The Storm God

Chapter 2107 Even more powerful! (Please subscribe!)

No wonder Bai Xiaofei was speechless.

You know, in "Killing City", whether it's an anime or a film and television drama, the protagonists are Masaru Kato and Keeno Kei. But after Bai Xiaofei arrived, he didn't find anything special from the two of them, or had any great halo power.

On the contrary, Samoyed Beckham and Xi Jun miraculously obtained huge benefits.

The limelight even overshadowed the two protagonists for a time.

It's just unbelievable.

As everyone knows...

All this is actually because of his own relationship.

As the saying goes, "one person attains the Tao, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven", Bai Xiaofei's strength at its peak was an existence at the level of a saint. It is powerful to the extreme.

In short, Bai Xiaofei's own aura is a super huge buff aura. Xiaobei and Xijun followed Bai Xiaofei, so naturally they would be affected to some extent.


without any exaggeration.

They can have today's achievements and everything, all thanks to Bai Xiaofei, without Bai Xiaofei's existence, they would not be able to grow to where they are today, let alone awaken the snow-colored flames and this weird ice crystal eye.

Closer to home.

Xijun's ice crystal eyes did not last long.

Almost fleetingly.


Even Xijun himself didn't seem to notice the abnormality in his eyes. I saw him looking at Bai Xiaofei in great surprise and excitement, and said with gratitude: "Sir, I have succeeded. My current strength is more than a hundred times stronger than before!"

"If I hadn't experienced it myself, no one would believe such a terrifying improvement speed and effect!"

"It's all so incredible!"


This moment.

Xijun was extremely excited as if he had been reborn.

Under the agitation of emotions, it is inevitable that some people will not be able to control the powerful power they just obtained. As a result, the whole body immediately began to overflow with a bone-chilling icy air, causing the temperature in the entire room to drop by more than ten in an instant. Spend.

Fortunately, Bai Xiaofei's physique is extraordinary, his strength is astonishing, and he is fearless of the cold and low temperature. Otherwise... I'm afraid I was just like Dr. Zola, shivering from the cold on the spot, which is evident from the low temperature in the room.

It's like going directly from summer to the twelfth lunar month of winter, without any process and transition, it's hard to guard against!


See this situation.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help raising his brows again, obviously he didn't expect that this Xijun not only awakened the pupil technique which is different from ordinary people, but even his physique seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes.


The eyes of the stars are opened.

The specific mutation in Xijun's body was directly reflected in Bai Xiaofei's eyes.

Bai Xiaofei was surprised to find that Xijun's physique had been completely changed by the Ice Phoenix Holy Water. From the bones to the meridians, tissues and muscles, every cell in the body seemed to contain some kind of extremely cold energy.

just like……

Xijun's whole body is like a big ice cube.

Simply incredible!


The most special thing is Xijun's eyes.

In the line of sight of Bai Xiaofei's eyes of the stars, there is almost the strongest and most condensed place on Xijun's body where the cold energy gathers, like two thousand-year-old ice gems, containing extremely powerful energy and cold energy.


Seeing this, Bai Xiaofei felt happy immediately, and said to himself: "It seems that the magical effects of the Ice Crystal Tears and the Ice Phoenix Holy Water are far more magical and powerful than I imagined and expected. It is indeed equivalent to the Marvel Infinity Gems." It’s a treasure, it’s really awesome!”


Bai Xiaofei waved his hand.

A tyrannical and incomparable force was immediately imposed on Xi Jun's body.

Immediately afterwards, the icy air escaping from Xijun's body was quickly taken back into Xijun's body, and the ultra-low temperature in the room, which had dropped suddenly, also began to rise rapidly until it returned to its original state.


Bai Xiaofei smiled.

He nodded at Xijun and reminded: "I am very satisfied with the result of this nirvana. You have not only improved your strength, but also changed your physique. You have also awakened a pair of very powerful ice crystal eyes. The future potential is endless." ah!"

He's telling the truth.

Without any adulteration or exaggeration, Xijun's potential is really strong.

Although Xi Jun is still unable to use his own power well, especially those strange and unpredictable ice crystal eyes, with the guidance of Bai Xiaofei, a super mentor, his future achievements will naturally be limitless.

"The Eye of Ice Crystal?"

And Xi Jun heard this.

On the other hand, he was completely stunned. He could still understand things like changing his physique, but what the hell is this ice crystal eye? Superpowers? But it sounds like it's very powerful and awesome, but why can't I feel it at all? !

Could it be that Mr. Bai Xiaofei misread it?


With Mr. Bai Xiaofei's strength and realm, how could he be wrong, he must be too stupid, so he didn't feel it. Anyway, Mr. Bai Xiaofei said that there is, so there must be, and I will look for it later, and I must study the Ice Crystal Eye thoroughly.

Xi Jun secretly made up his mind.


Just then.

But Bai Xiaofei smiled and explained: "Okay, don't think about it, I'll tell you directly, the so-called [Ice Crystal Eyes] is actually what I call it, what is its name, I don't know."


