The Storm God

Chapter 2593 Crowdfunding merits and eliminating evil! (Please subscribe!)

Bai Xiaofei felt a little unbelievable.

It is rumored that sinful karmic fire is something that can only be possessed in the underworld. Once it is burned, its own karma will be ignited, and it will be entangled by the power of infinite evil obstacles. Life is worse than death, and it is extremely miserable.

This is obviously the case with the evil aura on Turandot.


What the hell is going on with them?

Obviously, it just traveled through the vast endless time and space, how could it encounter such a thing, and it was eroded and entangled so badly? Could it be that what they encountered was the rumored true hell?


Lockheed saw Bai Xiaofei's expression, and secretly said: "He really knows the source of this power, so it should be able to get rid of it to a large extent..."


Sinful karma is really troublesome.

Ordinary people, even ordinary bosses, would avoid such things when they encountered such things, lest they would be burned and their karma would be ignited and exploded. But Bai Xiaofei is different. He carries a space-time shuttle, and all his powers, especially karma and public morality, are all bound and fused with it, so naturally he is not afraid of the power of the evil fire.


As long as Bai Xiaofei is willing.

He can completely use his own power of merit to wash away the evil karma on Turandot. And this kind of super troublesome thing can only be removed and thoroughly cleaned by the power of merit that counteracts it, and any other form of power is not easy to use!

But the most critical question now is that Turandot is just one of them.

There are still a large number of the same patients in Tu Enkun's body, that is to say, Bai Xiaofei will have to make great efforts to treat these people. As we all know, collecting and earning merit is not so easy.


This is a rather difficult business.

If you don't count carefully, it's easy to lose yourself completely. Of course, Bai Xiaofei has to think about it.

"What's wrong?"

Lockheed saw Bai Xiaofei's hesitation.

I couldn't help asking: "Is there any problem? Or, do you need any help? As long as you can save people, you can tell us what you need. As long as we can do it, we will definitely do our best..."


Bai Xiaofei sighed.

Afterwards, he explained the crux of the matter to Lockheed, and pointed out emphatically: "The problem now is that I am not sure what the total number of infections on my body is. How much merit is needed."

"Even if there is an accurate figure, I'm afraid it will be a large sum. With my personal storage capacity, I am afraid that it will be difficult to cope with such a large sum of expenses. The only solution is to gather everyone's strength .”

"Everyone's power?" Lockheed suddenly realized, "Gather the power of merit and virtue in everyone to jointly eliminate the evil power of evil karma? This is absolutely no problem, what should we do, just tell us!"

"Don't worry!"

However, Bai Xiaofei shook his head, waved his hand and said: "Listen to me, the evil power of evil karma and the power of merit can be said to be in harmony with each other, like water and fire. But anyone who is infected and eroded by the power of evil, the power of his own merit is afraid." It has also been severely reduced and corroded, so even if they have merit, these people can't use it anymore."


Lockheed was stunned when he heard the words: "You mean, the power of merit must be collected from people who have not been infected in order to successfully remove the power of evil in the body of the infected?"

"That's right!"

Bai Xiaofei nodded and said: "But in my opinion, among you, there should not be many such people. In addition to the special existence of Tu Enkun, the merit power required is definitely an almost astronomical number... ..."

in short.

You simply cannot afford the price you need to pay on your own.

Think here.

Lockheed suddenly looked frustrated.

Then he hurriedly asked Bai Xiaofei, "Then... what do you mean?"

Bai Xiaofei said: "Crowdfunding. It is to distribute the needs, and then select some qualified people from all human beings in the world, and use the power of merit in them to get rid of the evil erosion in your body..."


"You also know that there is no free lunch in the world, not to mention the power of merit that everyone regards as a treasure. If you want everyone to give willingly, you must show some sincerity..."

"For this, what can you give?"


Lockheed was silent.

Seeing Bai Xiaofei staring straight at her, she suddenly felt like falling into a pit. After cooperating so many times, are you waiting for me here? To put it bluntly, I just want to take the opportunity to reap enough benefits.

But having said that, if, as the other party said, it would take an extremely large amount of meritorious power to get rid of the evil erosion in everyone's body, then this deal is really a shocking deal.

With the strength of one person alone, I am afraid it is really unbearable.

If crowdfunding...

That's even more troublesome.

Because everyone's needs are different, if you want to make people willingly pay your own merits, you must pay enough. What if the other party wants to marry each other here?

That's really losing my wife and losing my army!


This problem must be solved.

Afterwards, Lockheed began to discuss the conditions with Bai Xiaofei, and solemnly explained some of the impossible conditions. Such as promises with one's body, being a cow or a horse, swearing allegiance to the death... and so on.


To this, Bai Xiaofei didn't refuse, and he agreed wholeheartedly: "Don't worry, people with great merit will generally not make such excessive demands. If you really want to, I will settle it for you, as long as you obediently follow my orders Do it, and keep it without any problems."


Lockheed nodded and said, "If that's the case, then it's a deal."


She looked at Turandot on the altar.

The meaning is very simple, don't talk about other things, you should get rid of the evil power on Turandot first, otherwise, no matter how much you say, it will be nonsense, and you will not be able to convince the public at all.


Of course Bai Xiaofei understood what she meant.

Seeing that there was no trace of ink, he walked to the altar, immediately divided part of the power of merit, and then used a special technique to evenly inject it into the body of Turandot who was suffering from the power of evil and suffering.

next moment……


It's like flame meeting water.

With the infusion of the power of Bai Xiaofei's merit, the power of evil obstacles permeated by the ghost smoke immediately exploded. As if seeing some terrifying natural enemy, he immediately began to shrink back, just like a mouse seeing a cat, the reaction is always intense.

at the same time.

Turandot's body immediately trembled and convulsed violently because of the power of the evil barrier, but Bai Xiaofei forcibly suppressed it with the power of his mind.

Immediately afterwards, the power of merit and virtue attacked all the way, with momentum like a broken bamboo. Wherever it went, the power of evil obstacles all panicked, disappeared, and fled in embarrassment. And as the removal progressed, Turandot's pain became lighter and lighter.


The evil force on Turandot was forced by Bai Xiaofei to his feet. But seeing her pair of jade feet, it immediately turned into an incomparably stinky, pitch-black color. At the same time, the eerie power of ghost smoke and evil barriers also turned into countless ghosts, and they began to bark their teeth and claws, as if roaring and declaring their own intentions. anger.

"sucker Punch!"

The corners of Bai Xiaofei's mouth were full of sneer and contempt, followed by a slight force with his palm, a large amount of meritorious force immediately rushed towards Turandot's feet like a flood that broke a dike.

And the power of that evil obstacle was instantly defeated.

He didn't even have a single breath to hold on, and he was directly smashed to pieces by the impact, completely defeated, and then completely disappeared, submerged in the golden light of the power of merit.


Turandot's entire body is covered with the light of merit, like a little golden man made of pure gold, sacred and inviolable, full of holy breath.

In such an atmosphere, Turandot suddenly let out a sigh, and then opened his eyes with Yoyo.

"A Duo!"

Lancey burst into tears of joy.

Seeing this, Lockheed was too excited: "Successful!"

Bai Xiaofei pretended to be coercive and said: "Of course, I don't even look at who made the move. My uncle will do it. If one beats two, there is no failure. The mere evil power is not worth mentioning at all!"


But they were directly ignored by the two of them.


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