The Storm God

Chapter 3124 Maoshan Xinmi, Invasion War! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei's intuition was right.

Judging from Mao Xiaofang's sudden stunned look, followed by looking at him with an unbelievable look, the other party definitely knows something.

as expected.

After being stunned for a while, Mao Xiaofang sighed, then nodded slightly and said: "Indeed, there are things about heaven and hell, and our Heavenly Dao Sect does have some records and statements..."

He began to explain some secrets of Tiandao Sect.


These things, in the past, may be absolute secrets and must not be disclosed. But in this dharma-ending age, that's another matter.

What's more, the heaven is no longer, and the underworld has completely changed. So it doesn't make any sense to continue to keep these so-called secrets.

The key point is that Mao Xiaofang is not that kind of pedantic person.

In short.

For Bai Xiaofei.

Mao Xiaofang can be said to be very trustworthy, almost knowing everything without saying anything.

According to his narration, things can be traced back thousands of years ago. After the prosperous Tang Dynasty, Buddhism and Taoism fought fiercely with each other.


The unusually sudden invasion destroyed and collapsed everything.

Since then, there has been no more information or traces of the movement of the heavenly gods and the people of the underworld in the world.

The same is true for Zhang Tianshi, including Maoshan.

It's not that people haven't tracked them down, it's just that they haven't heard from them all the time. It's as if they disappeared completely, and nothing can be found.

that's all.

The world goes by, time flies.

Dynasties are constantly changing, and many things on the earth are gradually ushering in new developments. Just like monks and hell.

The end of the Dharma era is approaching quietly, and the realm of monks is getting lower and lower, and it is difficult to improve.

Unknowingly, the underworld formed its own unique system, barely maintaining some of its previous functions.

The descendants of Maoshan also gradually gave up exploring the heaven and all the mysteries, because they encountered even greater difficulties.

The aura of heaven and earth is exhausted, and the progress of monks has almost stagnated.

If things go on like this, I'm afraid that the entire inheritance of Maoshan will be cut off. In order to prevent this kind of thing from happening, a talented person exhausted countless energy and painstaking efforts, and finally created such a kung fu as Qinglong Diqi Jue.

Maoshan is like this, and other monk sects are similar. As for the effect, it depends on their own creation.

Not to mention how other people are, at least Maoshan has been passed down.

Although it is not as good as before, at least some important classics and inheritances have been preserved, so that they will not completely disappear into the long river of history like a certain sect.

Mao Xiaofang thought that this would be the end of his life.

How can I think...

There was such a monster as Bai Xiaofei.

Not only was he lucky enough to discover a special spring, but he also obtained a magic lamp by accident, and there was a lamp god who inherited the position of the god living in it.

Then through Mao Xiaofang's mouth, all the secrets of the past were revealed one by one.

"I see……"

After hearing all this, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but suddenly realized: "So, the disappearance of the Heavenly Court and the Underworld should be related to the invasion war many years ago..."

"Well, I thought so too."

Mao Xiaofang nodded, agreeing with Bai Xiaofei's statement.


Then he shook his head again.

Then the topic changed: "Brother Bai, the past is too far away from us, and we are doing well now. I don't think there is any need to delve into it."

The implication is that it is better to put more energy on the things around you.

Just like the evil ways in Gantian Town.

as well as……

Kylin Stone in Chenjia Village.

What do those things that have passed through thousands of years have anything to do with us? Leaving nothing to be thankful for, maybe if something is found, it may even lead to death.

in short.

Mao Xiaofang is a very pragmatic person.

He said this to Bai Xiaofei, and it was entirely for Bai Xiaofei's good. After all, sometimes, too much curiosity is not a good thing.


A cat with nine lives won't die from it either.

"Master Mao is right."

Bai Xiaofei laughed twice, and agreed: "I used to be purely curious and adventurous, so I put some thought into it. Now that I know a lot of secrets during this period, I haven't had any clues and clues for thousands of years. , I will naturally not waste any more time and energy."

That's right.

But in fact, he didn't think so in his heart.

after all……

Bai Xiaofei is not from this world, and the abilities and methods he possesses are by no means comparable to those of Mao Xiaofang and those previous monks.

They have been searching for hundreds of years and can't find any clues, but it doesn't mean that Bai Xiaofei can't find them.

It's just that there's no need to tell Mao Xiaofang about these things.

As long as Bai Xiaofei understands it himself.

In short.

He never gave up.

Not only that, after learning so many secrets from Mao Xiaofang, the desire to explore in his heart became more curious and intense.

And it doesn't matter what Bai Xiaofei thinks.


Mao Xiaofang has already changed the subject.

Leaving aside what was said just now, he directly talked to Bai Xiaofei about the Chen Family Village.

What Mao Xiaofang meant was that tomorrow morning, he would leave Gantian Town with an apprentice and rush to Chenjia Village to help guard the Qilin Stone and deal with those unruly people.

As for Gantian Town, it can only be entrusted to Bai Xiaofei.

Still the same as during the breakthrough, Bai Xiaofei can continue to stay in Fuxi Hall, and Mao Xiaofang will explain the situation to the remaining apprentices, even Song Xueliang and others, so that everyone can try their best to cooperate with Bai Xiaofei to deal with evil ways, and strive to minimize the loss.

To this.

Of course Bai Xiaofei had no objection.

He wished Mao Xiaofang would do this, but what about the evil ways in Gantian Town? Sorry, Bai Xiaofei really didn't take it to heart.

It's fine if the opponent doesn't come out, as long as he dares to show up to make trouble, Bai Xiaofei will definitely take the momentum of thunder and completely defeat and kill him.

In short.

Mao Xiaofang has to deal with the matter in Chenjiacun.

As for all the situation in Gantian Town, Bai Xiaofei can only be responsible for it for the time being. And this is exactly Bai Xiaofei's main purpose.

The two hit it off.

at last……

It was just a matter of discussing who to take to Chenjia Village.

According to Mao Xiaofang, he originally wanted to take Ma Xiaohai there. After all, Xiaohai is a bit stupid, but he wins by being honest and doing his best. What he seeks is stability.

Unlike Yu Dachu, who is impetuous and has more success than failure.

But think about it later.

Can not be done!

This kid Yu Dachu dared to play tricks in front of my master, causing a lot of chaos and troubles. If he stayed with Gan Tianzhen and Bai Xiaofei, without the suppression of him as a master, God knows how many oolongs would arise.


After thinking twice.

Mao Xiaofang finally decided that it would be the best choice for a group of Ma Xiaohai to stay in Fuxitang in Gantian Town. Taking Yu Dachu to Chenjiacun, even if something goes wrong, I will have my master wipe his ass.

To this.

Of course Bai Xiaofei would not refuse.

He didn't want to see Yu Dachu, without this annoying guy, Bai Xiaofei was too happy to be happy, so how could he have any objections?


Lei Xiu's position was rather embarrassing.

Because she is not yet Mao Xiaofang's disciple, according to common sense, she cannot take Lei Xiu out to perform tasks like this.

But for the convenience of watching the show, Bai Xiaofei tried his best to match it up.

In the end, Mao Xiaofang was convinced, and felt that taking Lei Xiu to Chenjia Village would indeed allow him to better observe her temperament, so he nodded and agreed.


Mao Xiaofang knocked on the board and said, "Let Lei Xiu and Ah Chu stay with me when I go to Chenjia Village this time. Brother Bai will take care of Gantian Town and Xiaohai."

"Master Mao is too polite."

Bai Xiaofei patted his chest, said with a smile: "Subduing demons and demons, and doing justice for the heavens, this is the duty of us cultivators, why bother?"


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