The Storm God

Chapter 2133 You provide skills, I will provide fists! (Please subscribe!)

imperial capital.

There is a coffee shop.

When Bai Xiaofei walked in, Heinz and Sepas had already arrived ahead of time, and they were the only two of them, not bringing other people with them. At this moment, the two are sitting on the east side by the window, drinking coffee quietly.

Cypas has seen it.


Heinz himself, Bai Xiaofei saw it with his own eyes. The image of the opponent is a little more detailed than in the comics, and he is a fat man who looks very unusual. The appearance looks ordinary, but a pair of eyes are deep and wise, full of ambition and ambition.

"Mr. Bai Xiaofei!"

The eyes of the two have been watching the surroundings.

As early as when Bai Xiaofei had just approached a coffee shop, Heinz and Heinz had already spotted him. As soon as Bai Xiaofei entered the store, Sepas immediately stood up and came to Bai Xiaofei very respectfully.

"this way please!"


Bai Xiaofei nodded lightly.

He found that the entire coffee shop was sparsely populated. Except for the two customers, Heinz and Sepas, even the waiters in the shop were hidden behind, and they would never come out if no one called.

You can guess without thinking, it must be reserved by the two of Heinz. After all, what the two sides want to discuss is extremely secretive and important, and Heinz will definitely not let ordinary people bother him.

as expected.

Seeing Bai Xiaofei walking towards Heinz.

Sepas did not follow, but turned around and went directly to the back of the coffee shop. It should have been to dismiss the waiters in the shop, so as not to let them hear something they shouldn't hear.

As for serving jobs in coffee shops...


Isn't this Sipas?


Heinz also stood up, then extended his hand to Bai Xiaofei with a smile, and said, "Mr. Bai Xiaofei, nice to meet you, I'm Heinz..."


Bai Xiaofei didn't respond to his handshake, but just nodded lightly, then sat down directly, and said indifferently: "I know, otherwise how could I investigate your information so clearly."


Heinz was embarrassed.

But after all, it was a generation of heroes, and he quickly recovered. Following him, he also sat down, pretending that what happened just now did not exist, continued to maintain a bright smile, and said to Bai Xiaofei: "Mr. Bai Xiaofei, what happened earlier was all a misunderstanding..."


Before he finished speaking, he was directly interrupted by Bai Xiaofei.

Someone said impatiently: "Stop talking nonsense, I'm too lazy to listen to your false talk, let's get straight to the point. Now there are only two ways in front of you, either cooperate with me and fight aliens together; or..."

"Then become my enemy, and I will clean it up with you!"

"Which one do you choose?"


Straightforward and straightforward.

But Heinz was stunned again, as if he didn't expect Bai Xiaofei to be so straightforward, playing cards completely out of common sense.

Fortunately, at this time, Sipas came over with a cup of very fragrant coffee, and helped to resolve the embarrassment: "Dear Mr. Bai Xiaofei, this is the coffee we specially brought from Germany, I hope you like it!"

The coffee is mellow and rich, and it looks very good.


Bai Xiaofei wasn't too polite.

Picking up the coffee, he took a sip, then nodded and said: "It's really good, it seems that I put my heart into it."

Then, a pair of eyes looked at Heinz again.

The meaning is very simple.


I also drank coffee.

Shouldn't you give me an answer too?

And Sepas, who was also very discerning, turned around and left again after putting down the coffee. On occasions like this kind of negotiation, as an assistant, he is not qualified to listen in and express opinions.


After this brief buffer, Heinz also recovered, and said with a smile: "Mr. Bai Xiaofei, but I don't know the cooperation you mentioned, and what kind of cooperation method is it?"


Heinz has made his choice.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei was very satisfied.

He smiled at first, and then said, "What else can we do with cooperation? Of course, everyone should work together, share resources, and unite as one to fight against the impending doomsday catastrophe!"


Heinz was speechless for a while.

Do you call this an answer? Saying is the same as not saying.

