The Storm God

Chapter 3117 It is hard to be a master! (Please subscribe!)

"How did he come back?"

Bai Xiaofei was surprised and a little surprised.

According to Mao Xiaofang, it would take two or three days, or even longer, to break through the Aperture Realm, but now it's only the third day.

Subtracting the time Mao Xiaofang spent traveling back and forth, it might not even be two days.

Is this a breakthrough?


As expected of Uncle Ying!

After being stunned, Bai Xiaofei was more pleasantly surprised, because Mao Xiaofang came back, and he would have more time to ask him about Taoism.


Mao Xiaofang is the absolute protagonist of "Zombie Daoist", not one of them.

Wherever he is, he will never be idle. As long as you stay by Mao Xiaofang's side, certain things will definitely happen, which will make it easier for Bai Xiaofei to plan his interests.

In short.

With Mao Xiaofang's return, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

With this in mind.

Bai Xiaofei's thoughts turned suddenly, he opened his eyes, and couldn't help but look at Rose who fell on the ground, and said to himself: "Mao Xiaofang and Rose seem to be destined for each other, should I help match them up?"

As for the other side.

Xiao Xiami was also rescued. After all, Bai Xiaofei didn't continue to attack the city, but after seeing Uncle Ying's return, he decisively withdrew his mind power and his own consciousness.

after all……

The days are still long.

Not urgent.

As long as Bai Xiaofei thinks about it, there will be opportunities to have a good in-depth exchange with Xiao Xiami in the future. In short, this living Buddha, he, Bai Xiaofei, is determined.


Fuxi Hall, the backyard.

Mao Xiaofang didn't knock on the door to enter, but turned over and jumped in from the outside. Then soon found a small shrimp lying on the ground.


Seeing this, Mao Xiaofang couldn't help being stunned: "I'm still a child I've never seen before, looking at him dressed in night clothes, it seems that he is not kind?"

He checked it carefully.

It was found that there was no injury on Xiao Xiami's body, but the mental exhaustion was a bit serious, so that he fell into a deep coma, and there was no danger.


Compared with the abnormal situation discovered before, the aura like a rainbow should appear here. In other words, the child in night clothes in front of him is probably the owner of the aura.

Of course, it could be someone else's too.

After all, it is impossible for this child to fall asleep here suddenly. He must have met someone, especially a master, to fall asleep.

But in any case, this child is indispensable to find out the truth.

Mao Xiaofang's heart was very soft. After confirming that the child was safe, he hugged Xiao Xiami and placed it on the stone chair in the backyard.


He heard a noise.


It was a woman's cry of pain. Although the voice was very low, with a feeling of deliberate suppression, it was still heard by Mao Xiaofang, who had a keen sense.


Mao Xiaofang couldn't help being startled again: "A woman's voice? Strange, how could there be a woman in Fuxi Hall? Could it be this child's accomplice?"

I was puzzled.

at the same time.

Mao Xiaofang didn't stay idle, and followed the direction of the voice, and quickly came to the room where Bai Xiaofei lived.

He didn't rush in hastily, but lowered his figure, sneaked on the window, poked a small hole with his fingers, and watched the situation inside carefully.


Mao Xiaofang saw the rose.

Rose is also wearing night clothes, but it is difficult to hide her beautiful figure. Although the special rose mask blocks Rose's face, a pair of sexy red lips are directly exposed.

"This is a very beautiful woman!"

Mao Xiaofang quickly came to such an inference, and there was no doubt that, as the Taoist leader of Maoshan, he still had eyes for this.


What did the other party come to Fuxi Hall for?

Also, this room is usually vacant, and Xiao Hai and Ah Chu don't often live in it. Why did the woman in black come here?

"Could it be..."

Suddenly, Mao Xiaofang thought of a possibility: "This is Mr. Bai's room? Is the woman in black here to find Mr. Bai?"

Before leaving Fuxitang, Mao Xiaofang once told Bai Xiaofei that when he helped to take care of Fuxitang, he could move in directly, which would save a lot of trouble.

