The Storm God

Chapter 3121 Fight with Mao Xiaofang! (Please subscribe!)

The three masters and apprentices looked very bad.

It was obvious that something happened, and they all looked worried. This made Bai Xiaofei feel very strange, didn't he go to the town to ask Captain Song about the situation, why did he come back like this, is the result unsatisfactory?

"Master Mao."

Bai Xiaofei stepped forward and asked, "What's going on?"

Mao Xiaofang sat on a chair in the lobby, poured a cup of tea, then sighed and said, "Captain Song has encountered something. Although it is not evil, it is not an ordinary character. According to their description, I think it should be the work of evildoers... "Now.

He told Bai Xiaofei exactly what happened to Song Zilong and the others. In fact, it was very simple, that is, Song Zilong and others heard some clues, and then went to check to see if it was related to evil ways, but they were beaten for no reason.

These days, the police are very intimidating. Most people would never dare to provoke the police. As a result, the other party not only beat Captain Song and the others, but also robbed them of all valuables.

The most important thing is that from the beginning to the end, Captain Song and the others didn't know who and where they were attacking them. When a gust of evil wind blew, they all messed up and were beaten up.

Exactly who beat him, Mie Ren knows.

Captain Song and the others felt extremely ashamed and extremely aggrieved. Thinking about it afterwards, there seemed to be something wrong with this matter, mainly because the evil wind was too weird.

The key point is that the other party just taught them a little lesson and stole some valuables, but they didn't kill them all...

All this seems a bit inconsistent.

To this.

Mao Xiaofang's opinion is that what Captain Song and the others encountered should be quack monks who knew some evil spells, and their intention was to make money, not to kill.

Otherwise, given the circumstances at the time, they would not have survived at all.

And there is...

The timing of this group's appearance was too coincidental.

Although it was unlikely, Mao Xiaofang still suspected that these people might have something to do with evil ways, or it was just a pure accident.

In short.

No matter what the situation is, Mao Xiaofang can't just sit idly by when a person of unknown origin and possessing sorcery appears near Gantian Town.

not to mention……

Captain Song and others have entrusted Fuxitang to help with this matter, so Mao Xiaofang is even more duty bound to do his best.

That is.

Mao Xiaofang might not be able to go to Chenjiacun.

After all, Chenjia Village is some distance away from Gantian Town, and with the current level of traffic in this world, it will take at least two or three days to get there.

It would be best if the gangster who attacked Captain Song and the others had nothing to do with evil ways, but if the two sides really got involved, the consequences would be unimaginable.


To be on the safe side, Mao Xiaofang had to stay.

Of course, it's not that he doesn't trust Bai Xiaofei, but that he simply doesn't want to entrust such courage to an outsider.

This is unfair to Bai Xiaofei.

As everyone knows.

A certain person doesn't care if it's fair or not, he just wants Mao Xiaofang to go to Chenjia Village and put on a good show of brother-in-law duel, everything else is unimportant.


Things backfired.

With the matter at this point, Bai Xiaofei could only think of another way. Anyway, now Mao Xiaofang is just discussing with Bai Xiaofei, and has not made a final decision yet.

"Master Mao, why don't we come and compete?"

Bai Xiaofei suddenly suggested that he did this mainly to find a suitable reason to show his great strength, so as to dispel some of Mao Xiaofang's worries.


Mao Xiaofang didn't think much, and agreed directly.

In fact, the reason why he agreed to the competition also has his own Xiao Jiujiu. Because no matter whether you stay in Gantian Town or go to Chenjia Village, you have certain requirements for your own strength, and even the stronger the better.


In any case, there will be dangers.

Of course, Mao Xiaofang didn't admit that he saw Bai Xiaofei's accident, so it would be good to have a discussion, it would also be convenient for him to understand some of Bai Xiaofei's abilities and means, and make reference for some subsequent decisions.

"Very good!"

Hearing that Bai Xiaofei was going to learn how to fight with his master, both Xiao Hai and Yu Dachu were immediately excited and almost cheered.


A group of people came to the backyard, which is spacious enough, and there is no need to worry about being seen by outsiders, fully taking into account the face of both parties.

Bai Xiaofei stood to the east, Mao Xiaofang to the west.

The preparation levels of the two are completely different. Let's talk about Mao Xiaofang first, he paid enough attention to Bai Xiaofei, and took almost all the equipment he could get.

On the other hand, Bai Xiaofei.


It still looks like a normal walk, as if nothing is prepared. Mao Xiaofang and the others were astonished.

Xiao Hai was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Mr. Bai, don't you, don't you prepare? My master's Taoism is very powerful. I'm afraid you will be at a disadvantage if you are so empty-handed?"

"No problem!"

Bai Xiaofei smiled and shook his head.

With a very indifferent look, he explained: "The so-called Taoism is natural. If you cultivate to a certain level and level, all the natural things in the world can be used by me. Although I am not talented, I have not yet reached that level, but I am still young. You have experience, so you don't need to stick to ordinary utensils..."


He waved his hand aside.


I saw a pot of flowers that was in good condition there, and it shattered on the spot, as if being hit by a terrifying and domineering force, but what was strange was that only the clay pot containing the flowers and soil was shattered. But did not receive any impact or injury.

"So strong control!"

Mao Xiaofang has extraordinary eyesight, and he saw the doorway almost instantly. At the same time, he admired and feared Bai Xiaofei's skills and abilities even more.

Seeing this, Xiao Hai and Ah Chu next to him were stunned and speechless for a long time. Thinking back to the Tathagata palm that Bai Xiaofei took casually that day...

Suddenly, I felt that my worry was unnecessary.


The eyes of the two turned slightly.

It actually landed directly on Mao Xiaofang.

Obviously, after Bai Xiaofei showed his skills, they no longer worried about Bai Xiaofei's loss, but began to worry about whether their master Mao Xiaofang could resist Bai Xiaofei's attack.

no way.

Who is Bai Xiaofei's invisible strength, the force is even higher.

Mao Xiaofang immediately said: "..."


How dare you not believe in the strength of the master? It just doesn't make sense!

Let's see how I deal with you later.

"Brother Bai, pay attention!"

Mao Xiaofang gave a reminder, and then stepped on special steps, holding a wooden sword, and attacked Bai Xiaofei with great momentum.


Bai Xiaofei didn't dodge or dodge, he still stood silently in place, responding to all changes with the same attitude. Only when Mao Xiaofang's wooden sword was about to touch him, did Bai Xiaofei's body move a little bit.

Immediately afterwards, a certain person's figure, like an antelope's horns, easily avoided all of Mao Xiaofang's attacks in an incredible way. In that situation, it was like Bai Xiaofei would predict the future and avoid all attacks in advance every time. The trajectory of her life is so-so, not to mention how unrestrained and free-spirited she is.

On the other hand, Mao Xiaofang is like a puppet being manipulated. Bai Xiaofei has seen through almost all his attack methods and tricks. No matter how he speeds up and changes his tricks, it won't help. Bai Xiaofei was extremely precise every time, barely dodging all the attacks by a hair's breadth.

Mao Xiaofang was very depressed.

What kind of agility is this?

One time can be said to be a coincidence and coincidence, but so many times, it is too scary, right? Could it be that he has seen through all my attack intentions?

That being the case, then I will try Taoism and talismans instead.

"Centrifugal Talisman!"

"Fixing Curse!"

"Lost God Talisman!"

"Tai Chi hands!"


Mao Xiaofang practiced and changed his skills, and his skills and tricks have appeared endlessly. Just like a human-shaped fort, it bombarded Bai Xiaofei indiscriminately.


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