The Storm God

Chapter 2108 The factory is destroyed! (Please subscribe!)


"It's my fault. You shouldn't have kept yourself waiting for such a long time."

"I'll take you out to play right away!"


Facing Beckham's coquetry and complaints.

Bai Xiaofei hurriedly comforted and admitted his mistake, and when Xiao Bei was made happy, he took out his mobile phone, called Rin Juchi, and then cut to the chase: "How is it? Is there anything unusual over there?"


Rin Kikuchi quickly connected the phone.

Then he replied: "But I can feel that someone is watching me, and the person who came is not good. Mr. Bai Xiaofei, my intuition tells me that those guys seem to want to kill me!"


Bai Xiaofei was surprised. Heinz sent someone to pick up Rin Kikuchi, and there was someone watching him. There is nothing wrong with that, but killing Rin Kikuchi... It doesn't make sense, invite someone over and kill him? Isn't this just taking off your pants and farting?


Is there any inside story or change that I don't know about?

So far.

Bai Xiaofei immediately paid attention to it.

Then he said: "It's not convenient to talk on the phone, where are you now, let's meet and talk directly!"


Kikuchi Rin nodded.

Then he replied: "I'm sitting on a park square in the center of Berlin right now."


"Wait a minute, I'll be right there!"

"Xiao Bei, let's go."


After hanging up the phone.

Bai Xiaofei took Xiao Bei and left the hotel directly.

The residence that Heinz arranged for Rin Juchi was actually not very far from Bai Xiaofei's hotel, only a few kilometers away. Bai Xiaofei and Xiaobei went out and took a taxi, and within a few minutes they arrived at Park Plaza in the center of Berlin.


Bai Xiaofei opened his mind.

Almost the entire square was searched, but no sign of Rin Kikuchi was found.

"not good!"

"Rin Kikuchi must have had an accident!"

"Damn it!"

Bai Xiaofei cursed secretly.

Immediately, not daring to be negligent, he quickly activated his spiritual power to expand the search range, and at the same time, he quickly concentrated on sensing the space spell applied to Kikuchi Rin, so as to locate the opponent's azimuth coordinates as quickly as possible.

"found it!"

Less than ten seconds.

Bai Xiaofei sensed Rin Juchi's position.

And according to the information sent back by the space technique, Kikuchi Rin is in a hidden grove in the park at this moment, and seems to be encountering the enemy's strong attack and blow. If it weren't for the defensive props that Bai Xiaofei gave him, he would have been killed by now.

"Xiao Bei, come with me!"


The location of the park square is actually not that far from Rin Kikuchi's current coordinates. In addition, there were so many people around, so it was not easy for Bai Xiaofei to perform the Flying Thunder God Technique directly, so he simply ran over and forgot.

Anyway, with Bai Xiaofei's speed and agility, it only takes a few seconds.


The most important thing is.

Bai Xiaofei is very confident in his equipment.

For a while, those enemies would never want to break through the defense of the equipment, and then kill Rin Kikuchi. Otherwise, Bai Xiaofei wouldn't care about the messy factors like the crowds around him, he would have teleported there to save people.

Although Xiao Bei didn't know what happened, but she was very obedient. Hearing this, she immediately followed Bai Xiaofei closely, and rushed towards the nearby grove area.


Bai Xiaofei and Xiaobei rushed to the scene of the incident, and then saw two burly men wearing black suits, all covering their faces, but holding black technology weapons exclusive to the black ball Gantz in their hands. Shoot Rin Kikuchi non-stop.


The weapons they hold are the most basic standard equipment of Black Ball Gantz - the pulse gun. And this kind of powerful pulse and vibration, it is impossible to blast away the protective shield that Bai Xiaofei placed on Kikuchi Rin's body.

At least in a short period of time, it is absolutely impossible to succeed.

"Damn it!"

"He is an ordinary person, how can he have such an amazing protective shield? And it seems to be more advanced than our weapons! It seems that this incident has something to do with him..."

"Keep shooting, I don't believe it can't be fired!"

"Boom boom boom!"

The two killers in black suits seemed furious.

While shooting non-stop, he was also babbling some words that Rin Kikuchi couldn't understand at all. And Rin Kikuchi curled up under a big tree, pretending to be very scared, but in fact she was deliberately trying to get information from the other party.

Until Bai Xiaofei and Xiao Bei appeared...




Without any hesitation.

Bai Xiaofei went straight to the strike, with a simple strike of the hand knife, coupled with lightning-fast movement, he immediately knocked out the two killers in suits. At the same time, the isolation circle, which was delayed for half a second, also blocked all the scenes in this place.


The protective cover on Rin Kikuchi also intelligently retracted it automatically.

Bai Xiaofei checked it carefully, and confirmed that Rin Juchi hadn't suffered any harm, but looked a little embarrassed. Then he asked directly: "How is it? Did you find any clues?"


Rin Kikuchi is not a simple character either.

Even after going through such things, his mentality calmed down in a blink of an eye. As expected of a news writer, this courage and courage alone are by no means comparable to ordinary people.

"But not a lot!"

