The Storm God

Chapter 3126 Yu Dachu, a professional cheater! (Please subscribe!)

In the plot of the Zombie Daoist, the appearance of the three moth demons should be after the Lei Gang incident, but now that Lei Gang has not come, they seem to have appeared.

This is very abnormal!


The first possibility Bai Xiaofei thought of was the plot variation.

After all, whether it is Rafal, himself, or the arrival of that evil way, they have already caused great changes to the local world.

Just like Cixi's Tomb.

Basically, there will be no follow-up zombie army attacking Gantian Town, and some subsequent incidents may also be affected.


Bai Xiaofei didn't expect that the impact would be so great.

The following incidents unexpectedly appeared ahead of time, even in chaos, which created a lot of trouble for his plan for no reason.


It's useless to think too much now.

The key is to find the three moth demons as soon as possible, otherwise they will be caught by the evil way and devoured and absorbed. Once the opponent fully recovers, it will be even more difficult to deal with.

The main reason is that the grandson is so good at hiding that even Bai Xiaofei has a hard time finding out.

What annoys someone the most is such an existence.

It's really aggravating.

"Mr. Bai."

Ma Xiaohai stared blankly at the skinny corpses, and said in a daze, "What should we do now? Should we take these corpses back to Captain Song and the others?"

"Need not!"

Bai Xiaofei shook his head and said, "Let's leave these things to Captain Song and the others. We have more important things to do."

As for what to do, he did not say.


Ma Xiaohai is not stupid either.

Following Mao Xiaofang for a long time, there are not a hundred, but eighty strange incidents encountered. In fact, he is very clear about how to deal with it in the future.

It is nothing more than finding out where the ghosts are, and then killing them.


This is normal fundamentals.

But Bai Xiaofei didn't have this purpose. The reason why he cared about the three moth demons was mainly to prevent the evil way from swallowing them up and restore them to their original state.

at the same time……

The three moth demons were dedicated to cultivating immortals, and they obviously knew a lot about Ascension. If you can communicate with him, maybe you can get more secrets about heaven and hell.

In short.

Everything is for their own benefit.

In the next half day, Bai Xiaofei took Ma Xiaohai to many places. And wherever he went, Bai Xiaofei would use his telekinesis and other tracking methods to search and track the three moth demons.

Unfortunately, no clues were found yet.

They seem to have disappeared from the world, and many clues have been found, but their hiding places and other information cannot be found.

That's frustrating.

"Let's go back!"

Bai Xiaofei finally gave up.

Shaking his head and sighing, he followed Ma Xiaohai back to Gantian Town.

It was already dark at that time, but Captain Song and the others did not get off work at the usual time, but were fully armed and waited for the return of Bai Xiaofei and the others at the police station.

Song Zilong's intuition told himself that this matter was not simple.

as expected.

When Bai Xiaofei came back and told him that those gangsters had become miserable corpses, Captain Song was all shocked.

"Mr. Bai, your consciousness is that a monster did it?"

Zhou Yuan is a superstitious person, almost two extremes with Captain Song. Hearing this, he was immediately frightened, and his speech was a little awkward.


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

Then he explained to Captain Song and others: "According to my investigation and analysis of the scene and the surrounding clues, it should be three moth demons who shot. There are even more powerful means..."

The implication is that you mortals are not their opponents at all. If you have nothing to do, at least intervene, so that you don't know how to die when you get it.

It doesn't matter whether they believe it or not.

Wait until tomorrow morning.

When Captain Song took people there to bring back the gangster's bones, most of them would probably feel fearful of the three moth demons.

And what Bai Xiaofei wanted was this effect.

after all……

According to the development of the plot.

Song Zilong had a relationship with one of the three moth demon sisters. Although Bai Xiaofei doesn't object to this kind of interracial love, he doesn't want to cause troubles in his life and add trouble to his plan.

Because of this evil relationship, once caught and used by evil ways, God knows what will happen in the future...

Therefore, it is better to have one thing more than one thing less.

Let Captain Song and others know the murderous deeds of the three moth demon sisters in advance, and it is likely to prevent Captain Song from falling deeply in love.

We are doing good deeds!

And Captain Song and others behaved exactly as Bai Xiaofei expected.

Early the next morning, when they saw the bones of the gangsters with their own eyes, they were all terrified. Famous is not as good as meeting, and meeting is worse than being famous.


Many people in the police station ran to Fuxitang one after another after they came back, wanting to buy some talismans from Bai Xiaofei to dispel evil spirits and keep them safe.

I would rather believe it than believe it!

To this.

Bai Xiaofei was not stingy either.

It took about half an hour, and at a very low price, I personally wrote a large number of amulets with impressive power for these people.

People who come and go are satisfied.

Bai Xiaofei was also very happy, and thought to himself: "In this way, it should be difficult for those three moth demons to get close to Song Zilong, right? No matter who they meet, I can also feel it, which saves me a lot of trouble in finding them."

That's one of his plans.

Rather than looking blindly, it's better to wait on the sidelines. As long as Song Zilong is optimistic, the three moth demon sisters will not show up.


The premise is that the evil relationship between them has not been broken.

And according to Bai Xiaofei's observation of Song Zilong's fate and luck, obviously this kind of thing hasn't happened yet. In other words, Song Zilong was doomed to die like this.


The evil way finds the three moth demon sisters in advance and devours them all.

But then again, even big bosses like Bai Xiaofei can't find the traces of the three moth demon sisters, so the unhealed evil way can easily find them?

This is obviously unlikely.

that's all.

The peaceful and ordinary days passed quickly, and two days passed in the blink of an eye.

Bai Xiaofei counted the time, at this time, with Mao Xiaofang's foot strength, if nothing happens, they should have reached Chenjiacun, right?


He activated the Jue and activated the paper crane on Lei Xiu's body.

However, to Bai Xiaofei's astonishment and bewilderment, the surrounding situation he perceived was another special scene.

I saw Mao Xiaofang, Yu Dachu, and Lei Xiu, who were taking a short rest in a very simple and dark yizhuang.

And beside the three of them, there were coffins that had been brought in for an unknown period of time.

Bursts of stench permeated the air. It was obvious that most of these coffins contained corpses, otherwise such stench would not have been emitted.

"What's the situation?"

Seeing this scene, Bai Xiaofei was stunned for a long time.

In the end, it was Lei Xiu who found out that the paper crane was activated, and ran outside under the pretext of urinating, and then briefly explained the reason to Bai Xiaofei.

The general idea is that if the money is lost, they can only live in Yizhuang.


Bai Xiaofei was speechless at that moment.


What about you three!

If one person loses money, it can be understood as being careless, but the three of them lost a piece of money...

Isn't this a bit abnormal?


Lei Xiu explained: "It was Master Mao who lost the money. Yu Dachu borrowed the little money from me, but he used it to gamble and lost it all."


Bai Xiaofei was speechless immediately.

Thinking about it carefully, this is really something that bastard Yu Dachu can do, he is indeed a professional cheater!



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