The Storm God

Chapter 2931 Face yourself and crack the game! (Please subscribe!)


Regarding the changes in the Linglong chess game, Bai Xiaofei actually sensed it from the very beginning. And with his state, he would not fall into the illusion at all.


He's here to have fun, not to mess around.

Therefore, the moment he felt the change, Bai Xiaofei directly gave up all resistance, followed the guidance of Linglong Chess Game obediently, and entered the illusion.


When Bai Xiaofei saw the extremely familiar scene, he was immediately stunned.

"Dad, Mom?"

"This is Shan Xiaofang, and her sister Shan Xiaowei?"

"And Xiaoqian and Diana..."


That's right, those who appeared in front of Bai Xiaofei were the relatives and lovers that Bai Xiaofei cared most about. It's just that their current situation is completely different from the past, and it seems very strange.

Whether it is Bai Xiaofei's relatives or lovers, they all have gloomy faces at this moment, very gloomy, and there is a strong black devilish energy permeating his whole body...

Look from a distance.

It's like a demon crawling out of hell, extremely creepy!

Not only that, with Bai Xiaofei's arrival and recognition of them, these relatives and lovers whose image has changed drastically, immediately surrounded Bai Xiaofei like zombies.

"You unfilial son!"

"We gave birth to you and raised you, and we worked so hard to bring you up, how could you do this to us?"

"Bai Xiaofei, you actually lost us!"

"Dad, I hate you!"


These people directly launched a verbal offensive against Bai Xiaofei with one sentence at a time, and how vicious they were, how they pierced their hearts, every sentence directly hit Bai Xiaofei's weakest point.

Stronger than Bai Xiaofei's strength and realm, the first time he encountered such a situation, he was really frightened and flustered.


What they say is true.

Due to various reasons, Bai Xiaofei has indeed done many things that are sorry to his relatives and lovers, such as the casualties of his parents, the loss of his lover...

All of this was Bai Xiaofei's fault.

in short.

The reason why Linglong Chess has such an illusion is because these things are deep in Bai Xiaofei's heart, the most unwilling to face and deliberately avoid.

Like scabbed scars from old wounds that haven't healed yet.


They were ruthlessly set off again.

No matter how strong this person is or how high his mental quality is, as long as he is still a human being and a living being with feelings, he will definitely be affected by these issues that concern him.

The difference lies in the amount and severity of the impact.

Just like Su Xinghe.

Ding Chunqiu seems to have become his demon.

That's why when accepting the test of Linglong Chess, he was defeated by the inner demon, and even killed, which eventually caused his mind to be shaken, and caused his body and mind to be severely injured.

But Bai Xiaofei is not!


The Linglong chess game is indeed miraculous.

Even a master like Bai Xiaofei can unearth the secrets and scars in his heart in an instant, and create a corresponding illusion to give his opponent blows and trials...


After all, Bai Xiaofei is not an ordinary person.

Although he evades a bit, he never forgets these responsibilities and problems, never gives up, and has been working hard.

Now Linglong Chess Game has suddenly dug out these deepest guilt and regret, and used the most vicious way to attack Bai Xiaofei, who gave up resisting and fully accepted it, was indeed somewhat affected, but not to a deep degree.


Bai Xiaofei never denied these things.

Even, he looked at these problems with a serious and serious attitude, and tried to find a way to solve them, instead of blindly evading and sitting idly by.

in short.

Bai Xiaofei has a clear conscience for what he has done.

The only thing I blame myself is that what I have done is not good enough, not perfect enough. But these are fundamentally different from the trials and keys shown in the illusion.


Almost instantly.

Bai Xiaofei immediately recovered from the influence of the Linglong game.


He smiled frankly.

But seeing Bai Xiaofei facing the relatives and lovers blackened by the devil, smiled slightly, and then said: "Thank you, I suddenly understood a lot of things and truths, and at the same time, it also made my mental state more solid. and stabilized..."


Seeing Bai Xiaofei like this, these false illusions fell silent.

They looked at me, I looked at you, exchanged eyes with each other, then shook their heads helplessly, and then began to become unreal.

It quickly turned into a puff of green smoke and disappeared without a trace.

at the same time.

Bai Xiaofei also automatically exited the illusion.

This means that Xiaoyaozi's Linglong chess game has been completely cracked by him.

After returning to his mind, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but secretly said: "That's right! It seems that this time it didn't come in vain. Unexpectedly, a small Linglong chess game can make my state of mind cultivation stronger and more reliable. It's really a surprise. If it can be further improved and improved..."

"Be good!"

"The value of this exquisite chess game is simply immeasurable!"

"There is also Xiaoyaozi's ability..."

"very good!"


all in all.

Bai Xiaofei was very satisfied with this trip to Leigu Mountain.

The power of the Linglong chess game is far beyond imagination. If the cultivating version of the Beiming Divine Art has such miraculous effects, then this trip to the Heavenly Dragon will be a real bloodbath.

Regardless of what Bai Xiaofei thinks.


Su Xinghe was also very excited.

Thirty years!

He finally waited until someone who could break the Linglong chess game appeared.

How can you tell him not to get excited?

"My son..."

And just when Su Xinghe opened his mouth, took steps, and was about to invite Bai Xiaofei to enter the secret room to meet his master Xiaoyaozi and accept the inheritance, Xiaoyaozi's spiritual thought sound transmission suddenly sounded in Su Xinghe's mind: "Xinghe , this person has an extraordinary background, and his strength is far beyond my imagination, so there must be no negligence!"


When Su Xinghe heard this, he was a little confused.


The realm of strength is beyond the imagination of the master? !

How can this be!

To know.

The Tianshan sect can be said to be the most powerful sect in today's martial arts, the masters in the sect, who is not a top figure, even the traitor Ding Chunqiu is no more than that.

Master Xiaoyaozi, as the head of the Tianshan School, is the most powerful in the past and present, and it is no exaggeration to say that he is invincible. If he hadn't believed in the traitor Ding Chunqiu, he would not have fallen into this situation today...

But seriously.

When it comes to real strength and realm, Su Xinghe believes that there is absolutely no one in the whole world who can stand shoulder to shoulder with his master, Xiaoyaozi, let alone surpass him.


What did he hear just now?

Master Xiaoyaozi even took the initiative to admit that he might not be as good as the young man in front of him!

How can this be!

He started practicing kung fu from his mother's womb, and now he is only in his twenties at most. How could his level of strength exceed Master's imagination...

You must know that Master is an existence that can almost break through the void.

In short.

At this moment, Su Xinghe was shocked.

Also extremely confused.


No matter what, master Xiaoyaozi would not delay or neglect the things that Master Xiaoyaozi explained. Although his heart was full of doubts and incomprehensions, Su Xinghe still followed his master Xiaoyaozi's instructions honestly and dutifully, and came before Bai Xiaofei with an extremely respectful attitude.

"Mr. Congbian..."

And just when Su Xinghe opened his mouth and was about to explain and invite Bai Xiaofei to enter the secret room, Bai Xiaofei smiled and said first, "Your master's injury, I may be able to heal..."


Su Xinghe suddenly thundered, the whole person was stunned.

His two eyes immediately stared like copper bells, and his eyes were full of shock and disbelief. He also said in amazement: "You, how do you are telling the truth? I..."

Because his emotions were too turbulent, Su Xinghe couldn't even speak fluently at this moment.


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