The Storm God

Chapter 2122 Hit the Boss! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei has known for a long time that the alien monsters in Europe are mostly abilities, and the existence of powerful ones is even more unimaginable. But when it happened, he still couldn't help being a little surprised and depressed.

Just like this Athena.


Who would have thought.

This guy is actually a nanny!

If he had known this, Bai Xiaofei would definitely be the first to bring it down, even if he couldn't kill him, he would definitely not give it a chance. This time it's all right, not to mention losing the opportunity, and the buff light was released by the opponent.

All the "gods" looked like they had been spat out, and now Bai Xiaofei was in trouble.

Seeing his shield becoming thinner and thinner, with more and more cracks and ripples on it, Bai Xiaofei said to himself, "Damn! It won't work if this continues, if you keep it for a long time, you will lose it. I must take the initiative!"

next moment.

Fighting the danger of being blasted through the defensive shield by the opponent.

Bai Xiaofei tried his best to unleash the strongest range of magic that he could achieve so far - the mirror image space. Athena, who was caught off guard, was directly sealed into the independent space of magic.

In this way.

Without the blessing of this nanny's buff, the rest of the "gods" would be much easier to deal with.


Athena was sealed.

But it had been thrown out, and the buffed shield had been applied, but it didn't disappear because of it. The chicken blood boost of the "gods" was not affected in any way. Bai Xiaofei's move was just to prevent Athena from imposing other buffs on the "gods".

As for the next situation.

to be honest.

Bai Xiaofei didn't take it to heart at all, as long as there is no blessing from Athena, the other "gods", although their strength is quite good, they are a bit more difficult to deal with, but they are still within Bai Xiaofei's tolerance.

And the first hunting target he is following now is the copycat Ares whose thigh was blown up. Although Ares' strength has also increased and strengthened under the increase of the shield's red light, but because of the broken leg, he can be said to be the worst one among the "gods".

As the saying goes, "I'll kill you while you're sick", if you don't hit him, who will you hit?

"Shadow clone technique!"




While the defensive shield has not completely shattered.

Bai Xiaofei directly displayed his psychedelic skills, six or seven shadow clones in a row, followed by bursts of white smoke, scattered and fled, helping the body to draw the attention and firepower of the "gods", and taking advantage of this opportunity, Bai Xiaofei's The deity, holding a modified version of the nano-war knife, flew high and slashed on Ares' shoulder.


Blood sprayed, and his arms fell to the ground.

Followed by Ares's frantic screams and dying struggles, while Bai Xiaofei relied on the mystery and magic of his body skills to dodge calmly, and at the same time counterattacked again, and finally successfully chopped off Ares' head with one blow.

The majestic boss with full points, in front of Bai Xiaofei, was as fragile as a chicken, easily tortured to death. It's not that it's rubbish, but that Bai Xiaofei is too strong. Whether it's combat awareness, combat experience, weapons and equipment, or means, the two are not at the same level at all.

And this time.

Bai Xiaofei's shadow clones were also wiped out by the rest of the gods.

The gods finally realized that they had been fooled, but it was too late, Ares had already been beheaded by Bai Xiaofei and completely killed. And turned Sen Leng's eyes to one of them again.

This person is a sculpture very similar to the Moon Goddess.

Bai Xiaofei discovered a long time ago that this boss doesn't seem to have any hard power, and relies on some rather feminine means. And to deal with this kind of attack, Bai Xiaofei is the best, just use absolute strength to forcibly crush it.


He followed suit.

Illusion + shadow clone, two-pronged approach.

Once again, the gods were playing around in circles, and Bai Xiaofei took this opportunity to use all his strength to forcibly hammer the goddess of the moon into a ground of rubble with a castrated version of [God's Hand].

The so-called [God's Hands] are actually two huge iron fists floating in mid-air, imitated by Bai Xiaofei after Morgana's Devil's Claws of the Super God Heroes Company, although the attack method is simple, but the power is quite overbearing.

You are taking the path of absolute power, no matter what attack method you have, you can break it with one punch.

If one punch is not enough, give another punch.


The original was lost along with a piece of Dimensional Space.

Bai Xiaofei used inferior materials to make this castrated version. Although the power is less than one ten-thousandth of the original version, it is definitely more than enough to deal with alien creatures of the level of the moon goddess.

as expected.

No matter how weird the Moon Goddess's feminine attack is.

Bai Xiaofei's two godly hands just punched them hard, no matter what you do, they will all be smashed to pieces for you. In the end, she didn't even hold out for ten rounds, and the goddess of the moon was hammered to death on the spot by the hand of God.

It is worth mentioning that the Moon Goddess is different from other alien monsters. After death, her sculptural body did not show any signs of blood or flesh and blood, but just like a real sculpture, it burst into gravel all over the ground. general substance.

on this...

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

But soon he recovered, and secretly said: "The universe is vast, and life species are endless. There are purely mechanical life forms like Transformers, let alone gravel-like life species, which is a bit rare for me."

Closer to home.

Seeing that Bai Xiaofei easily killed another Boss-level compatriot, the gods finally panicked. Without the blessing and enhancement of Athena, the nanny, they would not have the confidence to deal with Bai Xiaofei, a humanoid monster.

