The Storm God

Chapter 3119 Lei Xiu apprentices, the layout begins! (Please subscribe!)


When Mao Xiaofang heard this, he fell silent.

As Bai Xiaofei said, although there is no trouble in Gantian Town now, there is an evil way that has been hiding in the dark, and it will jump out to make trouble at any time.

At this time, Fuxitang had to keep some experts in place for emergencies, but it's fine if you don't know about the things in Chenjiacun. Now that you know, you can't just sit by and watch...

The question is, who is better off?

Mao Xiaofang of Chenjia Village had also been there before. Although he was not very familiar with him, he knew a little bit about it. He was a half acquaintance, so going there would save a lot of trouble.

But Bai Xiaofei was different.

He came back from studying abroad, and he is a complete outsider, whether it is Gantian Town or Chenjia Village. He wants to do something, and the difficulty is not ordinary.

Don't say anything else.

Just touching the Kylin Stone is definitely not something outsiders can easily do. Unless Bai Xiaofei can perform well, like in Gantian Town, he can basically only stand on the periphery.


In terms of emotion and reason, Mao Xiaofang is the most suitable candidate.

But in Gantian Town, he was afraid that Bai Xiaofei would not be able to handle it. It's not that Mao Xiaofang doesn't believe in Bai Xiaofei's strength, but it's a matter of responsibility.

after all.

Bai Xiaofei is an outsider.

He is only staying here temporarily, and has not decided to stay in Gantian Town yet. It is understandable to help out occasionally, but we can't let him bear all the responsibilities all the time, right?

This should have been Mao Xiaofang's business.


Now Master Mao is very hesitant, he feels a little sorry for Bai Xiaofei, but he has to ask him for help, because Mao Xiaofang really has no other way right now.

You can't ignore Chenjiacun and just stand by and watch, right? Regardless of what others think, anyway, Mao Xiaofang is absolutely unable to do such a thing...


Bai Xiaofei naturally knew Mao Xiaofang's concerns.

But he didn't say much, because sometimes it's useless to say more, let Master Mao think about it himself.

I believe he will make the right choice.

Not only Bai Xiaofei, but also Xiaohai and Ah Chu beside him also didn't say a word, just silently looked at Mao Xiaofang, waiting for the master's decision.

And this time.

Outside the Fuxi Hall, a person suddenly walked in.

It was Lei Xiu, the daughter of Lei Gang!

"The female ape!"

It was the first time for Xiao Hai to see Lei Xiu, and he was immediately stunned by Lei Xiu's attire. As for Yu Dachu, when the enemy met, he was extremely jealous.

He immediately blushed with anger, pointed at Lei Xiu and roared: "Good you bad woman, it's good that I didn't trouble you, I didn't expect you to come to the door by yourself, let's see how I teach you!"


The whole person rushed up directly.

But this time, Yu Dachu was not like the last time, his actions were very serious, and his shots were a bit ruthless. But every time he attacked, he also held back, as if he was guarding against Lei Xiu's spirit snake's sneak attack.

The two of them fought in a ball in the front yard.

The two sides come and go, but they fight vigorously, and each other advances and retreats. Xiao Hai, who was just watching, looked at her in disbelief: "It's amazing, what is her origin, and she can fight like this with Ah Chu, could it be that she is also a monk?"

"Probably not."

Mao Xiaofang was also taken aback.

But he didn't show it. He carefully observed Lei Xiu's moves with a pair of eyes. He always felt that something seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it.

But one thing Mao Xiaofang can be sure of is that this woman is not a monk, because she does not have the aura and special energy of a monk.

And the reason why she was able to fight Ah Chu almost evenly was entirely due to her agility and quick response, and there was no other special reason.

Speaking of which.

It is necessary to mention the skills of Daomen.

They may have great power in subduing demons, but if they deal with ordinary people, their power will be greatly reduced.

after all……

Mao Xiaofang and others are not warriors.

What they practice is mana, not muscles, bones and blood, so in terms of physique, they are not necessarily much stronger than ordinary people.


Except for Tianshi.

Because that is the cultivation of immortals, swallowing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and cultivating the way of longevity, it is extremely powerful, and it is by no means comparable to martial arts and other monks.

