The Storm God

Chapter 2123 Dionysus Demon! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei remained silent, and did not chase after the members of the black ball team.

In his opinion, the other party is like an ant, and it is not worth his trouble at all. What puzzled Bai Xiaofei was how could so many members of the black ball team appear all of a sudden. Good guy, there are seventy or eighty people at once, and the strength and equipment seem to be very good.

"what's the situation?"

"Were they chasing you just now?"

"Are you hurt?"


Bai Xiaofei looked at the three of Xi Jun.


The three of Xijun immediately shook their heads.

And explained: "We don't know exactly what the situation is. Anyway, after using one of the orangutan warriors, a group of bosses appeared. If the guess is right, it should be the group of people who came to deal with us!"

Chenchen also said: "Mr. Bai Xiaofei, this is a good opportunity, do you want to kill them?"

No wonder Xiao Nizi was so angry.

turn out to be……

When I was running away just now.

Those members of the black ball team, some of them, seem to have seen Chenchen's weakness. They are best at long-range sniping, which is not conducive to melee combat. As a result, it was like eating gunpowder, chasing and beating Chenchen non-stop, and even more obscene language during the period.

There was no other way before, the enemy was outnumbered, Chenchen could only choose to swallow her anger.


Backed by Bai Xiaofei.

Of course, Chenchen would exhale and raise her eyebrows, and take revenge mercilessly.

What's more, everyone is an enemy to begin with. Since they are enemies, then naturally they will not be merciful. Anyway, they all have to fight hard, sooner or later. That being the case, now that the right time, place and people are on her side, of course Chenchen will not miss the opportunity.


Bai Xiaofei shook his head.

Then he smiled and said: "It doesn't matter what you do, but I don't have time to help you now, so everything can only depend on you. I'll come back to you when I finish dealing with the things inside!"


No matter what the three of Chenchen's reaction was, Bai Xiaofei just dodged and entered the fantasy space again. Although the alien monsters inside have been completely killed by Bai Xiaofei, with countless casualties, there are still some bosses who have not yet been given their heads.

The most important thing is that Bai Xiaofei is very interested in the technology of alien monsters, which can perfectly overlap the fantasy space with the real world. If it can be mastered thoroughly, it will be no less helpful to Bai Xiaofei than Pym Particles and other dark technologies.

As for the members of the black ball team...


Naturally, there were "people" to clean them up. It's not that Bai Xiaofei didn't think about doing it just now, but his mental power had already sensed the abnormal situation coming from the mountain, and he knew almost instantly that it was definitely Chu Sheng's ghost idea.

That's why he let Chenchen and the others do whatever they want outside. With so many members of the black ball team as helpers, as long as their luck is not too bad, Bai Xiaofei believes that Chenchen and others can definitely make a fortune!

And it doesn't matter what happens after Bai Xiaofei enters the illusion.

on top of the mountain.

The three of Chenchen looked at each other.

In the end, Chenchen and Dongzi all looked at Xi Jun, obviously waiting for this brain to make up his mind, whether to do it or not depends entirely on Xi Jun's words. And Xi Jun was also very decisive and straightforward, gritted his teeth and said, "Do it!"

"The opportunity is rare, if I miss it like this, I will definitely regret it!"


Chenchen is still worried.

Being outnumbered is secondary. The key is that Xijun, who is the absolute main force, consumed too much of the previous ice coffin. If you start a war rashly, the situation will be quite unfavorable for the three of them.

"It's nothing!"

But Xijun said nonchalantly: "Anyway, we all have the life-saving injection given by Mr. Bai Xiaofei. If it doesn't work, we'll give it a shot. At the critical moment, we will be revived immediately on the spot. If it works properly, maybe we can kill some guys..."


Chenchen was completely speechless.

It is estimated that Xi Jun and Chu Sheng are two freaks who are always thinking about how to be shady.

The heart is too dark and dark!


She had to admit it.

What Xi Jun said is very reasonable. Not to mention Xi Jun, even they would feel extremely unwilling to watch the large number of Black Ball team members flee like this.


Behind is the illusion where Bai Xiaofei is.

Even if there is no life-saving injection, if there is any accident and danger, is it possible that Bai Xiaofei will not save him? Anyway, Chenchen didn't believe that Bai Xiaofei would be so cold-blooded.


Without any hesitation.

After Xijun gave the answer, Chenchen immediately nodded to agree with the other party's proposal.

Needless to say, Dongzi looked like Chenchen's follower, no matter whether he was going up the mountain of swords or down into the sea of ​​fire, this burly man would never frown.

The opinions of the three were unified.


Occupying the favorable terrain on the top of the mountain, Chenchen, who possessed ultra-long-range killing capabilities, immediately began to look for a commanding height suitable for her sniping. And Dongzi followed closely behind, mainly responsible for protecting Chenchen and stopping those who wanted to kill Chenchen.

As for Xi Jun...

All right.

He did not act blindly. After observing the fleeing situation of the black ball team with a telescope, he turned on the communication and contacted Chu Sheng and the other three. Xi Jun was surprised that the three of them had not moved for such a long time.

If you guessed right, with Chu Sheng's character, he must be planning something.

as expected.

After the communication was connected, before Xi Jun could speak, Chu Sheng took the lead in quickly talking about his plan. Finally, he said: "What's the situation on the top of the mountain? Why are those guys, all frightened like crazy, and they all ran down again?"