Rin Kikuchi supported his glasses, nodded, and explained: "I'm sure that they are the people sent by Sepas. As for why they suddenly killed me, according to the analysis of the messy information in the two populations, it should be related to something. It's related to the matter. But they didn't say much about the specific matter. I'm sorry, it seems that I can't help you when things have happened like this. "

"It's okay!"

Bai Xiaofei shook his head lightly, with a look of indifference.

In the past, he might still have taken a fancy to Heinz's daughter and wanted to use it to master all the technologies related to Gantz, but now... with the Lord God No. 1 and the Lord God team, Heinz has become Not so important anymore.

Anyway, Bai Xiaofei already knew the real identity of the other party, if it is really not possible, then simply grab it. No matter how bad it is, after the main force of aliens lands on the earth, Bai Xiaofei can also get relevant technical information from the so-called "God" in the "House of Truth".

after all……

All the black technology about Gantz has been handed down from others.

Of course, the prerequisite is that Bai Xiaofei's strength must be restored to a certain state and level. The so-called "god" doesn't have any so-called emotions, just like a computer, everything depends on data and strength.

Dare to attack it?

Instantly kill you, even the protagonist.

In the original anime, Xuan Ye Kei, who was resurrected (cloned) by Reika, watched his two beloved women being resurrected out of nothing by this so-called "god", but then exploded in the blink of an eye. After being shattered into pieces of meat, mud and blood, it immediately exploded. As a result, just after jumping up, it was inexplicably decomposed into countless atomic substances.

It can be said that the dead can no longer die.

If Kato Kato hadn't been firmly pressed to the ground by other people, it is estimated that Kato Kato would have been instantly killed by that so-called "god". It can be seen from this that the other party is not a kind person, and what Banjun Banhu said is exactly it!

Bai Xiaofei wanted to obtain advanced black technology from this kind of guy, and it was absolutely impossible without two brushes. Otherwise, I'm afraid the end will be the same as that of Xuan Yeke in the anime, where he will be broken down into the most basic particle matter in the universe on the spot.

If the hunting plan goes well, Bai Xiaofei is confident that even if his strength cannot return to its peak, it should be no problem to reach the peak of the extraordinary realm. At that time, with the protection of the space-time shuttle, no matter how powerful the so-called "god" is, he will never be able to easily control himself.


That was the worst possible scenario.

Bai Xiaofei just wanted some skills, and he didn't come here to fight. Everyone cooperated with each other, helped each other and benefited each other, presumably the other party would not just do it casually. Otherwise, they would not convey their technology to Heinz's daughter through [imaginary number space].

It can be seen from this.

The so-called "God" is still very open-minded. After all, knowledge is meant to be shared. Bai Xiaofei believes that if he treats it with sincerity, the success rate of acquiring cosmic-level super civilization technology should be quite high.

In short.

Bai Xiaofei has already made all preparations.

Heinz's daughter, to him, is a dispensable existence. Of course it would be best, and it would save Bai Xiaofei a lot of effort. Even if not, it will not have any impact on Bai Xiaofei's plan.

However, Bai Xiaofei was really curious about the reason why Heinz changed his mind directly, not only not inviting Rin Kikuchi, but also sending someone to kill him. Could it be another variation of the plot?

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help looking at the two killers in suits who fell unconscious on the ground. Since he couldn't get any useful information or clues from Rin Juchi, he could only look for them from these two guys.

next moment.

The power of the mind is activated.

Bai Xiaofei directly invaded the minds of the two killers in suits, and then easily found all the information he was looking for. However, the two guys are just the lowest-level younger brothers, so they don't know much about it. not many.


Intelligence is not expensive, but refined!

Synthesize what you know, combine the information you have just obtained, and then start association and reasoning. Soon, Bai Xiaofei sorted out a clear line.

"Mr. Bai Xiaofei!"

Seeing Bai Xiaofei's dazed expression, Juchi Rin couldn't help being curious, and asked, "What's going on with all this? Do you already know something?"


Bai Xiaofei withdrew his mind power.

Then he nodded at Rin Kikuchi and explained: "The underground factory where the black ball Gantz was produced at Meruba was completely destroyed last night, and it was done by alien monsters. And the people who have been in and out of there recently, except for them Outside of yourself, there is only you as an outsider."


"Heinz and those guys naturally suspect you. For them, at this critical moment, they can't make any mistakes. Now that there is such a big mess, they will certainly not make any more mistakes. What news was released."

"As for the suspects in the destruction of the underground factory..."

"Would you rather kill the wrong than let it go?"

Rin Kikuchi said in amazement.


Bai Xiaofei's face also became serious, and he frowned and said, "If I'm guessing right, besides you, those who were invited by Heinz to enter the underground factory and met him before, probably all received the same treatment."

"Of course, these are not important. The key question is, how did those alien monsters know where the black ball Gantz's manufacturing factory is? Is it really someone who informs, or is there some other reason?"

"My intuition tells me that this matter is not as simple as it seems!"

"Especially at this critical moment..."


This moment.

Bai Xiaofei thought of many, many things, but whether it is right or not is unknown. But he firmly believes that things like the destruction of Meruba's underground factory for manufacturing black ball Gantz cannot be stopped and will definitely continue to happen.


Before carrying out the hunting plan.

I should investigate more, maybe I can fish in troubled waters, what benefits can I get?

Someone secretly thought maliciously.


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