But it's a pity that Mao Xiaofang's department is all geologists.

On the other hand, Lei Xiu, although he didn't practice any Taoism or other skills, his kung fu and muscles were exceptionally impressive and powerful.

In addition, with his master and Mr. Bai watching, Yu Dachu couldn't use more powerful Taoist skills, lest he be said to be bullying...


The two sides came and went, and the fight was evenly matched.

Otherwise, if you change to another place, such as the wilderness, Yu Dachu who is serious, even if his muscles and blood are not as good as Lei Xiu, can definitely crush and defeat him with a few Dao techniques and Gengjin Qi.

"Have you fought enough?"

While fighting Yu Dachu, Lei Xiu explained: "I've said it all, I'm here to apologize and learn from my teacher. Is it something that made things difficult for me before?"


Yu Dachu snorted coldly: "I believe you are the one to blame!"


The attack became more ruthless.

But at this moment, Mao Xiaofang at the door of the Taoist hall suddenly stopped and said, "Ah Chu, stop and listen to what she has to say."

"Yes, master!"

The master has orders, Yu Dachu dare not refuse to listen.

Hearing this, he quickly stopped, and then stood aside vigilantly, staring fixedly at Lei Xiu, as if there was a big disagreement, and he meant to fight again at any time.

Mao Xiaofang didn't care about Yu Dachu's reaction, he stepped forward a few steps, came in front of Lei Xiu, and asked, "You said you came to apprentice?"


Lei Xiu nodded.

His eyes are full of sincerity, and his attitude towards Mao Xiaofang is also very respectful and humble; it is completely different from the barbaric and reckless before, as if he has completely changed himself.

In fact.

Lei Xiu has really changed.

Whether it was Bai Xiaofei's memory modification or suggestion hypnosis, they all had a huge impact on her, and she was no longer the previous Lei Xiu.

It is a living chess piece of Bai Xiaofei.

Just like now.

Lei Xiu came to Fuxitang to learn from Mao Xiaofang, which was planned by Bai Xiaofei a long time ago, one is to conform to nature, and the other is to harass Lei Gang.

If it were someone else, Mao Xiaofang would never believe it easily, but Lei Xiu is different. Her aptitude is so good, even beyond imagination.

Comparing the two stupid apprentices Xiao Hai and Yu Dachu, the two sides are as different as clouds and mud. For Mao Xiaofang, this is definitely a fatal temptation.


After observing for a while, Mao Xiaofang was moved.

Of course, heartbeat is heartbeat, no matter how you appreciate it, it needs a process and a buffer, otherwise if it spreads out, won't it make people think that Fuxitang is too casual?

Mao Xiaofang talked to Lei Xiu.

The general idea is that you have a good talent and a very good physical and mental aptitude, but your behavior and background are a bit blurred.

In short.

It is not impossible to become a teacher.

But they must accept certain tests. Only when they are recognized and affirmed can Mao Xiaofang serve Lei Xiu as the thirty-ninth generation disciple of Fuxitang.

To this.

Of course, Lei Xiu didn't have any objections.

No matter what Mao Xiaofang said, he nodded in agreement, without the slightest hesitation or reluctance, and he bluntly made Mao Xiaofang wonder if the content of the test he said was too simple.

The reactions of Xiao Hai and Ah Chu were somewhat different.

Needless to say, Yu Dachu looked unhappy and depressed; while Xiao Hai was very happy and seemed to welcome Lei Xiu's arrival.


Others can't see it, but Bai Xiaofei is as careful as a hair, and he can see very clearly that the reason why Xiao Hai is like this is entirely because he fell in love with Lei Xiu at first sight.

But unfortunately, Lei Xiu didn't like him.

that's all……

Lei Xiu lived in Fuxi Hall.

Although he is not yet a member of Fuxitang or Mao Xiaofang's disciple, he can still be regarded as entering this circle and belonging to the apprentice level.

Bai Xiaofei believes that under the influence of the plot inertia, Mao Xiaofang will accept Lei Xiu as his apprentice sooner or later, and adding that he is helping the flames, it is even more certain.


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