The Storm God

Chapter 3118 Someone started to perform! (Please subscribe!)

the next day.

Fuxitang, Daotang.

Mao Xiaofang's complexion was slightly better than last night, but he was still a little depressed and embarrassed. After all, he almost lost his reputation as a master. How can he stand up in front of his apprentices in the future?

Thinking of this, he felt a little panicked.

it's not...

Even the tea doesn't taste good anymore.

You know, this tea was brewed by Bai Xiaofei with Ice Phoenix holy water, it was specially used to strengthen Mao Xiaofang's realm, he should have been happy, but in the end he was depressed.

"Master Mao..."

Bai Xiaofei shook his head secretly in his heart, this face-saving temper really hasn't changed at all, but he comforted him: "Don't think so much, let's talk about this breakthrough, how could it be so fast?"

In fact, he wanted to ask this question yesterday, but the atmosphere at that time was a bit awkward, so he didn't say it, just now it can divert Mao Xiaofang's attention.

"That's it..."

Mao Xiaofang really took the bait, hearing the words explained: "At that time I was trying to break through, but I don't know why, suddenly a special force emerged from the dark, and then all the bottlenecks, like window paper, can be broken with one poke. break……"

"And then I broke through."


He said it very simply.

It's like eating and drinking water, but the actual situation is definitely far more mysterious than what Mao Xiaofang said, but Mao Xiaofang's mouth is clumsy and he can't tell the essence of it.


It's okay, Bai Xiaofei understands.

According to Mao Xiaofang's words, the situation at that time, if nothing unexpected happened, it should be that Mao Xiaofang's long-term accumulation of merit had exploded.

Although I don't know how Mao Xiaofang mobilized the power of merit to help break through the bottleneck and break through smoothly, but that is not important, the key is that he succeeded.


It will take at least two days for Mao Xiaofang to break through, and his strength after promotion may not be as good as it is now.

After all, that is a merit.

Once it shows its power, it is definitely better than almost all the natural treasures in the world, and the effect is outstanding. Compared with ordinary monks who have just broken out of the Aperture Realm, Mao Xiaofang is now almost touching the threshold of the middle-level Night Travel Realm.

If it wasn't for this age of desolation, when the spiritual energy was exhausted, it would be more difficult to cultivate and improve the power of the primordial spirit. With Mao Xiaofang's aptitude and skills, the effect would be more prominent.

In short.

Mao Xiaofang was very satisfied with this breakthrough.

He also attributed all the credit to Bai Xiaofei, because without the Ice Phoenix Holy Water, Mao Xiaofang thought it would be impossible to break through so quickly. In addition, some of the insights that Bai Xiaofei said before also gave Mao Xiaofang a lot of help and benefited him a lot.

And the most direct reaction is that Mao Xiaofang's attitude towards Bai Xiaofei has changed obviously. Before that, maybe he was a little strange and distant, but now, he already treats Bai Xiaofei as a bosom friend.

after all……

During the few days when Mao Xiaofang was not in Fuxitang, Xiaohai and Ah Chu had told him everything about Bai Xiaofei's actions.

Bai Xiaofei not only took good care of Fuxitang, but also made Xiao Hai and Ah Chu change their attitude towards cultivation, and worked harder than before. He also helped the villagers in Gantian Town to get back the Dragon Vein Stone and survived a catastrophe.

These are all real achievements.


Mao Xiaofang also believed that if Bai Xiaofei hadn't snatched back the Dragon Vein Stone and used the Five Elements Genesis Formation to suppress the Dragon Vein Earth Qi in Gantian Town, he would not have benefited a lot all of a sudden. Presumably that sudden burst of power was due to luck.

You know, Mao Xiaofang is an earth master. Although he can also use the aura of heaven and earth and the treasures of heaven and earth to improve his cultivation level like a heavenly master, but the most important thing is to use the effect of the power of earth energy .

The Longmai Earth Qi of Gantian Town has suddenly been greatly improved. As a land master, Mao Xiaofang, who has lived in Gantian Town for so many years, naturally also received great benefits.


