The Storm God

Chapter 2930 Linglong is famous for thousands of years! (Please subscribe!)

Sky Dragon World.

In the Tianyahai Pavilion, the little loli Benaya is cultivating diligently, trying to improve her strength. The last fight made her understand one thing——

I am not strong enough!


It also depends on whom to compare with, at least in this world, she can barely be regarded as a master of one party, mainly because the strength of the enemy is too special.

If you guessed right, the martial arts used by the other party should be related to the Tianlong world, otherwise it would be impossible to induce some world power in the dark.

It is precisely because of the influence of these world powers that the opponent escapes.

"You were lucky last time!"

Little Loli swore secretly in her heart: "The next time I meet you, see if I don't beat you all over the place. This time I paid a huge price to buy the Beiming Magic Art..."


Benaya also learned the Beiming Divine Art.

However, this Beiming Divine Art is not the Beiming Divine Art of this Heavenly Dragon World, but another version purchased from Bai Xiaofei.

And it's an optimized version after Bai Xiaofei's improvement. Although it's not as good as the Beiming magic art in this world, it can regenerate people, but its power is not trivial.

After practicing, the little loli Benaya can get 150% of her extraordinary performance, and cooperate with Bai Xiaofei's copycat version of [Eternal Spear]...


It is no exaggeration to say.

Now little loli Benaya's strength can be said to have completely reached the mid-level level of the super god level, and even the level in the later stage can be beaten by a dozen.

Even in this heavenly dragon world like cultivating immortals, it can definitely be regarded as a top existence. The level of strength is only one level lower than Tianshan Child Elder.

According to Dr. Zola's analysis and calculation, Wu Xingyun and Li Qiushui should be above the holy realm, at most no more than the high-level true gods. As for the old fairy Xingxiu...

The holy land is overwhelmed!


Xingxiu's transformation technique is too domineering and venomous, and its power cannot be judged by common sense. Even if the strength is higher than him, one must deal with it carefully, so as not to capsize in the gutter.


Little loli Benaya is at a critical moment.

As long as she overcomes this difficulty, her Beiming Divine Art will be able to break through the third stage, transforming all her own power into Beiming True Qi, and her strength will rise to a higher level.

If not.

She is afraid that she has forced Ah Zi's senior brother Da Xiong to find a way to find Ah Zi and Xu Zhu. The little loli Benaya is not worried about Dahuan Dan. There are many such things in the time-space mall, and you can buy them with points, so you don't need to worry about them at all.

Benaya was mainly worried that the Yi Jin Jing on Xu Zhu's body would fall into the hands of some kind of enemy.

Her intuition told herself that this special edition of Yi Jin Jing is very important to her, and the key to whether she can find a breakthrough in her own path depends on it.

As for the development of the plot...


Little Lolita can no longer control so much.

One is that she is not in the mood, and the other is that she has no time. Of course, the most important thing is that she already knows from Dr. Zola that the idol boss she admires the most, Bai Xiaofei, has sent a clone to enter the world of Tianlong.

With such a powerful boss coming, she still worried about the wool!

Even if it's just the clone of the boss.

To know.

In Benaya's heart.

Bai Xiaofei is the strongest, no one in the world is his opponent!

Even if it is a clone, it is invincible!

There is no reason!

So confident and sure!

And this time.

The avatar of Bai Xiaofei who came to the world of Tianlong turned into a handsome young man, and explored all the way to Leigu Mountain where Xiaoyaozi's master and apprentice lived.

That's right.

He just wants to know the Linglong chess game.

At the same time, it is also to see what is so miraculous about the Beiming Divine Art in this world, that it can bring people back to life from the dead.

Bai Xiaofei's speed is needless to say.

The rugged mountain road of Leigu Mountain did not affect his progress, and he quickly arrived at the location set up by the Linglong chess game.

This is almost the top of Leigu Mountain.

Climbing up the steps, all you can see is a not very wide platform, which is neatly repaired. There is a stone table on the platform, Bai Xiaofei reckons that should be where the Linglong chess game is located.


To say that the most striking thing is not this.

When Bai Xiaofei came up, the first thing he saw was a tall dead tree beside the stone table. The dead tree has no branches or leaves, but there are many dry vines wrapped around it.

And on this dead tree, there is a couplet written in white cloth and black ink: "Linglong Chess Game, which will remain famous for thousands of years; Mr. Congbian, chess will destroy the world's officials."

The peak of the mountain was raging with fury.

This couplet also dances with the wind, hunting and hunting.

"Pretentious enough!"

Bai Xiaofei had a panoramic view of all this, and thought to himself: "It seems that no matter which version of Tianlong it is, the guys from the Happy School are good at showing off!"


He set his sights on the old man who came out from the depths of the platform.