Xi Jun was stunned when he heard the words.

This Chu Sheng, as expected, was crazy enough to use a large number of alien monsters to kill people with a knife and realize the profit of a fisherman. He had to admit that in terms of resourcefulness, Chu Sheng was better.


He smiled and quickly explained the situation here.

Then he said: "What the three of us mean now is to occupy favorable terrain and launch sniping and extermination of them. It just so happens that with the army of alien monsters 'led' by you, we can save a lot of effort and trouble Already!"


"Everyone keep in touch, exchange information, and act now!"

"Strive to destroy them all!"


The two hit it off.

According to the current real-time situation, a specific action plan was immediately formulated.

next moment.

With a loud gunshot, the head of a certain member of the fleeing black ball team exploded instantly. Followed by the second, and the third... In front of Chenchen's triple-enchanted sniper rifle, almost no one could resist the sniper.

In an instant, the black ball team was completely in disarray.

Except for the high-level fighters in gorilla outfits, who can barely resist Chenchen's sniping, the rest of the fighters who only have the standard tights battle suits are like lambs waiting to be slaughtered. If they are targeted, there is only one end. ——

The head was completely smashed into a rotten watermelon!

The dead cannot die again!




Seeing one fighter after another, their heads were completely smashed to death, and their corpses kept falling to the ground like dumplings.


There are also some outstanding talents among them.

Under their leadership, everyone reacted quickly. All the warriors in orangutan suits gathered together and besieged the city in a large circle, protecting only the warriors with standard tights in the middle.

In this way, relying on the powerful defense ability of the orangutan suit, the enemy's sniper kills can be greatly reduced.

as expected.

With the establishment of the gorilla defense circle, the power of Chenchen's sniper rifle has been greatly reduced. It is difficult to easily break through the defense of the black ball team and snipe the team members protected inside, unless she keeps changing positions, looking for special terrain.

It will take a certain amount of time to change positions and find special terrain. During this period of time, the enemy may make other moves and changes, so in a short period of time, Chenchen's sniper lethality was weakened to the extreme in an instant.


This period of weakness is very short.

Especially after the arrival of a large number of alien monsters brought by Chu Sheng, there was a lot of commotion in the defensive formation of the black ball team. Those alien monsters who were angered didn't care who they were. Anyway, these people were all dressed in the same clothes, and they were definitely not their own compatriots. If so, it doesn't matter if they are innocent or not, they just kill them all!

However, Chu Sheng and the others found an opportunity, taking advantage of the chaos at the scene, and left the scene secretly. The plan to kill with a knife has been completed, and now it's time for the fight between the snipe and the clam.

As fishermen, of course they can't mess around on the spot.

The main task of everyone now is to establish an encirclement circle to ensure that the troops on both sides are not allowed to find opportunities to leave this battlefield specially selected for them. Anyone who crosses the line will be killed without mercy!


Naturally, he hid aside and watched the show obediently.

Such a wonderful battle is extremely rare. Of course, Chu Sheng and others will not miss the opportunity. After establishing the encirclement and securing their positions, they all began to watch with wide eyes and relish.

And the poor black ball team, as well as those alien monsters who are attracted to use, both sides don't know about it, or even if they know that they have been tricked, they can't break the situation at this moment. Deduce the passionate action blockbuster.

On quantity.

There are definitely more alien monsters.

But in terms of combat power, on average, the black ball team is stronger. After all, everyone is an elite, and the equipment is not bad. Although it is not good to be killed by Chen Chen, the team still has good combat power when they work together.

The two sides faced each other face to face, and there were many casualties on the side of the alien monster. A dozen orangutan warriors fought with all their might, and killed many alien monsters on the spot, providing excellent assistance and hunting opportunities for the fighters behind.


The lead and upper hand of the black ball team is only temporary.

Following the battle of several boss-level alien monsters, the situation on the scene immediately changed significantly. I saw one of the bosses suddenly roaring and roaring, the terrifying sound wave, wrapped in a special aura, spread to the audience almost instantly.

follow closely.

Twenty or so members of the black ball team fell down without any warning. But they didn't hang up, but they all started snoring one by one, looking completely asleep.


Not simply falling asleep.

Seeing that their faces are flushed, even when they are asleep, they still don’t forget to grind their teeth, talk in sleep, and turn their bodies back and forth. It is not so much that they are hypnotized and fell asleep, but it is more likely that they are so drunk that they become unconscious. for precision.

"The legendary Dionysus?"

And outside the encirclement in the distance, seeing such a strange situation on the scene, Chu Sheng came to an analysis and conclusion almost immediately. In Greek mythology, Dionysus is the god of wine, so Dionysus Theater is also called Dionysus Theater.

The boss-level alien monster just now was lured out from the Dionysus Theater by Chu Sheng. So after seeing the abnormal situation at the scene, he almost immediately cut off the opponent's general ability, which should be able to make people drunk and unconscious invisibly.


Chu Sheng, whose eyes were shining brightly, immediately started all kinds of analysis and reasoning.

That pair of eyes seemed to grow on the Dionysus demon, constantly studying the opponent's movements and fighting, intending to find out any loopholes and countermeasures, so as not to suffer from the opponent's confrontation.


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