The Storm God

Chapter 3120 Give Lei Xiu and Xiaobai a small treat! (Please subscribe!)


Mao Xiaofang brought his two apprentices to the Gantian Town Police Station.

Unfortunately, Captain Song Zilong had already taken people out. In desperation, Mao Xiaofang had no choice but to find Sergeant Song Xueliang and ask about the evil ways and how it was going.

"Master Mao..."

Song Xueliang shook his head and said, "It's not that I didn't tell you about this matter, but that Zilong has been investigating it all the time. I don't know too well, why don't you wait a little longer?"

"He took people out, saying that he had some clues, and now he is probably coming back soon, and it just so happens that everyone can have a meal together..."


Mao Xiaofang pondered for a moment.

In the end, it was decided that it would be better to wait. First of all, this matter is more important, and it is related to who will go to Chenjia Village to solve the problem of Qilin Stone.


Fuxitang is relatively remote.

There is still some distance to go back and forth, so there is no need to spend all your time and energy on the road. It's all here, and it's not too late.


Mao Xiaofang nodded and said, "Then I'll wait in the Hexing Building. If Captain Song comes back, please tell him, it's troublesome."

"It should."

Song Xueliang said politely.

Afterwards, Mao Xiaofang took Xiao Hai and Yu Dachu, left the police station, and came to the famous restaurant in the town - Hexing Building.

Seeing that it was Master Mao Xiaofang who came, Zhou Xi immediately greeted them enthusiastically, and chose a good location for the three of them.

Mao Xiaofang, his master and his apprentice, ordered some tea and snacks casually, and began to sit and wait for Song Zilong's return. Of course, in my spare time, I often asked Zhou Xi if he had encountered any strange and weird people in the restaurant recently.

"Yes, I have!"

Xi repeatedly nodded on Thursday.

Then he told Mao Xiaofang and the others in detail what happened to him yesterday.


Then they froze.

Because the person Zhou Xi talked about was none other than Lei Xiu.

Lei Xiu's dress is different from ordinary people. In the future, it will be avant-garde and trendy, but in this era, it will be weird and extremely ridiculous.

Not only that.

In terms of common sense, Lei Xiu is also different from the others.

For example, when I ate at the Hexing Building yesterday, Xiaodie didn't charge for the seasoning, it was considered an accessory to other dishes, but Lei Xiu insisted on paying.

What else to say, you have to give as much as you eat.

Simply wonderful.

After learning about this, Yu Dachu smiled happily.

In front of the master and Xiao Hai, I finally found a place to complain, and it can be regarded as an addiction. Mao Xiaofang knew Ah Chu's personality, so he didn't care much.


Xiao Hai became a little angry.

Who made him fall in love with Lei Xiu at first sight? Seeing his junior brother in front of his master, but vigorously scolding Lei Xiu for this or that, of course Xiao Hai was not happy.

And at this moment.

"Master Mao."

Captain Song Zilong, who was waiting for the master and apprentice, finally appeared. Along with him is Zhou Xi's older brother Zhou Yuan.

But none of that is the point.

The point is, whether it is Song Zilong or Zhou Zhouyuan, they all look quite embarrassed, as if they had fought with someone and lost the fight.

Although there was nothing serious about the two of them, there were obvious bruises and purple spots on their faces, corners of their eyes, lips and other parts, which clearly showed that they had suffered a small loss.


at the same time.

Fuxi Hall, in the backyard. Bai Xiaofei is giving Lei Xiu a small talk, not only her, but also the spirit snake Xiaobai.

To know.

Lei Xiu's apprenticeship with Mao Xiaofang was just for Mao Xiaofang's identity, not for his skills. After all, with her Qixing girl's physique, it would be a bit too violent to practice the skills of this world.

What Bai Xiaofei taught her today was the best method of cultivating immortals in the Emei Sect in the Shushan world, and with Bai Xiaofei's large supply of ice phoenix holy water, there was no need to worry about the aura of heaven and earth at all.