Without Bai Xiaofei, there would be no Mao Xiaofang now.

Mao Xiaofang really admired and trusted Bai Xiaofei to the extreme, the two chatted together, the more they talked, the more excited they were, and they couldn't allow others to interrupt.


This is mainly because Xiaohai and Ah Chu's realm is too low, and the way of cultivation that Bai Xiaofei and Mao Xiaofang said is getting deeper and more profound, they naturally don't understand it, it's like listening to a book from heaven , almost confused.

But even so, the two of them fought back their confusion, tried their best to prick up their ears, concentrate and listen carefully. Because they know that these contents are good things. Although they are not used now, they may be used in the future.

In short.

What you learn is your own.

Compared with the lazy and slippery attitude in the past, the two of them now have the attitude of good students who are diligent, studious and hardworking.

To this.

Mao Xiaofang was very satisfied.

While communicating with Bai Xiaofei, from the corner of his eye, he did not forget to observe Xiao Hai and Ah Chu. Seeing that they have changed so much in just two days, he couldn't help admiring Bai Xiaofei and sighing.

Then he praised and praised Bai Xiaofei again.

"Master Mao has won the prize."

Bai Xiaofei shook his head humbly, not fluttering at all, and even took the initiative to change the subject and said: "By the way, Master Mao, I wonder if you have heard of the Kylin Stone?"

"Kirin stone?"

Mao Xiaofang was taken aback when he heard the words, raised his brows slightly, as if he was trying to think hard, but quickly shook his head and said: "Sorry, I have never heard of this thing before, dare to ask Mr. Bai, what is this unicorn stone?" Things, why did you bring this up all of a sudden?"

His intuition told himself that this thing is not simple.

"Is such that."

Bai Xiaofei started his performance, lies came out of his mouth, and he didn't even need to write a draft: "When I came to Gantian Town before, I passed by a village called Chenjia Village. I heard that there were many celebrities and generals there, and the Feng Shui there Very nice...”

"Later, out of curiosity, I inquired a little bit, and it turns out that the reason why Chenjiacun has such a blessing is because of a Qilin stone."

"I think that Qilin Stone should be similar to the dragon vein stone in Gantian Town, but the secrecy and security are much better than Gantian Town. I have never had the chance to see it before..."

"Yesterday, when I entered the town, Maoshi, a passing businessman said that someone seems to be beating the attention of the Qilin Stone in Chenjia Village..."


Speaking of which.

Bai Xiaofei stopped there and didn't speak anymore.

Because his goal has been achieved, no, Mao Xiaofang's complexion instantly became gloomy, and he frowned and said, "Someone paid attention to the Kylin Stone? If it fails, the whole Chen Family Village will suffer, we have to stop it!"

"I think so."

Bai Xiaofei nodded in agreement and said: "At first I wanted to go to Chenjia Village to see the situation, but after the Dragon Vein Stone, the evil way jumped out again and swallowed the Yin Qi from the filthy hole. I was afraid that he would be harmful to Gantian Town, so It's delayed."

"But it's different now. Since Master Mao has made a breakthrough and returned early, we only need to make up our minds about this matter, and we can go to support Chenjiacun."

"Master Mao, what do you mean?"


This is kicking the ball.

Regardless of whether Mao Xiaofang finally chooses to go by himself or asks Bai Xiaofei to help, he has corresponding strategies and ways to deal with it.


The best result is the former.

Because, it was none other than Mao Xiaofang's senior brother Lei Gang and the helper Lei Gang invited to beat the Qilin Stone in Chenjia Village.

Mao Xiaofang went to Chenjia Village, and the brothers and sisters confronted each other, so there would be a good show.

If Bai Xiaofei goes...


That is cruel food!

It's not fun at all, unless the head of the underworld has some special skills. But the probability of this is obviously not high, and Bai Xiaofei's rank is placed there, no matter how powerful the mafia leader is, he can only be an ant in front of Bai Xiaofei.

Not worth mentioning at all!


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