The Storm God

Chapter 3125 The clue of the moth demon, the plot is advanced! (Please subscribe!)

The two finished their discussion.

Mao Xiaofang first called his two apprentices, as well as Lei Xiu, and gave them good instructions; then he took Yu Dachu to the town.

Tomorrow, Mao Xiaofang will leave Gantian Town with Yu Dachu and Lei Xiu, and go to Chenjia Village to solve the Qilin Stone matter, so within half a day, he must do everything that needs to be done.

And when he went to town this time, he wanted to explain the situation to Song Xueliang and others, so that everyone could actively cooperate with Bai Xiaofei...

Second come.

Just go to town to buy some necessities.

After all, it was a long way to go to Chenjia Village. This year is not very peaceful, there are often thieves cutting scriptures in the barren mountains and mountains, in order to protect himself, Mao Xiaofang naturally has to prepare some things in case of emergencies.

Another thing is to buy some change of clothes for Lei Xiu.

If Bai Xiaofei hadn't mentioned it, Mao Xiaofang might not have thought of it. They all lived in Fuxitang, but it turned out to be the original clothes, which would be too shabby.

In particular, Lei Xiu wanted to follow Mao Xiaofang to Chenjia Village to do business. It would be bad if it was misunderstood by outsiders. So it was necessary to buy a suit of clothes for Lei Xiu and change her appearance.

As for the size or something, this has been asked in advance.

If it wasn't for Lei Xiu having something to do and unable to get away, Mao Xiaofang would have brought Lei Xiu along. After all, I was buying clothes for her, and I always felt a little awkward if I didn't come in person.

Think here.

Mao Xiaofang couldn't help being curious and puzzled, Lei Xiu was alone, what could happen? Could it be that spirit snake Xiaobai?

In fact.

He was only half right.

The reason why Lei Xiu stayed was not only because of the spirit snake Xiaobai, but also because of Bai Xiaofei's orders.


Lei Xiu was right in front of Bai Xiaofei.

Bai Xiaofei looked at her, and said solemnly: "Just now I did some calculations. This time, when I go to Chenjiacun, Xiaobai will follow you. I'm afraid there will be a catastrophe. To be on the safe side, it's better not to take it with you. I will take good care of it. its."

He is not fooling.

Instead, he suddenly had a feeling in his heart, somewhere, he sensed a trace of the future fate of the spirit snake Xiaobai. After thinking about Xiaobai's original fate in the plot, he came to this conclusion.


Lei Xiu was very wrong.

Bai Xiaofei did whatever he said, without any doubt or objection.

After talking about the spirit snake Xiaobai, Bai Xiaofei handed Lei Xiu a few talismans, and explained in detail: "These talismans are all written by me, and their power is extraordinary. Before the critical moment, don't use them lightly. .”


Lei Xiu was as well-behaved and straightforward as ever.

Give the talisman.

Bai Xiaofei took out another unique paper crane to Lei Xiu, and said: "This paper crane has a trace of my soul and consciousness attached to it, but it can be hidden from most monks' detection. I usually bring it with me, and I can Sensing the surrounding situation, you must protect it..."

The good show in Chenjiacun is about to be staged, of course Bai Xiaofei cannot miss it.

after all……

This was directed by him.

And this paper crane is equivalent to Bai Xiaofei's eyes. Wherever it goes, Bai Xiaofei will see it. As the daughter of Lei Gang, Lei Xiu is definitely the best camera position.

In short.

With Lei Xiu here, you don't have to worry about not having a good show to watch.


Lei Xiu nodded, then took the paper crane, and put it on his chest, um, the kind that fit close to the body.

She didn't feel any embarrassment, after all, it was just a paper crane.

Bai Xiaofei wouldn't feel awkward and awkward, because the paper crane hadn't been activated yet, it was just a simple paper crane.


One pair of A's only.

There is almost no difference from the airport, so what's so embarrassing?


Time flies.

There was nothing to say all night, and it was the next day in a blink of an eye.

early morning.

Mao Xiaofang and the others got up very early, Yu Dachu and Lei Xiu were also neatly dressed, carrying big bags and small bags, ready to go together.

