The Storm God

Chapter 2059 Investigation! (Please subscribe!)

Two hours later.

Bai Xiaofei and Xi Jun appeared under a certain building in Tokyo.

"right here!"

Xi Jun pointed to somewhere in the building.

His eyes were full of excitement, and he said, "Mr. Bai Xiaofei, the location of the black ball is on the 22nd floor. Most of the rest of the rooms are empty. Even if there is any disturbance, it will not cause any disturbance." What attention."


Bai Xiaofei had already expected this.

After all, every time Black Ball sends players to perform missions, there are several of them, and they all wear tights. Even when they leave, a large number of players leave together. If there are all neighbors around, it will inevitably arouse certain suspicions.

The only way to reduce these troubles is to find an area with few people around.

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but start to admire those guys who got the black ball technology. You know, the black balls are transported all over the world. Let's not mention other places for the time being. Let's just talk about the one in front of us. good location.

well known.

The closer the urban area is to the center, the more frightening the housing prices.

The placement of a black ball requires not only a simple room, but also the surrounding houses. In order to meet these requirements, it is undoubtedly the best choice to buy the surroundings together.

Just one place can spend so much thought and financial resources. It is conceivable that the controller of the black ball and the power of the consortium behind it are absolutely extraordinary. Without world-class standards, it is impossible.

But think about it.

The technology of the black ball is almost against the sky, and it is to fight against the aliens hiding on the earth. As long as the controllers of the black ball are not idiots, they will definitely consult and cooperate with politicians from all over the world.


If there is really too much commotion, the ability of some rich people alone may not be able to stop it at all. Only when the government and business unite, contribute money, effort, technology, and have the same goals and interests, can we do whatever we want.

That is.

The behind-the-scenes controllers of the black ball are not only the rich, but also some dignitaries from various countries. Of course, it's another matter if these guys who are united because of the black ball are on the same page.

Closer to home.


Bai Xiaofei and Xijun took the elevator to the twenty-second floor of the building.

Stepping out of the elevator, Bai Xiaofei opened up his mental power, and carried out a detailed sweep and inspection of the surrounding floors without anyone noticing. It was found that as Xijun said, there were no residents or personnel on the upper and lower floors.

On the 22nd floor where the two were located, one of the unit rooms had a special particle barrier. It is like an invisible protective cover, which wraps the unit room in an unbreakable and airtight manner.

Unless the master agrees, or the barrier is completely destroyed by means of violence powerful enough to break through this special particle barrier, it is impossible to break through this layer of defense and enter the world with ordinary means, even with Bai Xiaofei's black technology ability. inside the room.

"As expected of a universe-level super civilization, there are indeed some ways."

Although Bai Xiaofei was very depressed about this, but deep down in his heart, he was also very excited and excited, because the more powerful the black ball was, the more benefits he could obtain.

"let's go!"


Hearing Bai Xiaofei's words, Xi Jun was a little dazed and shocked.

Can't even you figure it out?


Seeing Xijun's shock.

Bai Xiaofei just smiled, and then explained: "It's not that it's impossible, but that it's not suitable. The defensive barrier in the room is extremely stable and powerful. Although I can break through it, I can't guarantee that it won't cause too much impact."

"I see."

Xi Jun is not an idiot either, when he heard what Bai Xiaofei said, he understood it almost instantly. It turned out that Mr. Bai Xiaofei chose to give up in order not to cause unnecessary impact, and it was not because there was no other way.

I suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

after all……

Bai Xiaofei is now his backer, if this mountain is not as good as the black ball, then his own behavior is really a death. Of course Xijun didn't want this to happen.


He puzzled: "Then next, we..."

"Everyone goes home."

Bai Xiaofei smiled and shook his head.

Looking at Xi Jun who was full of helplessness and depression, he said, "You should still be a student now, right? Is it really okay to just skip class like this? I'll find a hotel nearby and stay. As usual."

"If the black ball has a mission and sent you in, just let me know when the mission is out. With my ability and the distance from here, it's very easy to find and support you."


Xi Jun suddenly became more depressed.

Because he felt that Bai Xiaofei looked at him as if he was looking at a child.

The look in his eyes made him feel quite uncomfortable.

"I'm not a child."


He wanted to tell Bai Xiaofei loudly.

However, looking at Bai Xiaofei's calm and prestige eyes, Xi Jun couldn't help but tremble in his heart, and all his courage, like a deflated balloon, wilted in a blink of an eye.

at last……

Xijun had no choice but to go to school hard.

Regardless of Xijun's mood and reaction, let's just talk about Bai Xiaofei's side now.

After leaving the building where the black ball was located, Bai Xiaofei directly found a nearby hotel to live in. Similarly, after setting up an isolation circle in the room to prevent any possibility of being monitored, he started his next move.

Bai Xiaofei remembers that in the original anime plot, there was a special website about Black Ball, which gathered various rumors from all over the world about Black Ball, warriors in tights, and various aliens. Photos and intelligence.

And one of his own reporters, in the follow-up plot, relied on the communication on this website to contact a certain rich man in Germany, and thus solved the truth and origin of the black ball.

The purpose of Bai Xiaofei this time is to find out this website.

One is to obtain more information about the black ball, and the other is to have a general grasp of information about other black ball teams around the world. Of course, more importantly, Bai Xiaofei wanted to use this to find some real insiders.

For example, the reporter who was so lucky.

If through the communication on the website, you can contact the rich man in Germany and learn about those magical void space signals from his daughter, then with Bai Xiaofei's ability, he will definitely be able to create a stronger black ball because of it. .


This is when everything goes well.

As for the facts, it is unknown, anyway, Bai Xiaofei expected that it would definitely not be so easy.

as expected.

After two hours of hard work.

Relying on his superb hacking skills, Bai Xiaofei successfully found the special website about black balls, successfully registered relevant members, and communicated with some of the senior forum members.


Most of them are sci-fi fans.

Their understanding of the black ball is more of their own guessing and analysis, and there is no practical information. Even any rookie who is a new member of the black ball team knows more than them.


There are also some exceptions.

However, these people are very shrewd. Seeing that Bai Xiaofei's question pointed directly to the core, they immediately started talking about him, obviously not wanting to continue talking about it.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei was also quite helpless.

He can be sure that this guy must know something, but he chose to remain silent because he was concerned about something. But... Do you think that Bai Xiaofei has nothing to do?


How can it be.

As early as the first time these people communicated with Bai Xiaofei.

Bai Xiaofei asked Bai Cass to quickly trace and crack the other party's IP address through the network system all over the world, and secretly called the other party's computer and other monitoring equipment to successfully obtain the other party's information.


Based on this information, Bai Xiaofei will meet these people as appropriate.

In short, his ultimate goal is the daughter of the super rich man in Germany, because only she can obtain the special electromagnetic wave signals sent by the super civilization in the universe. As long as he controls these signal information, Bai Xiaofei can obtain all the technologies of the black ball.


The information on these characters is very complicated.

Even if Bai Xiaofei used special means to directly block a large number of impossible characters, the number of relevant people obtained exceeded a hundred or more. And most of them are far away in foreign countries.

Today, there are only two in the island country near Tokyo.

"It's you two!"

After obtaining the final information.

Bai Xiaofei made a quick decision and directly determined the target of this operation.

follow closely……

Without any hesitation, after controlling the dynamics and accurate information of the two key figures through the network information system, Bai Xiaofei left the hotel and started his own investigation.


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