The Storm God

Chapter 2611 The King's Seat, Dual-Pupil Ability! (Please subscribe!)

No doubt Lockheed was shocked.

In the world of Arad, the conditions for the formation of heroic spirits are extremely firm. Even if all the conditions are in good condition, it requires a lot of luck. If you are unlucky in pointing back, you will end up with a ghost.


No one would be idle and want to transform into a heroic spirit.

Any heroic spirit in history, no matter what level, strong or weak, would only do so when faced with a special situation and was forced to do so, and the number of losers accounted for an overwhelming majority. part.

That is.

In order to become a heroic spirit, in addition to having sufficient conditions, you also need luck against the sky.

Various factors are indispensable.


Bai Xiaofei, an outsider, has only just come into contact with the knowledge of Heroic Spirits in the world of Arad. It hasn't been long before Bai Xiaofei wants to create a customized version of Heroic Spirits, but he succeeded in one attempt.

Faced with such a situation, how can you tell Lockheed not to be surprised?

It's like a well-known professor or expert who didn't get the right questions, but was easily solved by a schoolboy who was watching the excitement around him. If those people in history who paid a heavy price for this and had very few successes were here, they would be scared to death by Bai Xiaofei!


In Lockheed's view, this is nothing short of a miracle.

Although she doesn't know the Holy Hand Mistress, Lockheed still has some knowledge and understanding of the breath and existence of the soul. She could tell that the soul that Bai Xiaofei used as an experiment was very weak.

It can be described as a candle in the wind.


None of that matters either.

The most important thing is that the soul power of the Holy Hand Mistress is in a state of scattered soul and soul without any autonomous consciousness. The reason why it has not dissipated in the world at this level is entirely because Bai Xiaofei sealed it in a relatively airtight environment with his extremely strong strength.

It's like putting food in the refrigerator, it can keep freshness for a long time and it won't rot.

In such a situation, according to Lockheed's understanding, it is almost a dream to become a heroic spirit, and it is completely impossible. There are so many incomparably powerful masters in history, if they want to become heroic spirits, it depends on their luck...

But you use scattered souls, without any self-awareness, to create heroic spirits?

This is clearly a joke!


What Lockheed couldn't understand and believe was that Bai Xiaofei's "outrageous behavior" was a success. One time is OK, and... looking at the rhythm, this artificially created heroic spirit seems to be very unusual.

According to the concept setting of the world of Arad, heroic spirits are also divided into strengths, weaknesses and levels. From low to high, they are ordinary, hero, hero, legend, epic, god level, and the highest holy level.

Ordinary, as the name suggests, means ordinary and ordinary. This kind of heroic spirit generally does not have much power. Most of them become heroic spirits due to accidents or some special reasons, or lose their power.

Heroes, heroes, and legends can tell who is strong and who is weak from the literal meaning. The higher the level, the stronger the prestige and name of the heroic spirit during his lifetime, and they are often the wavers of the past era, or even the son of destiny.

Epic level, this is a special title, and only characters who have achieved certain special conditions will be given this title. Epic-level heroic spirits generally have their special innate abilities.

For example, Astord in Lockheed's body is an epic heroic spirit.

Its innate ability is the seat of the king.

seat now.

All surrender.

In the sky and on the earth, I am the only one who is the only one who is crushed by the world.

at the same time……

Astord can also summon the defeated or eliminated characters, and even heroic spirits, making them his summons and obeying them. The two natural abilities can be described as quite abnormal and terrifying.

And god level and holy level.

That is the legend of the legend.

Even in the world of Arad, Lockheed had never seen the existence of these two levels of heroic spirits. Sacred heroic spirits often exist in folklore, because the conditions for their formation are more stringent than ordinary heroic spirits.


It must be above the god level in life.

And this strong man is not common in the world of Arad. Although the prestige of the god spread almost throughout the continent of Arad, miracles were hard to find, and the ones the world saw most were the apostles of the gods.

Thunkun is one of them.

This is true for the god level, let alone the more powerful holy level.


Bai Xiaofei broke this law.

Feeling the aura of the heroic spirit getting stronger and clearer, Lockheed's breathing also became more and more rapid: "This it the aura of God? No! Although it is stronger than Tunkun's aura. Obscure and profound, but not that powerful, it seems that something is missing, is it because the transformed soul is incomplete?"

Regardless of what Lockheed thinks.


In front of Bai Xiaofei.

A graceful figure, like a mist-like female figure, is rapidly taking shape, and as time goes by, it becomes more and more realistic and lifelike. If you don't know it and blink, you probably think it's a real person.


It was the first Heroic Spirit that Bai Xiaofei created after spending nearly "half a year" using the soul breath of the Holy Hand Mistress, combined with some of his past soul power.

Although it is not yet certain how strong she is, but judging from the aura and momentum she exudes, she should have two brushes. At the very least, ordinary sky-level masters will definitely not be able to handle it.


Bai Xiaofei nodded in satisfaction, and said in his heart: "The leaked breath alone is enough to suppress an ordinary heaven-level master. With this qualification, at least he should be a master of the demigod realm."

Not only that.

This heroic spirit who has just formed still has a special coercion on it. Especially her eyes, like searchlights, exude a chilling suffocation and danger all the time.

The most incredible thing is that she has double pupils just like the Holy Hand Mistress.


This double pupil is not just good-looking.

There seems to be some kind of special terrifying power hidden in the pupils of two completely different colors. Even though Bai Xiaofei was well-informed, he couldn't help being a little stunned when he saw this scene.

"This is……"

"Innate ability of eyes?"


Bai Xiaofei was overjoyed.

Then he shook his head again, and pondered: "It is impossible for a natural ability to have such a sense of coercion and danger. To be precise, it seems to be more like a special kind of supernatural power, like writing sharing eyes, reincarnation eyes, judgment Eyes, the first time I created a heroic spirit, I created one with the magical power of eyes, I have to say, our luck is really good."


Bai Xiaofei directly opened the Eye of the Stars.

Sure enough, in the vision of the eyes of the stars, Bai Xiaofei could clearly see that the Holy Hand Mistress in the heroic spirit state had two completely different powerful forces hidden in the double pupils.

It is like an unrivaled sword, once it is released, the world will definitely change, and the wind will be surging.

It can be described as quite terrifying.


Compared with Bai Xiaofei, it's much worse.

Almost instantly, Bai Xiaofei's starry eyes saw through the double pupil supernatural power of the Holy Hand Mistress, and also found out its most fatal flaw. If it was really a life-and-death contest, it would take less than a second for Bai Xiaofei to kill him directly.

in various senses.

no way.

Although the Holy Hand Mistress in heroic spirit state has epic strength, in front of Bai Xiaofei, no matter how strong she is, she is just a toy. Because the two do not exist in the same magnitude and dimension at all.


This kind of thing is definitely enough to be used as a younger brother or something.


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