The Storm God

Chapter 2132 Double increase in strength and authority! (Please subscribe!)

the next day.

It was nearly noon.

Bai Xiaofei's infinite optimization ability finally absorbed and fused all the thirty-odd grades of first-class super gene DNA in his body. The upgrade of the basic gene level made his physique stronger.

at the same time……

The ability that originally belonged to him has also been unlocked more.

At this moment, Bai Xiaofei's comprehensive strength has almost reached the second level of the extraordinary realm. The real combat power is even stronger than Thor in "Thor 2". If you add the steel holy clothes, the power of the mind...and other means to assist, even Thor, who has just awakened, should not be a problem.

Of course, the premise is that Thor doesn't have a hammer in his hand.

on this...

Bai Xiaofei was very satisfied.

This kind of promotion speed is far beyond imagination.

If the way of martial arts can also be refined so quickly, it will be even more perfect. The incomparable physical body, combined with martial arts skills, supplemented by various abilities and technological means, the comprehensive strength is so strong that it can be called terrifying!

It's like a joke to challenge by leapfrogging.


Bai Xiaofei also understood.

The way of martial arts cannot be achieved overnight. Apart from one's own understanding, it also needs some opportunities and opportunities. All three are indispensable. And in this killing world full of technology and sci-fi style, it is obviously impossible to find this kind of promotion.

"Forget it!"

Regarding this, Bai Xiaofei was not in a hurry. Haste makes waste, the way of martial arts is doomed to endure loneliness and loneliness, this is just the beginning, everything is early, why rush?


He began to feel his body carefully.

The promotion of the basic level of genes made Bai Xiaofei's physical body more solid and powerful, which also endowed him with unparalleled force. Even though Bai Xiaofei's current level of martial arts is still very average, ordinary and casual moves can still exert extremely astonishing power.

At this moment, Bai Xiaofei is somewhat similar to Ren Zha, who is determined to use absolute power. Both of them are not high in combat skills and martial arts, but their strength is terrifying, and they have the kind of domineering style.


Compared with Ren Zha, who has a lower starting point.

Bai Xiaofei's background and experience are undoubtedly much higher, the two are not at the same level at all.

Speaking of Ren Zha, someone was surprised to find that there was no one in the room except himself and Dr. Zola, and he couldn't help but wondered, "Where are Chu Sheng and the others? Could it be that everyone has gone home?"

"Why isn't Xiaobei here?"


Dr. Zola quickly explained: "Shortly after you entered the fusion state, they all entered the trial mode to sharpen their newly acquired strength. Including Samoyed Xiaobei."


Bai Xiaofei was taken aback for a moment.

Then curiously asked: "Then how are they doing now?"

"not bad!"

Dr. Zola said with a smile: "Everyone's weapons and equipment, ability bloodlines are all selected by Chu Sheng according to their respective characteristics. They are very suitable for everyone and are also very conducive to team combat."

"Now, after a lot of tempering and trials, they have all made a lot of progress. To use an old saying in China, it is 'Scholars should look at each other with admiration for three days'. I believe that when they leave the customs at night, Chu Sheng and the others will definitely Give Mr. a huge surprise."

"hope so!"

Bai Xiaofei nodded lightly.

He is still very trustworthy in the abilities of Chu Sheng and others. Immediately, Bai Xiaofei stopped paying attention to this, and changed the subject: "How was the harvest yesterday? Did you hack any useful data?"

During the Battle of the Acropolis, Dr. Zola was also not idle.

Bai Xiaofei, who had long expected that the black ball team might intervene, had Dr. Zola ready to go before he set off. As soon as the black ball team participates in the battle, they will immediately launch a hacker invasion, taking the opportunity to steal more permissions and data of the Gantz terminal system.

In normal times, this might be difficult.


Last night was different.

The elite fighters of the black ball team participated in the battle, not only dispatched more than a hundred people, but also made full use of Gantz's various abilities to cheat, which gave Dr. Zola a good opportunity.

Bai Xiaofei believes that with Dr. Zola's ability, he should be able to steal a lot of good things.

as expected.


Dr. Zola did not answer Bai Xiaofei's question, but directly used the method of projection to show Bai Xiaofei his harvest in a list of pictures and texts in an easy-to-understand manner.

Seeing the dense data and materials, Bai Xiaofei was dumbfounded.

"I rely on it!"

"You actually got so much data?"

"It's developed now!"


Bai Xiaofei was excited.

After browsing through these data at a glance, someone who was so excited almost didn't jump up. Dr. Zola is really awesome, he actually captured nearly 35% of the permissions and data of the Gantz terminal system in one fell swoop.

If this shit came a few more times, wouldn't it be able to completely replace it?