"Every change is the same, I am sure, it is one of many pupil techniques, its power and potential are very powerful, but your current strength is too low, so you still can't feel its existence, wait for you in the future If your realm has been raised to a certain level, you may be able to fully activate it and understand its power and use."

"And your most urgent task now is to familiarize yourself with and master your own icy power as soon as possible, so as not to leak out at every turn like just now, causing a great impact on the surroundings."


Xi Jun quickly responded.

To be able to get Mr. Bai Xiaofei's guidance, at this moment, he was not to mention how excited he was.

Bai Xiaofei ignored Xijun's little excitement, pondered for a while, and then said: "Xijun, since after Nirvana, your power belongs to ice and ice, then I will give you the Bronze Cloth of the White Bird Zodiac Well, it just so happens that the two of you have the same attributes, so pairing them together can be said to be even more powerful!"

The words fell.

A bronze box instantly appeared in front of Xijun.

Afterwards, under Bai Xiaofei's signal, Xi Jun suppressed the excitement in his heart, and with trembling hands, he opened the box of the Bronze Cloth of the White Bird. Immediately after the glory bloomed, the Bronze Saint Cloth of the White Bird made a stunning appearance.

next moment.

The Bronze Cloth of Shiratori, which is more handsome and domineering than in the original anime, was disassembled into 108 pieces of holy clothing in an instant, and then they all moved towards Xijun, and the wearing of the holy clothing was completed almost in a blink of an eye.


Xijun finally changed jobs successfully.

From now on, he is the Bronze Saint of White Bird under Bai Xiaofei's command. And Bai Xiaofei also nodded in satisfaction, and said with a smile: "You look very handsome, it seems that this White Bird Bronze Cloth seems to suit you very well, both in terms of attributes and image."

strictly speaking.

Although Xi Jun can't be called a super handsome guy.

But his own temperament is very special, it belongs to the very attractive type, the longer you watch him, the more attractive you will find him. But at this moment, after wearing the White Bird Zodiac Bronze Cloth, this characteristic of Xijun's body was infinitely magnified.

As Wei Wei's advertisement said: "A man depends on his clothes, and his beauty depends on his makeup!" For Xijun, the white Aviary bronze holy clothing specially designed and built by Bai Xiaofei is his clothing and makeup.

The result of the combination of the two not only made Xi Jun more handsome and attractive, but also his own strength and icy aura also increased instantly. several levels.

If the current Xijun is judged according to the strength of the space-time shuttle, he must be at least at the level of the first-order Transcendent Realm. Against guys at the level of the US team, they can almost defeat a hundred, or even more!

on this...

Bai Xiaofei was very satisfied.

Although Xijun's current strength is still a bit low for him, it is already quite difficult for those alien monsters. If Xijun can master the exclusive combat skills of the White Bird Bronze Saint Cloth and his own icy air, even guys with the level of the corpse demon slipper and the three-eyed demon can easily fight against him. Loosely invincible!

And similar to this realm and level, it is enough to follow Bai Xiaofei to Athens, Greece, to carry out the hunting plan's super gene DNA collection task.

"Mr. Bai Xiaofei, I..."

Xi Jun obviously understood what this meant.

Immediately, the excitement in my heart and the gratitude to Bai Xiaofei were almost indescribable. For this man who is like a reborn parent, he even has the idea of ​​kneeling down to express his loyalty and gratitude to Bai Xiaofei.


Bai Xiaofei didn't like this.

Before Xi Jun could take any action, he directly waved his hand and said, "Okay, don't talk too much nonsense, and don't have any messy thoughts. In short, there is only one task for you now, and that is to get to know yourself well. And the power of the White Bird Bronze Saint Cloth, and then perform well on the battlefield in Greece, and bring me back some super genetic DNA, it will be the greatest reward for me!"


Xijun nodded quickly.

Then he solemnly promised: "Mr. Bai Xiaofei, don't worry, I will use the fastest speed to familiarize myself with and master my own power, and I guarantee that whether it is on the Greek battlefield or other aspects, I will never let you down!"


Bai Xiaofei just smiled, noncommittal.

After solving the problem of Xijun's strength, what's left is Ren Zha and others from the Imperial Capital Squad. If you want them to go to Greece with you and hunt countless alien monsters with abilities, it is impossible with their current strength.

We must find a way to improve their realm level. Otherwise, if you backtrack a bit, you will run into a very powerful alien monster as soon as you pass by.

Bai Xiaofei didn't want such a thing to happen.

He pondered for a long time.


He thought of a method that could not only improve the strength of Ren Zha and others, but also ensure everyone's safety, and at the same time harvest super genetic DNA, which can be described as a good way to kill three birds with one stone.


Without any hesitation.

After Bai Xiaofei had a brief chat with Dr. Zola, he immediately took Xijun, a Flying Thunder God, and teleported back to the high-end hotel in Tokyo. The two parted ways, Xi Jun returned to his residence, while Bai Xiaofei continued to run around and teleported back to the hotel in Berlin.

As soon as he came back, Samoyed Beckham, who had been waiting here for several hours, rushed towards Bai Xiaofei with great excitement.


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