The Storm God

Chapter 2594 Knowing that it is a fire pit, I still have to jump into it! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei was a little depressed.

Well, I’ve been busy for a long time, saving your people, but I didn’t even say thank you, I just cared about hugging and hugging and talking to each other, have you ever thought about me? How do you feel?


Dare to upset my uncle?

Just wait and see, and see how my uncle will rack his brains to trick you in the future!

Someone is very cautious.


He didn't bother with it either.

After seeing Lancey and his wife Turandot finally no longer suffering from torture, he couldn't help but think of himself. I don't know what's going on with the lost wife and children now.

Such a comparison between the two sides naturally highlights Bai Xiaofei's desolation.


He is so depressed.

This shit is the rhythm of being forcibly fed dog food!

Of course Bai Xiaofei was upset.

Must fight back!


Bai Xiaofei couldn't take it anymore, so he hurriedly coughed loudly twice on purpose to remind Lockheed and Lancey that there are still innocent people watching, so if you get rid of it, can you restrain your emotions?

Do you really think dog food is delicious?


Lockheed was very good at observing words and expressions, and when he saw Bai Xiaofei's displeasure, he quickly apologized and kept saying good things. The same is true for Lancey, and his wife Turandot, who just woke up and got rid of the evil force, also sent his thanks.

As the saying goes, reach out and don't hit a smiling face.

Everyone was like this, and Bai Xiaofei was too embarrassed to continue to get angry on the spot, so he could only suppress the depression in his heart, and decided to wait until later to take revenge. But he said in his mouth: "No, Lockheed, now you have also seen that I have the ability to completely eliminate evil erosion, and it will not cause any harm to the patient, so now can I bring that great inventor over here? gone?"

The crack in the abyss is related to whether Bai Xiaofei can obtain massive power of time and space.


He doesn't beat around the bush either.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he asked Lockheed and others to bring that great inventor over. Who made the super compass available only to the great inventor himself? If not, Bai Xiaofei wouldn't care about the other party's life or death.

Especially after being stimulated by Lanxi and Turandot, Bai Xiaofei wanted to find his wife and children back as soon as possible.


And this time.

Lockheed saw Bai Xiaofei's ability with his own eyes, and confirmed that there was nothing wrong with Turandot after waking up. It can be said that he was full of confidence in Bai Xiaofei, so he did not refuse, and directly agreed: "I will send someone to invite the great inventor out of the sealed place. With your help and Turandot's assistance, I believe that the next The removal work will definitely go very smoothly.”

The voice just fell.

Without Lockheed's instructions, Lancey left on her own initiative.

Obviously, he is the person who sent the message in Lockheed's mouth. According to Lockheed, the great inventor was hidden in the core area of ​​Tuenkun's body, and certain procedures were required to safely invite him out.


The great inventor has a relatively weak constitution.

After being eroded by evil forces, only by relying on the power of the seal can they barely maintain peace. So even if you are invited, you must first ensure the physical safety of the great inventor.


Once the seal is opened, it may be the death of the great inventor.

In this regard, Bai Xiaofei said that there is no problem, and he has countless ways to solve the problem of the great inventor's physical weakness. For example, feeding and drinking the Ice Phoenix Holy Water is the simplest of them. Drinking a glass of Ice Phoenix Holy Water, even if it is skinny, can guarantee that that great inventor will become a superhuman existence in no time.


What Bai Xiaofei really cares about is the super compass.

Lockheed also saw what he meant, so he smiled slightly and said, "Your Excellency Bai Yu, don't be impatient. When Lancy invites out the great inventor, he will also bring out the super compass."


His thoughts were seen through, no matter how thick-skinned Bai Xiaofei was, he still felt a little embarrassed. He could only change the subject to distract Lockheed, and said, "Then during the waiting period, let's talk about crowdfunding and compensation..."

This topic is more serious.

