The Storm God

Chapter 3122 Repay him with his way! (Please subscribe!)


Beside, Xiao Hai and Ah Chu were almost dumbfounded.

Normally, they never had the chance to see Mao Xiaofang fighting so seriously. Even if something happened, it was just a matter of fact, it was so ugly.

And now...


Mao Xiaofang output almost all his strength, all kinds of Taoism, talismans, fists, steps, swordsmanship, and even formations were almost at his fingertips. It can be regarded as satisfying the eye addiction of the two, making them very excited to watch, and they can't help but cheer for Mao Xiaofang.


Bai Xiaofei's performance is also quite wonderful.

Even, under the background of Mao Xiaofang, it is even more weird and powerful, because no matter how Mao Xiaofang attacks, Bai Xiaofei can stay calm in the face of danger, adopt different methods of coping, and turn the danger into safety.

The only pity is that Bai Xiaofei defends more than attacks, and spends most of his time dodging, showing almost no Taoist skills or other special skills.

This largely made Xiao Hai and Ah Chu think that Bai Xiaofei might only have this level, but they also knew in their hearts that he was definitely more than that.

Don't say anything else.

That day when dealing with the demon who stole the Dragon Vein Stone, Bai Xiaofei displayed a move called Tathagata Palm, which was terrifyingly powerful.

But now, Bai Xiaofei didn't show it.

To this.

The two were very puzzled.

Especially Yu Dachu, who was bound to win the Tathagata palm, couldn't help but bumped his senior brother Xiao Hai with his knee, and asked with a frown, "Senior brother, why don't you think Mr. Bai doesn't use the Tathagata palm? It's too low to just dodge it." ?”

"I don't know either."

Xiao Hai shook his head and said, "Probably because the range of the move is too large, so it's not suitable to use it in the backyard? What's wrong with dodging? Isn't it a skill to keep the enemy from hitting you?"


Yu Dachu was speechless.

Afterwards, the two stopped talking, and focused on watching Bai Xiaofei and Mao Xiaofang's fight, and they were very careful, for fear of missing any details.

Because they are not stupid. Although there are many things that they can't understand at the level of the two of them, but such a good learning opportunity, if they don't grasp it well, they are stupid.

In fact.

Mao Xiaofang did have such thoughts.

With the help of Bai Xiaofei, he showed his strength as a master to the two disciples, as well as all the mysteries of Taoism, so that the two disciples would not be thinking about the Tathagata Palm all day long, and thus forget their own existence.

To put it bluntly, I was a little jealous.

after all……

Since coming back.

Yu Dachu often talked about Bai Xiaofei's Tathagata Palm in front of Mao Xiaofang, how powerful it was, and how powerful it was, defeating that demon way with one move.

To know.

Mao Xiaofang also wanted face.

My apprentice keeps praising how awesome others are in front of me. Can you feel good about calling him a master?

Today he wants two apprentices to have a good understanding of the power of Taoism.


Mao Xiaofang was not targeting Bai Xiaofei either.

He also had some thoughts on discussing and exchanging ideas. After all, in this era, there are too few cultivators, and those who can reach Mao Xiaofang's level are even rarer.

in short.

Friends are easy to find, but confidants are hard to find.

After finally meeting such a rare fellow Taoist, Mao Xiaofang naturally had to communicate with him. He was embarrassed to say it before, for fear of being misunderstood by Bai Xiaofei.

Now that Bai Xiaofei proposed it on his own initiative, Mao Xiaofang is not to mention how happy he is.

But he soon lost his joy.


Bai Xiaofei is too much of a thief.

After fighting for a long time, he didn't come into direct contact with him at all, instead of dodging, or occasionally using his strength to evade a few moves, Mao Xiaofang thought that he was exchanging Taoist methods, but he didn't see many of them at all, and instead he was like a training partner. Was entertained by the other party.

Let me ask, if it were you, would you not be depressed?

These are the two apprentices next to them. They are not strong enough, and they don't see anything, which makes Mao Xiaofang save a little bit of face, otherwise he might have given up.

