?


Xijun's mind was full of shock and doubts, and it could be said that he couldn't understand it.


And at this moment.

Bai Xiaofei's laughter suddenly came from beside him.

"woke up?"

"How do you feel? Accepting too much knowledge rashly is like this. Otherwise, the massive data will have a great impact on the memory part of the brain. A short sleep and coma are already the best results!"

"However, you are also a blessing in disguise, and I have improved some of your physique."

"Perhaps you have felt it."


Xi Jun looked for his reputation.

But he saw Bai Xiaofei walking out of the kitchen with a plate of fragrant food at the moment.

And the dining table was already full of meals.

very rich.

at the same time.

Xi Jun's stomach.

It seemed that he was also seduced by these meals, and immediately began to scream "Gulu Gulu" very disappointingly.

Xijun suddenly felt embarrassed, and his face turned red instantly.

Bai Xiaofei laughed.

"come on!"

"After the physique has improved, it will look like this. The body's demand for energy will increase a lot in an instant. At the same time, because of the too much knowledge and data received last night, the brain also needs a lot of energy to supply."

"These meals of mine are specially prepared for you."

"Eat it while it's hot!"


A very enthusiastic look.


When Xi Jun heard this, he was immediately moved. It was the first time he had received gifts from other people when he grew up so big, and Bai Xiaofei had done so much. He was helping to learn knowledge, improving his physique, and helping with food. eat food...

With such great care, Xijun's frozen heart began to slowly show signs of thawing.

"Thank you, Mr. Bai Xiaofei!"

"I'm gonna start now!"


Xi Jun said thanks.

Immediately, sitting at the dining table, he began to gobble up.

It's not that he doesn't eat well, on the contrary, Xijun's eating is usually very dignified and quiet. It's just that at this moment, he is really hungry, and the food cooked by Bai Xiaofei is really delicious, which makes him lose his previous image in an instant.

on this...

Bai Xiaofei didn't care.

While eating breakfast silently, he smiled and said, "Don't worry, eat slowly. I understand the physical needs better than you, so I made more breakfast, which is definitely enough for you to consume. You are welcome."


Xijun said respectfully.

And with a large amount of food in his belly, he also instantly felt the abnormality of his body. It seemed that after waking up, not only his mind became clearer, but even a lot of hacker-related technical knowledge appeared in his mind.

Not only that.

His strength seemed to have grown even stronger.

Just in this short time of eating, he almost crushed the bowls and chopsticks in his hand, which was absolutely impossible in the past. Even wearing tights is the same. After all, the boosting effect of tights takes a certain amount of time and thought to be triggered.

But at this moment, the feeling of power surge is completely from the instinct of the body.

It was as if, Xi Jun already possessed this kind of power.

"It's incredible!"


Xi Jun suddenly understood.

This seems to be what Mr. Bai Xiaofei said about improving his physique.


How on earth did he do it?

Could it be that some illegal human experiment was carried out on me while I was drowsy? And how did Mr. Bai Xiaofei stuff the inexplicable knowledge of hacking techniques into my mind?

Such a heaven-defying ability, even a black ball, seems impossible, right?

Who is he, that's too powerful.

Could it be God?


While eating.

Xijun's heart was full of shock, horror, and full of doubts.

He's not one to hide doubts.

Especially in front of Bai Xiaofei.


Think about it a little bit.

In the end, Xijun still asked out the doubts in his heart.

"This is actually very simple!"

In this regard, Bai Xiaofei didn't hide anything, and patiently explained: "I have an ability to browse and modify other people's memories at will. I call it the power of the mind. The technical knowledge in your mind is my It was stuffed in through this ability."

"However, although you have technical knowledge, if you want to fully integrate it and make it your own real skills, you still need a certain amount of time to adapt and practice, otherwise they will be a bunch of dead things."

"As for the improvement of physique, this is even easier. I have a treasure called Ice Phoenix Holy Water. After taking it, it can greatly improve the physique of the human body. Not only the human body, but any living thing will get corresponding benefits after taking it. improvement."

"As for the effect of the improvement, it depends entirely on the individual. After all, everyone's potential is completely different. What's more, the amount of Ice Phoenix Holy Water you take will also affect the improvement of your physique."

"Your physical potential is limited, so you can only figure it out slowly. In the days to come, I will prepare corresponding Ice Phoenix Holy Water for you according to a certain ratio to improve your ability again..."


Bai Xiaofei explained it in detail.

As for Xi Jun, he was completely stunned. Only then did he realize that his methods and abilities were really far beyond his imagination, mind power? Ice Phoenix holy water? God, what are these things?

This is the first time he heard of it!

so amazing!

Everything is that simple?

There are no illegal human experiments, and there is no need for excessive means?

This, this is incredible!

Compared to the black ball...


It seems that the two are not comparable at all, okay?



Mr. Bai Xiaofei can't bring people back to life?

But forget it, anyone who has nothing to do is just looking for death to play. Although the black ball has the ability to resurrect people, it needs 100 points to redeem it. If Bai Xiaofei can crack the technology of the black ball, maybe he can use it unlimitedly kind of function.

Not only those, but even many powerful weapons and equipment, maybe they can be hacked together. Thinking of this, Xi Jun suddenly became excited. He was so excited that he couldn't even eat anymore, and he was going to take Bai Xiaofei to Tokyo immediately.


Seeing this, Bai Xiaofei was taken aback.

Then he said: "You mean, you want to take me to the black ball room in Tokyo, and let me solve the mystery there? Have you found the exact location of the room where the black ball is?"


Xijun nodded.

As the most qualified veteran, he naturally did some in-depth research.

Similar to the space where the black ball is located, Xijun found its exact position early. It's just that, in normal times, no one can enter without the black ball's call, but every time they are summoned, everyone enters by teleportation.

There is no limit to leaving.


How to take the initiative to enter, Xijun has never been able to think of any solution.

Even with the technical knowledge taught by Bai Xiaofei, it's the same, because outside the exact position of the black ball, there is no electronic equipment, just a bare door, Xi Jun tried almost all methods except breaking the door violently.

However, in Xijun's opinion, Bai Xiaofei is so awesome, that little problem should not be difficult for him.

That's why he was so eager.

after all……

After all, Xijun is still controlled by the black ball. Now that there is a great god here who can get rid of the black ball and control life and death, let alone Xijun, it is estimated that anyone else will not be able to help it immediately. Action in exchange for your own freedom.


Bai Xiaofei pondered for a while.

In the end, in Xijun's eyes full of hope and longing, he nodded with a smile, and said, "Even so, it's okay to try, but Tokyo is a long way from Osaka, no matter how anxious we are, it's not bad." At this moment."

"Let's go after breakfast."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear the energy consumption of your body. You know, after your physical fitness improves, your energy demand, especially for the first time, is very huge. If you don't have enough to eat, you will suffer in the future."

"After all, I can't be by your side all the time."


Xi Jun was overjoyed when he heard the words.

With the bowls and chopsticks in hand, the speed of eating is even faster.


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