If someone else dared to talk to him like that, Heinz would have turned his back on him long ago. But Bai Xiaofei is different, this is definitely an existence that cannot be easily provoked. So he could only suppress the dissatisfaction in his heart, and continued: "Mr. Bai Xiaofei, I need a specific charter. After all, fighting against the doomsday catastrophe is a major issue that concerns the survival of the entire earth and the human world. You can't talk about it casually, right?"

His meaning is very simple.

Since you want to cooperate with me, don't you want to show some sincerity?

for example……

Tell me how many people do you have?

Or, your strength, means, and what to rely on.

in short.

I just want to find out the reality of Bai Xiaofei.

Cooperation, this thing is about capital and equality, just like Jack Ma would not partner with small vendors on the roadside, if you want to cooperate with Heinz, you must have the same ability, or even surpass your own ability .


Heinz knew that Bai Xiaofei was awesome.

But that was just hearsay after all, no one knew exactly how powerful Bai Xiaofei was. Now that the two sides are going to cooperate, this is undoubtedly an opportunity to get to know Bai Xiaofei well.

Of course he won't let it go!


Bai Xiaofei chuckled, shook his head and said, "To be honest, I really don't have a specific charter. I do have one core plan and idea, and that is to use the shortest time to develop and enhance my power!"

"Fist is the last word!"

"Facing the invasion of aliens, no matter how much you say, it is not as hard as your own fist. The current situation is that you have technology, I have fists, I provide you with high-end combat power, and you provide me with sufficient technology support."

"It's that simple, there's no charter at all."

"Everyone is in charge!"


Heinz was speechless again.

What Bai Xiaofei said was simple and rude, even unreasonable. What do you mean I use technology and you use fists? It's so grandiose, it's nothing more than wanting to be an empty-handed white wolf!

Facing such a reckless and unreasonable guy, Heinz felt a headache. Because they don't talk to you about that at all, they are just robbing you, if you dare to say no, I guess he will turn his face straight away!

However, Bai Xiaofei really has unimaginable abilities and methods, and his fighting power is even more terrifying. Even Gantz's black ball elite team has nothing to do with him!

This kind of hob meat, just ask if you are afraid?

All right.

Heinz was scared anyway.

He worked hard and finally got everything he has now. Seeing that his dreams and ambitions are coming to fruition, Heinz doesn't want any fatal troubles at critical moments.


Even if Bai Xiaofei is nothing but White Wolf, Heinz has to pinch his nose and admit it!


"Just do as you said. You give your fists, I will give your skills." Heinz hesitated for a while, then nodded and agreed immediately, and then said: "But I don't know what kind of technical support Mr. Bai Xiaofei needs now ?”

"And Mr. Bai Xiaofei, how much fist can you give me?"


This is obviously still testing.

But compared to before, it seems to be more sincere now. The implication is that, as much as Bai Xiaofei can fight, I, Heinz, can provide as much technical support.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei had already expected it.

Hearing this, he immediately smiled and said: "This is very simple, I can help you solve some very difficult problems, such as some very powerful Boss alien monsters, I am very interested in this kind of existence, and I hunt and kill They can also reduce the invasion of alien life on Earth, which can be described as the best of both worlds."

"As for the technical aspect..."

"It's hard to say, because how much technology you have and how powerful it is. To be honest, I don't know very well, so I can't give specific requirements for a while."

"Maybe we can have a more in-depth exchange."

"how do you feel?"


Bai Xiaofei kicked the ball back directly.

The so-called exchange is not an exchange in the traditional sense, but a test and ShowTime. The two parties use this to prove and demonstrate their strength and background. Only through exchanges can the two parties develop further cooperation.


Heinz had exactly the same idea.

He directly agreed, and then asked: "Then the time and place of this communication..."

"It's better to hit the sun than to choose a date, and it's better to set it tonight."

"See you at the old place!"


Heinz hesitated.

In the end, he nodded and said: "Okay, as you said, tonight, see you at the old place!"


He held out his hand again.

"See you there!"

This time, Bai Xiaofei didn't dodge, and stretched out his hand, holding Heinz's palm.

The cooperation between the two parties has finally been initially reached.


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