It's so irritating!


Depression belongs to depression.

But what Mao Xiaofang has to admit is that Bai Xiaofei's strength is really strong. He has used so many methods and attacking moves, but the opponent is still more than capable, and only uses the most basic methods to resolve almost all attacks. ...

This ability, anyway, Mao Xiaofang thinks he can't do it.


Bai Xiaofei often used tricks.

Regardless of whether it is Taoism or not, the timing and strength are also grasped very precisely, just right, it is a pity that one point is wasted, and one point is not regrettable, it is almost a second!

Even if Mao Xiaofang displayed various formations with the help of talismans, they still couldn't trap Bai Xiaofei's actions. This kind of strength and realm, Mao Xiaofang sighed.

Just when Mao Xiaofang was hesitating whether to stop the discussion because he already had a clear judgment on Bai Xiaofei's strength.

Bai Xiaofei suddenly changed his strategy.

"Master Mao, offended."

He reminded with a smile, and then launched a counterattack with full firepower. And the means of attack are still within the scope of Mao Xiaofang's understanding.

For example, the Tai Chi hands, Seven Star Steps, Centrifugal Talisman, Fixing Curse, Lost Body talisman, etc. that Mao Xiaofang used to perform are almost all learned and sold, just like Murong Fu, who gave Mao Xiaofang a way to repay the other. body.

the difference is.

When Mao Xiaofang dealt with these familiar Taoism and attack methods, the result was completely different from Bai Xiaofei.

Almost every time Bai Xiaofei made a move, he was hit.

It wasn't that Mao Xiaofang couldn't react well, but that Bai Xiaofei's timing and grasp of the rhythm were far beyond Mao Xiaofang's cognition.

Just like an antelope hanging horns, there is no trace to be found.

Often when Mao Xiaofang thinks it is impossible, a Daoist spell or talisman suddenly bursts out, which makes Mao Xiaofang both shocked and tired of coping...


He was led into the ditch by Bai Xiaofei all the time.

He was beaten almost all the time, just like Mao Xiaofang had been bombarding Bai Xiaofei indiscriminately before, the difference is that Bai Xiaofei resisted and was able to handle it with ease.

But Mao Xiaofang accepted almost all the orders, quite embarrassed and desolate.


Bai Xiaofei didn't mean anything malicious.

This move is not to make Mao Xiaofang look bad, but to tell the other party that he has enough strength to control the whole situation.

in short.

Bai Xiaofei is telling Mao Xiaofang in action that I am far more powerful than you imagined. If something difficult is really going to happen, don't be polite to me, just greet me.

For example, Gantian Town encountered evil ways, and we are very willing to help.

Chenjiacun is not suitable for me.


At first.

Mao Xiaofang still didn't quite understand Bai Xiaofei's behavior, but later, looking at Bai Xiaofei's bright smile and sincere eyes...

He gradually understood.

at the same time.

Mao Xiaofang also began to rethink the previous decision in his heart, was it correct? At least as far as Bai Xiaofei's current strength is concerned, he is definitely much stronger than himself, and it is undoubtedly the most beneficial guarantee against evil ways.

Big deal...

Just think that I owe Mr. Bai a favor, anyway, it's not the first time, the first time is born, the second time is acquaintance, the debt is too heavy!

that's all.

Mao Xiaofang began to comfort himself in his heart.

And the fight between the two sides also changed from intense to gentle. Obviously, Bai Xiaofei sensed Mao Xiaofang's thoughts and began to let go.

But even so, Xiao Hai and Ah Chu, who watched the sudden reversal at the scene, were stunned and shocked.

Especially Yu Dachu, seeing that Bai Xiaofei started to show his power, and used the means that his master had used before, turned the whole situation around in two or three times, and once gained the upper hand, completely suppressing his master, his whole body trembled with excitement.

Looking at Bai Xiaofei's eyes, they are also getting brighter and brighter, as if they are burning. They are full of surprises and enthusiasm. They seem to have become Bai Xiaofei's brainless fans, almost completely forgetting his master Mao Xiaofang. .


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