Bai Xiaofei and Ma Xiaohai saw the three of them off outside Fuxi Hall.

Some polite words, don't mention it.


Xiao Hai is obviously something special.

After saying goodbye to his master, he summoned up his courage, ran up to Lei Xiu, blushed and said a lot of words, but he just ignored Yu Dachu, his junior, and treated him like a master. Mao Xiaofang looked stunned.

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell that Ma Xiaohai is interested in Lei Xiu.

But Lei Xiu didn't know.

To this.

Mao Xiaofang could only shake his head helplessly, and sighed in his heart: "One is dull and can't speak; the other is straightforward by nature and doesn't understand worldly affairs. Sigh..."


The three turned and started on the road.

Bai Xiaofei and Ma Xiaohai didn't stay idle either, they rushed directly to the town without eating. Then I went to the police station and wanted to know more about the situation.

after all……

Most of the time, the paraphrasing is not as good as the self-narration of the parties.

If you want to solve the case and find out the clues, you must pay attention to certain details, otherwise you will easily miss the clues.

To this.

Captain Song is very cooperative.

For Bai Xiaofei's inquiries, almost every question must be answered, and the explanation is very clear. Not only him, but other team members, such as Zhou Yuan and others, are also like this.

Firstly, Mao Xiaofang had given the order in advance; secondly, Bai Xiaofei was still in the limelight, Mao Xiaofang left for Chenjia Village, the whole Gantian Town had to rely on Bai Xiaofei's ability, no one felt uncomfortable at this juncture.

not to mention……

The matter Bai Xiaofei asked was still related to himself, a fool would not care about it.

"Thank you Captain Song for your cooperation."

Half an hour later, Bai Xiaofei finished asking everything. Rejecting Captain Song's and others' kindness, he took Ma Xiaohai directly to the place where the incident happened.

Bai Xiaofei's intuition told himself that there should be some useful clues there.

as expected.

After the two arrived, Bai Xiaofei immediately sensed a trace of filth and filth. This can basically be concluded that it is definitely not what people do.

And the next step.

Just to find clues about these guys.

For ordinary people, this difficulty is undoubtedly very huge, but in front of Bai Xiaofei, it is not a big deal at all.

The power of the mind opened up, covering the sky and covering the ground, even a strand of hair three feet deep into the ground could never be hidden from Bai Xiaofei's perception.


Bai Xiaofei found the clue.

"follow me!"

Hearing this, Ma Xiaohai immediately followed Bai Xiaofei without saying a word, and hurried towards a small mountain depression in the northwest direction.

"This is……"

And when Ma Xiaohai finally arrived at the destination, he was stunned.

Because in front of the two were the corpses of the dead, they were lying there one by one, their flesh and blood disappeared, leaving only a pair of skin wrapped around the bones, their appearance was extremely miserable.

Bai Xiaofei frowned and said, "If I guess correctly, these people should be the bandits who attacked Captain Song and the others that day. Look at the stolen items, they are still on them."

"It really is!"

After hearing the words, Ma Xiaohai took a closer look, and sure enough, he saw a lot of valuables stolen from Captain Song and the others: "Mr. Bai, what's going on? They should have died not long ago, so why did the corpse turn into this look like?"

He had a faint premonition in his heart, but he was not sure.

Bai Xiaofei said with certainty: "Of course, ordinary deaths will not be like this, but if it is some monster or sorcery that kills them, then it is not necessarily so."

In fact.

The first time he came here, Bai Xiaofei had already seen through the clues.

The flesh and blood of these gangsters did not disappear, but were forcibly swallowed up from their bodies by some kind of magic.

It's like drinking a drink with a straw, drinking it up in an instant, even sucking up the air inside, then the whole cup will suddenly collapse and compress, wrinkled into a twisted ball.

And from these tragic corpses, Bai Xiaofei also sensed a strong evil spirit. Coupled with the analysis of some strange dust remaining at the scene, and associating with the plot later, Bai Xiaofei guessed that the three moth demons probably did it.

"Is the plot advanced?"


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