As soon as he mentioned it, Lockheed's attention was immediately diverted, and then he frowned and said: "We have also counted that there are a total of 3,651 people infected by evil forces, of which 2,000 Many people are mildly infected, more than 1,000 people are moderately infected, and only a mere 300 people, similar to Turandot, are severely infected..."

"in addition……"

"There are still some people, such as me, who are in a special situation. We don't know how serious it is. In short, it's very serious and weird. In the end, it's Tu Enkun."

"Then, in your opinion, how much meritorious power is needed for these?"


Lockheed's face was serious.

Even if Bai Xiaofei didn't say anything, she knew very well that the power of merit should not be possessed by everyone, and even if there was, there might not be much of it. If you want to collect a large amount of virtuous power to get rid of the evil power in people like yourself, you may have to pay a considerable price.


Think big picture.

No matter how high the price was, they all accepted it.

The question now is, how much is the amount that needs to be paid? And what will I and others have to pay for it? As the leader of the adventure team, Lockheed had to plan carefully.


Regardless of what Lockheed thinks.

Here, Bai Xiaofei was silent when he heard the words, and began to secretly estimate in his heart how much meritorious power would be needed to treat these 3,651 people, plus a shocking giant kun.

According to Lockheed, Turandot's situation should be considered serious, and the treatment and removal of the power of evil in her body probably cost a total of three thousand merits...

That is.

For those 300 or so severely infected people alone, nearly 1 million merits are needed. The rest of the medium-level and mild-level infected people, even if they cost less, are huge in number...

Roughly calculated, no matter what, it takes 5 million merits to make it barely enough.


That's still not Lockheed.

And in the case of the largest and most troublesome terrifying monster-Tunkun. If they are also counted together, the cost will be even greater, and it is conservatively estimated that at least an additional 2 million will be added.

5 million + 2 million, that is about 7 million.

And now...

Bai Xiaofei took a look at his wealth value, the power of wish is the most as usual, the unit is in the hundreds of millions, the next most is the power of luck, about 65 million, except for the least amount of 800 points of world power, it only loses the power of merit. The force value is the least.

Only about 1.2 million.

Compared with the huge amount of at least 7 million, it only accounts for one-seventh of the degree.


It is also impossible for Bai Xiaofei to spend all of these 1.2 million merits all at once. Because merit and the power of luck complement each other, without merit, no matter how much your power of luck is, it is just a display.

At the very least, you have to leave 200,000 meritorious power for yourself as a backup.

That is to say, minus his own 1 million, there is at least 6 million merits left. According to the calculation that ordinary people have about 10 meritorious powers, if crowdfunding...


At least 600,000 people are needed!

Of course, this refers to the worst situation, because some people do more good deeds, and there will be more meritorious power. For example, members of Bai Xiaofei's Lord God Squad, Kyushu Squad, etc., each of them must have at least over 10,000 merits.

There are also those masters of the Yanhuang Special Team, as well as the fighters who defend their home and country...

Who doesn't have some meritorious power?

In this way.

If the target is prioritized on them, the number of people needed and various troubles can be greatly reduced, and at the same time, various benefits and benefits that they need can be won for them...

I roughly estimated it.

Bai Xiaofei finally came to a conclusion, if the candidates for crowdfunding were mainly concentrated on his subordinates, the Yanhuang Special Ability Team, and super fighters, then only around 20,000 people would be enough.

And with Bai Xiaofei's prestige and influence, what benefits are needed, isn't he the one who has the final say? I believe that even if Commander Lin and the others knew about it, they would probably support Bai Xiaofei's decision with both hands and feet.

So far.

Someone unceremoniously began to figure out what he wanted from his own perspective in order to maximize his own interests. On the other hand, Lockheed suddenly had the feeling of falling into the pit again and being slaughtered by others.

The saddest thing is that even though she knew it might be a trap and a fire pit, she still had to bite the bullet and jump into it!

Who told them to ask others for their needs?


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