Seeing Bai Xiaofei's eyes looking at him again, the gods were startled, turned around and ran away, as if they were afraid of being spotted by Bai Xiaofei, and then used incomparably cruel methods to kill them to the ground.

As everyone knows...

The less united they are, the more swiftly the process of going to destruction and death will be. Bai Xiaofei didn't care about the attitude of the other party, he sneered, and the hand of God struck again, aiming at the target, it was a wild and domineering fatal blow.


The idol that was hit immediately flew up.

The heavy body, like a meteorite, smashed many palaces, stone walls and pillars, as well as some unlucky alien monsters on the spot. Fortunately, this guy's defense seems to be relatively high, and he did not die on the spot after being hit by the fatal blow of the hand of God. Instead, he got up again miserably, and continued to run away with his feet.


Bai Xiaofei was slightly taken aback.

Carefully feeling the feedback from the Hand of God, his eyes lit up and he said: "Interesting, it has the ability to resist armor, not bad! This guy is not strong in combat, but he has a good defense. His super genetic DNA Get it here, it should have some effect!"


The hand of God is dispatched again.

Regardless of the other idols, they just stared at this guy.

One ran, and the other chased and fought. Bai Xiaofei's intention was very simple, to test the limit of this alien monster's own anti-armor ability. And the other party didn't disappoint Bai Xiaofei either, after taking thirty-six fatal blows, he couldn't stand it anymore, and finally fell to the ground dying, but even so, the alien monster still didn't die completely.

Its anti-armor ability is strong, which can be seen.

If it were any other alien monster, not to mention 36 fatal attacks, if it could withstand two or three hits, it would be quite awesome. Bai Xiaofei is quite satisfied with the abilities of these super genes, and he is determined to win!

next moment.

Without any hesitation.

Bai Xiaofei took a step forward, and with a modified version of the nano saber in his hand, he completely understood this alien monster with its own anti-armor ability with a light wave. So far, someone has already harvested three copies of super gene DNA.

If they are all fused and absorbed to strengthen their own DNA foundation, at least it can reduce Bai Xiaofei's optimization time by 150 years. But even so, Bai Xiaofei still felt a little dissatisfied.

"not enough!"

"not enough!"

"Subtract 150 years, and there are still 700 years to go. More super genes must be obtained!"

"Continue to hunt and kill the remaining five bosses!"

"Kill, kill, kill, kill!"


A certain person's heart is full of fire, and it can even be said to be crazy and bewildered.

At this moment, Bai Xiaofei only had super genes in his mind, and those boss alien monsters, in his eyes, were not creatures at all, but objects.

A treasure that can unlock more of its own strength and allow infinite optimization to continue to accelerate.

And these treasures, he is determined to get them!

next moment.

Someone driven by desire.

Immediately, a frenzied hunting operation was launched. With the power of one person, relying on enough powerful and heaven-defying weapons and methods, he turned the entire Acropolis upside down and completely reduced it to a purgatory on earth.

Needless to say about those ordinary alien monsters, whoever meets Bai Xiaofei will die, there is absolutely no second end. Even those elite monsters, even the big bosses, can only be hunted down by Bai Xiaofei.

The entire illusion of the Acropolis completely fell.

As far as I could see, there was a sea of ​​flames, ruined buildings, dead bodies everywhere, and rivers of blood. Bai Xiaofei's devilish figure was even more arrogant and domineering, he was going around beating bloody torturers, chasing and killing those capable alien creatures, like some villains who did all kinds of evil.


It is after arriving at the top of the Acropolis.

Through the illusion that was on the verge of collapse, what the three of Xijun and the members of the black ball team who were chasing them saw. Then everyone at the scene, one counts as one, was completely stunned.

The three of Xijun were better off, after all Bai Xiaofei was their boss, even if they were stunned, it would still be shocking to Bai Xiaofei's strength and means. But those members of the black ball team who were chasing Xijun and the three were different.

It wasn't until now that they suddenly realized that the guy that Saipas wanted to deal with by himself turned out to be such a terrifying monster. My dear! Are you kidding me? I didn't see that even the boss with full points was trampled and slaughtered like a weak chicken in his hands. The superiors actually sent us to deal with monsters of this level...

Knock your horse!

This is so obvious that we are going to die!

Everyone was astonished.


It's too late to say anything now.

While everyone was stunned, Bai Xiaofei in the illusion had already noticed the abnormal situation outside. Afterwards, he stopped killing the alien monsters in the phantom, and went directly outside.


And the members of the black ball team on the top of the mountain saw Bai Xiaofei rushing out of the illusion, and they were terrified to die, and their souls froze. Without further ado, he turned around and ran away. Each of them has developed the enhanced state of their tights and combat suits to the maximum extent, and used them all on the feet, striving to increase their escape speed to the extreme.

Everyone is not stupid.

Bai Xiaofei dealt with those alien monsters of the boss, it was as easy as chopping melons and vegetables, if he didn't leave, he would follow in the footsteps of those alien monsters, or even worse!

They didn't want to die, so each of them wished that their parents would give them two more legs, so they ran and fled desperately.


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