Needless to say, this old man who looks very good-looking is Xiaoyaozi's apprentice, Su Xinghe who is honored as "Mr. Congbian" by the world.


"The cultivation of the intermediate level of the Holy Land is already very good."

"It's a pity that the skills of the exercises are a little bit worse!"


What level is Su Xinghe?

Bai Xiaofei can see clearly at a glance, it's not that he looks down on him, but this Su Xinghe, no matter which version he is, looks the same.

It's not that Su Xinghe's talent is not enough, but that this guy's hobbies and interests are too broad, as the saying goes, "It's better to be good at everything than to be good at everything".

Manpower is exhausted.

It was precisely because Su Xinghe dabbled in too many subjects that he didn't have any abilities that he could do well. Unlike Old Immortal Xingxiu, who specializes in poisoning, although his strength is similar to Su Xinghe's, his power cannot be judged by common sense.

Not to mention Su Xinghe, even his master Xiaoyaozi, didn't he also fall into the hands of Xingxiu old fairy? If Su Xinghe could give up a little bit, his achievements might go even further.


He is too old.

Even if it is too late to give up some of it now and specialize in certain skills and special skills. Otherwise, Xiaoyaozi would not have set up this Linglong chess game, and wanted to use the hand of the successor to avenge himself.

It's not that Xiaoyaozi didn't give Su Xinghe a chance. The sad thing is that every time he tried, Su Xinghe couldn't pass the test of his own demons, and finally ended in failure.

The most important thing is that Su Xinghe's heart demon happens to be the traitor Xingxiu old fairy Ding Chunqiu!

Let me ask...

With such a useless apprentice, how can you call Xiaoyaozi trust Su Xinghe with all your skills and everything?

Even my own inner demons can't be defeated, no matter how strong I am, it's useless.

Once he meets the real Ding Chunqiu in the future...

There is no doubt that it will fail!


Rather than risk it.

It's better to set up a Linglong chess game and find other predestined people.

In this way, at least the chance of success is a little higher, and at worst, it is better than Su Xinghe, who fears and fears Ding Chunqiu from his own heart, and even turns him into a demon.

Closer to home.


After this guy Su Xinghe came out, he put his compulsion very high.

Regardless of Bai Xiaofei's reaction, he stood there as if he knew what you were coming for, and waved his hand coldly, and the Linglong chess game, which was completely covered by sand and dust, was immediately blown away by a strong wind.

The rumored Linglong chess game finally reappeared in the world.


It has been a long time since anyone tried to crack this Linglong chess game, otherwise it would not have ended up in such a lonely end, Bai Xiaofei should be the first person in this long time.


Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly, but didn't say much.

Anyway, one of his goals is to master this Linglong chess game. Since Su Xinghe invited himself so proactively and generously, let's try it out and see what is the mystery behind it.

next moment.

Bai Xiaofei sat on a stone bench beside the stone table.

Generally, two people are required to play chess. But this Linglong chess game is not the case, there are only chess players, not chess players. In other words, the players are not people at all, but the whole game.


It doesn't matter how you go or how you move.

Linglong chess game will produce different reactions and changes corresponding to it, and then pull the player's mind into the illusion of the chess game by placing the pieces.

Rather than saying that this is playing chess, it is better to test his mind and heart by playing chess. If you can't even deal with all kinds of confusion and demons in your own heart, how can you talk about helping others?


There may be other sayings and mysteries in this.

But that doesn't matter, because the purpose of Bai Xiaofei's visit today is to study and decipher it. The more wonderful and powerful the Linglong chess game is, the more interested he is!


Without any hesitation.

After Bai Xiaofei took his seat, he picked up a sunspot on the stone table, without even looking at the so-called "chess game" of the Linglong chess game, he just found a place and put it down.


And at the moment of falling, Bai Xiaofei felt a special energy and force field, and immediately pulled his mind into an extremely special illusion...

at the same time.

Inside the secret room in the Immortal Cave of Misty Peak, Leigu Mountain.

Xiaoyaozi, the living dead man, whose expression was originally Gujing Wubo, suddenly changed when Bai Xiaofei's mind entered the illusion: "This is...another extremely strange and strange illusion and state of mind!"

"Who the hell is he?"


Obviously, all the changes and illusions in the Linglong chess game are directly related to Xiaoyaozi. It is even possible that the Linglong chess game is driven by the power of Xiaoyaozi.

But the illusions and states of mind that Bai Xiaofei encountered were the only ones that Xiaoyaozi had ever seen in his life. They were incomparably complicated and magical, even more grotesque than the strange man he met before!

Not only that.

After entering the illusion with Bai Xiaofei, Xiaoyaozi suddenly had a strange thought for no reason.


My hard days are coming to an end.

He had a hunch that the young man in front of him who was so mysterious that even he couldn't see through it was very likely to be the hope he had been looking for for thirty years!


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