The Storm God

Chapter 2612 Cruel experiment, absolute loyalty! (Please subscribe!)


After the heroic spirit of the Holy Hand Mistress fully formed and regained consciousness, the first time he saw Bai Xiaofei, he respectfully expressed his respect to him. His appearance was just like Bai Xiaofei's brainless fan.


Bai Xiaofei nodded in satisfaction.

At the beginning of the creation of Heroic Spirit, Bai Xiaofei added some special content to the soul power of the Holy Hand Mistress, just like setting up some special secret doors in the computer or mobile phone program, which can be used to achieve unspeakable human purpose.

And Bai Xiaofei's purpose is very simple, to keep the heroic spirits absolutely loyal to him, he doesn't want to be like Tony, play Ultron, almost didn't get Jarvis in, let alone, almost killed himself.


To be on the safe side, Bai Xiaofei also bought some high-level soul rings from the Time and Space Mall, and then used special techniques to stuff them into the soul of the Holy Hand Mistress. In this way, the strength of the heroic spirit can be enhanced, and secondly, it is more secure.

As long as the heroic spirit has a tendency to betray, or even if there is a problem with the secret door set by Bai Xiaofei, with the function of the soul ring alone, he can have a single thought to wipe out the betrayed heroic spirit in an instant!


Judging from the current situation.

Although it is the first time to create a heroic spirit, the effect seems to be good.

In order to verify his conjecture and test the loyalty of the heroic spirit, Bai Xiaofei ignored Lockheed who seemed to have a lot of questions to ask him, and directly began to issue many very cruel orders to the Holy Hand Mistress.

Like self-harm.

Abandon part of the power of the soul and use it to self-explode.

Etc., etc!


Almost everything that Bai Xiaofei could think of was used.

And the reaction of the Holy Hand Mistress Heroic Spirit is really delightful. No matter how ruthless Bai Xiaofei's orders are, she will execute them immediately without hesitation, and after a while, a heroic spirit at the epic level will be crippled by Bai Xiaofei.


Because of the serious loss of soul power, the heroic spirits of the Holy Hand Mistress are now directly downgraded and become ordinary, and they are still seriously injured and dying, dying, which makes Lockheed next to him feel distressed and speechless.


"He's a total lunatic!"

"It's too cruel!"


Lockheed shouted in his heart.

You must know that heroic spirits are very sacred and highly respected in the world of Arad, and their status is equivalent to the dragon totem that Yanhuang people admire. It is a belief that is deeply imprinted in the soul.


All heroic spirits are great beings who have made great contributions to the world.

Even some ordinary heroic spirits who came into existence by accident will contribute to the peace of the world. Only a very small number of cult criminals will use extreme means to treat and control the heroic spirit.

Generally, such an existence would be despised and wanted by the whole world.

This moment.

What Bai Xiaofei did, in Lockheed's view, was completely the behavior of a cult member, no! To be precise, it is more ruthless and unforgivable than them.

after all……

The heroic spirit in front of him was created by Bai Xiaofei himself.

In a sense, she is like Bai Xiaofei's own child. Which mother have you ever seen would use her newborn child to do all kinds of cruel, ruthless and heinous experiments?

But Bai Xiaofei did it.

Let me ask...

How could Lockheed not be angry? How can you not be surprised? How can you not be filled with righteous indignation?

However, just when she couldn't help but want to speak, Bai Xiaofei's gaze suddenly turned to her. His eyes were as calm as water, even with a slight smile, he said indifferently: "Ms. Lockheed, are you going to teach me how to do things?"


Lockheed instantly misfired.

It's true that Bai Xiaofei didn't have any intention of getting angry or getting mad. But the more this happens, the more wrong it becomes. At this moment, Lockheed could clearly feel that Bai Xiaofei's words definitely contained some kind of extremely deadly trap.

If I nodded and admitted, I'm afraid not only myself, but the entire Tuenkun adventure group may face a huge threat. Although it's just a torrent in the dark, not on the bright side, this kind of torrent is often the most deadly.

in various senses.


Without any hesitation, Lockheed immediately put on a bright smile and said in admiration of the soul's instinct and desire to survive: "How could that be? I'm just a little curious. It's a little bit different..."

In the world of Arad, the existence of heroic spirits can actually be regarded as the continuation of the life of the deceased. With some powerful heart artifacts or artifacts, heroic spirits often have stronger strength and life than before.


Heroic spirits generally have autonomous consciousness and the ability to act.

Strictly speaking, it can be regarded as intelligent life, with its own ideas, personality, and even preferences. It is also because of this that it is extremely difficult to obtain the approval of the heroic spirit.

Just like Lockheed itself.

In order to gain Astord's approval, she paid a considerable price, and in the end she reluctantly agreed to Lockheed's call because of another person's face.


On the other hand, the Heroic Spirit created by Bai Xiaofei is very different from the Heroic Spirit in Arad's world.

Not to mention the abnormal surge in strength, this can be attributed to Bai Xiaofei; but it is like licking a dog, telling her to live and tell her to die, and what the hell is this behavior without the slightest hesitation?

Could it be...

This is not a heroic spirit, but a puppet controlled by people?

In Lockheed's cognition, apart from puppets, there are very few such "at the mercy of others" existence. Not to mention heroic spirits, even human beings are absolutely unique, unless they are forced to do so due to some special oppression or threat.

But the Heroic Spirit in front of him...

Feel sorry.

Lockheed really saw no reluctance or coercion.

Not only that, every time after completing the orders given by Bai Xiaofei, the heroic spirit of the Holy Hand Mistress would show a very happy and satisfied expression. It made Lockheed almost think that this product was something like that.

at last……

Lockheed sure.

The problem must be Bai Xiaofei's body, maybe at the place where Heroic Spirit was created, he had already done something secretly. But no matter what, these all undoubtedly proved Bai Xiaofei's strength and terror.

If it makes the other party unhappy, or angry, in case you do the same to yourself...


As long as he thought of that scene, Lockheed couldn't help trembling secretly. She didn't worry much about herself, after all, she was a living person, but Astord in her body was different.

Accompanying for thousands of years, the existence of Astord, for Lockheed, is no longer just a simple partner, but more of her relatives, and even the most important companion in life.

It's too worthless to put myself, and even Astord, in a dangerous situation for an irrelevant heroic spirit! Therefore, integrity is not important, and safety is the last word, especially when facing Bai Xiaofei, a terrifying true god, any mistakes are not allowed.


Bai Xiaofei smiled even brighter.

Wen Yan explained: "Of course it's different, because the original design intention of the heroic spirit I created was to fully execute and obey my orders. I don't want to create a lot of ancestors and troubles for myself."

"As a younger brother, the most important thing is to obey!"

"Do you understand?"


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