Dr. Zola seemed to see Bai Xiaofei's thoughts, and immediately reminded: "Impossible, the situation last night was special, it was precisely because Sepas used Gantz's terminal system authority to cheat, allowing the elite fighters of the black ball team to heal , resurrection in place, and sending a lot of powerful equipment, I just took advantage of it."

"Sypas is not the real controller of Gantz behind the scenes. He has very limited and temporary authority. He is not the real administrator and controller. If you want to master Gantz, or even replace it, you must get a further step. permissions and data."

"You mean, start with Heinz?"

Bai Xiaofei wasn't stupid, he understood what Dr. Zola meant almost immediately.

Dr. Zola nodded and said: "That's right! This is the only fastest shortcut at present. After all, there are very few people who have the control authority of Gantz. It is very rare to meet a Cypas, as well as yesterday's situation. See you."

"If I want to crack and master more Gantz permissions, I'm afraid it will be very difficult based on my own ability. But if you can control Heinz, or let the other party use the permissions to show more Gantz's abilities and methods, then I can take advantage of it again!"

"Your meeting with him at noon today is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity."


Bai Xiaofei was noncommittal.

If Heinz is sensible, Bai Xiaofei doesn't want to do anything wrong. The catastrophe of the apocalypse is imminent, although the overall strength of the black ball team is not very good, but no matter how rubbish it is, it can more or less deal with some alien monsters.

At worst, it is good to let these people act as cannon fodder.


want to achieve.

It doesn't have to be fighting and killing. Another way may be more effective.

For example, in cooperation with Heinz, everyone benefits from each other. As long as Heinz doesn't use any tricks or tricks, Bai Xiaofei doesn't mind letting the opponent share some of the fruits of victory.

after all.

Bai Xiaofei is just a passerby, it is impossible to stay in this world forever.

The fruit of victory must always be shared by others, and Bai Xiaofei doesn't mind at all, who is the person who shares it, because it is meaningless to him, as long as the other party does not hinder him.

If Heinz didn't understand, then Bai Xiaofei could only say sorry.

The current Bai Xiaofei has absolute confidence that he can control Heinz in an instant, and then steal the other party's memory and obtain more secrets about Gantz's terminal system.


It was a last resort.

Until the end, Bai Xiaofei didn't want to do this. Multiple friends are far better than multiple enemies, aren't they?


Bai Xiaofei looked at another document.

That is about the Kyushu team, the members of the nine teams that were just formed, the specific results and performance information of the first killing mission. Last night, while Bai Xiaofei led Chu Sheng and others to fight in the Acropolis of Athens, the Kyushu team also ushered in their debut.

It is worth mentioning that because the starting conditions are so superior, in terms of overall performance and results, the Kyushu team is far better than when Chu Sheng and others participated in the killing mission for the first time.


performance of some of them.

Whether it is ability or potential, it is not inferior to Chu Sheng and others.

Bai Xiaofei was very satisfied with this. Although many people died on the spot due to carelessness and psychological quality, overall, the results of the Kyushu team were remarkable.

And this is the first wave.


There will be a second wave, a third wave, and a fourth wave.

With the passage of time, the size and strength of the Kyushu team will become larger and larger until it completely covers the entire China. At that time, when the doomsday catastrophe comes, even without Bai Xiaofei's help, the Kyushu team alone will be able to completely fight against the alien invasion.

"These people are good, and they deserve to be cultivated."

After reading the information, Bai Xiaofei circled the names of a few people with his hands, and then told Dr. Zola: "Their potential does not belong to Ren Zha and Chu Sheng at all. Give them some special rewards and care, and don't let them take care of you easily." hang up!"

These are rare seed players.

Of course we should pay special attention to it.


Dr. Zola understood.

After focusing on a few people, they continued to discuss with Bai Xiaofei about the formation of the second wave of the Kyushu team. With the increase of the authority to crack Gantz, Dr. Zola can do more and more things now.

for example……

Dr. Zola can take advantage of the backdoor loopholes in the Gantz terminal system to remotely invade other black ball Gantz clients, occupy the magpie's nest, and directly develop them into Kyushu series off-lines, using the opponent's black ball team members to serve as and train them. own little brother.

Given time.

All the black ball Gantz covering the entire China, as well as all the members of the black ball team under its command, will be completely controlled by the Lord God No. 1 and the Kyushu series. And then protect the whole China.


This takes a certain amount of time.

In this regard, Bai Xiaofei is full of expectations. If he can reach a cooperation with Heinz, or use the other party to obtain more permissions to the Gantz terminal system, this goal and ambition will be realized faster.


Time passed and it was noon.

Bai Xiaofei finished his discussion with Dr. Zola, tidied up a bit, and then left for the place agreed with Sepas. I am going to meet the rumored behind-the-scenes boss Heinz.


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