With Lei Xiu's aptitude and roots, as well as Bai Xiaofei's resources, I believe that it won't be long before Lei Xiu can reach the realm of foundation building and even Jindan.

That is to say, the three hundred disciples of Shushan, flying with the sword, are at ease in the world.


Those are exaggerations.

But in the magic world of Zombie Daoist Priest, even the weakest Emei disciple is probably much stronger than Mao Xiaofang.

after all……

Among the many monks, the attack power of sword repair is recognized as the strongest, not one of them. Combined with the fate of Lei Xiu's seven-star girl, it is even more terrifying.

As for Spirit Snake Xiaobai?


Its level is a bit poor, and I am afraid that it will not be able to improve and change in a short period of time, but this is not a problem for Bai Xiaofei.

Snakes want to transform into dragons, and they have to go through endless tribulations and trials during the period.

And the most important thing is to form the inner alchemy. Then based on this, it was continuously tempered, and finally transformed into a dragon ball.

Spirit Snake Xiaobai's realm is too poor, if he wants to achieve this step, God knows he will have to wait until the Year of the Monkey. And the help Bai Xiaofei gave it came from the chilling orb in Cixi's tomb.

Although the Chilling Orb is not a very good treasure for Bai Xiaofei, it only has a weak ability to absorb injuries and speed up the healing of injuries, but for other people, even beast cultivators, it is a rare treasure. precious.

Especially Xiaobai who has learned the art of transforming a dragon.

It can completely use the Chilling Cicada Orb as the raw material of the inner alchemy. This way of cultivation will not only get twice the result with half the effort, and the inner alchemy will be 10% effective, but will also have an unimaginable healing ability.

It can be said to serve multiple purposes.


Easy to say.

To complete the cultivation and conclusion of inner alchemy, the process is still very cumbersome and difficult. But these are not Bai Xiaofei's affairs, but all depend on the spirit snake Xiaobai's good luck.

Bai Xiaofei can only give him the most basic guarantee of cultivation, whether he can successfully break through, all depends on the understanding of Spirit Snake Xiaobai, as well as luck.

In short.

Bai Xiaofei didn't go to Gantian Town with Mao Xiaofang and his disciples today, the reason was to give Lei Xiu and Ling Snake Xiaobai a small lesson, first to speed up the development of his plan, and second, to add some reliable younger brothers to help him complete certain things.

It's like going out to find three moth spirits or something.

after all……

Spirit Snake Xiaobai and Moth Essence are both demon cultivators, so it should be much easier to find them. There might even be some surprises.

As a Mission: Impossible spy, Lei Xiu played the greatest role, and at the same time, he could divide part of Lei Gang's and Mao Xiaofang's luck, benefiting Bai Xiaofei a lot from behind the scenes.

in short.

A certain person just has no profit and can't get up early.

And neither Lei Xiu nor Spirit Snake Xiaobai disappointed Bai Xiaofei. In just two hours or so, they successfully practiced breakthroughs and gained a lot of improvement.

Especially Spirit Snake Xiaobai, a large amount of Ice Phoenix holy water, and the swallowing of the Chilling Cicada Orb, made his realm and spiritual wisdom undergo a qualitative change by leaps and bounds.

Xiaobai's eyes are more spiritual and intelligent now, and he can basically understand people's words, unlike before, he only has a strong ability to communicate with Lei Xiu.

That is.

Spirit Snake Xiaobai, now basically has the qualities that a scout should have. I believe that he will be able to join the mission and help Bai Xiaofei share his worries in a short time.

Lei Xiu and Spirit Snake Xiaobai had just finished training, and before they had time to cheer happily, they saw Bai Xiaofei's complexion suddenly changed, and said in a deep voice: "Master Mao is back, you two quickly restrain your breath and state, don't be discovered What clues."


One person and one snake immediately obeyed.

Bai Xiaofei turned around and left, came to the front hall of the Taoist hall, saw the returning Mao Xiaofang, Xiao Hai and Ah Chu.


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