At that time, Bai Xiaofei didn't refuse either.


Mao Xiaofang naturally thought of this, but the more he thought about it, the more doubts he had in his heart: "Did Mr. Bai know the woman in black? Or is it a hostile relationship?"

"With Mr. Bai's ability and means, the woman in black should not be unable to discover the skill, right? Or was there any special situation at that time?"


Mao Xiaofang was full of question marks.

While thinking wildly in his heart, his eyes kept turning back and forth, and soon he found Bai Xiaofei's figure on the bed.


"Why is Mr. Bai in a coma? Judging by his lying posture, he must have been fascinated by someone during the exercise, right? Then everything can be explained..."

"So, according to this, this woman came to harm Mr. Bai?"


Mao Xiaofang continued to analyze.

Only this time, before he finished his analysis, Rose in the room turned around abruptly, and looked directly at the window with vigilant eyes.


A woman's sixth sense is still very keen.

Although Mao Xiaofang didn't show his flaws, his long-term observation had already aroused Rose's instinctive sense of crisis, which led to the scene just now.

"very good!"

Bai Xiaofei, who was lying on the bed, had a clear view of the situation at the scene, and couldn't help but feel happy, secretly said: "This will save me a lot of trouble, Mao Xiaofang, I did this for you, Be sure to seize the opportunity..."


The power of the mind is displayed.

Rose, who was suspicious, suddenly stopped doubting herself. Instead, he walked directly towards the window where Mao Xiaofang was hiding.

This is of course Bai Xiaofei's tricks.

He used the hypnosis and hints of his mind and thoughts to make Rose make a determination and a choice, so he obeyed the instinctive sense of crisis and came to the window.


Startled, Mao Xiaofang had no time to react, so he quickly lowered his head and lowered his head, so as to avoid the embarrassing situation where Rose saw Mao Xiaofang directly from the small hole, but it also exposed that there were indeed people Facts about peeking outside.


Rose suddenly screamed that it was not good, and she thought of retreating in her heart.

And Mao Xiaofang, who was hiding outside, was also aware of the current situation, which might give the woman in black the idea of ​​fleeing.


"We must catch her and ask the matter clearly, otherwise Fuxitang will not be able to live in peace in the future, and he will have to be worried when he can't sleep, right?"

"And that child, Ling Guang's matter must also be clarified!"


Mao Xiaofang quickly made a decision.


He stood up abruptly.

At the same time, Rose in the room also made a decision, and did not intend to leave through the main entrance, but was directly preparing to jump out of the window and escape...


There was the sound of cracking old windows.

Immediately afterwards, the figure of Rose rushing out, and the body of Mao Xiaofang standing up, collided fiercely, and then the two of them fell directly to the ground, turning into gourds...

Seeing everything that happened outside, someone lying on the bed suddenly smiled secretly, and couldn't help cheering in his heart: "It's awesome! It's really awesome, this is what I want, Master Mao Cowhide, haha..."


Someone pretended to be woken up and sat up directly from the bed. I also happened to see Mao Xiaofang who was entangled with the rose outside...

"Master Mao, what are you..." Bai Xiaofei asked knowingly.


Master Mao felt bad all of a sudden.

The scene was extremely embarrassing.


But at this time.

Rose just broke free from Mao Xiaofang's control, and then punched Mao Xiaofang on the eye socket, and then left a sentence bitterly: "Damn mustache, you dare to eat my tofu, I will never stop with you from now on!"

Then ran away.

And Master Mao's complexion suddenly turned black.

There were anger and embarrassment, but more of it was the embarrassment and shame of being bumped into by someone face to face, which made him want to find a gap to sneak in.

The most unlucky thing was that apart from Bai Xiaofei, even Xiao Hai and Ah Chu who came from the room in a daze after hearing the noise, also saw the scene just now...

That is.

The scene of Mao Xiaofang being entangled with Rose and then being punched by the other party was clearly seen by the two apprentices.

It is a pain in the heart of being a master!

Not to mention it.


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