The Storm God

Chapter 3127 Plot linkage, let the old man be transformed into a corpse! (Please subscribe!)

"Where are you now?"

Bai Xiaofei was speechless for a while, then ignored Yu Dachu's cheating nature, and asked a more critical question instead.

It stands to reason that with Mao Xiaofang's status as a master, even if he has no money, he wouldn't be reduced to going to Yizhuang, right?

There are only two possibilities he can think of:

One, the three of Lei Xiu are still some distance away from Chenjia Village. The people here obviously have never heard of Mao Xiaofang's name, which is why they are so embarrassed.

Second, it is because of other reasons.

as expected.

Lei Xiu quickly said the answer.

It turned out that the place where the three of them settled was Renjia Village, which happened to be on the only way to Chenjia Village. After leaving Renjia Village and walking a hundred and eighty miles, Chenjia Village was there.


But at this time, Mao Xiaofang and the others had no money.

So helpless, Mao Xiaofang could only find a way to get some money first, otherwise the three of them might starve to death on the way before reaching Chenjiacun.

Coincidentally, I happened to meet the richest man in the Ren family village. Mr. Ren wanted to move his grave, and he wanted to find a wise man to find a grave with excellent Fengshui.


This kind of thing should be done by Uncle Jiu, the Taoist chief of Renjia Village.

But unfortunately, Uncle Jiu left Renjia Village due to some incidents, and has not returned yet. So this task fell to Uncle Jiu.

For outsiders, Master Ren naturally didn't believe much.

Fortunately, Mao Xiaofang is not a charlatan who cheats on food and drink, but a master with real skills, and he easily won the trust of Master Ren.

But when the grave was dug up, the problem came.

The grave of Mr. Ren's family turned out to be a superficial spot. It is true that the acupoint is a good acupoint, but the way of burial is wrong, and it has been tampered with, thus turning it into a murderous acupoint.

Master Ren's father, who was buried in the tomb, also showed signs of zombification. Mao Xiaofang immediately proposed to cremate him.


Master Ren did not agree with anything.

In desperation, Mao Xiaofang and the others had no choice but to transport the body of Master Ren to a relatively remote Yizhuang outside the village, and sealed it with an ink fountain thread to prevent the corpse from changing.


After listening to Lei Xiu's explanation, Bai Xiaofei was even more speechless.


This story is so familiar!

Thinking about it carefully, darling, isn't this the plot of Mr. Zombie? Unexpectedly, this can produce intersection and linkage...

If this is the case, is the Qilin Stone incident in Chenjia Village also a linkage of other similar plot events?

this moment.

Bai Xiaofei suddenly had a big brain hole, thinking a lot.

But unfortunately, he thought about it for a long time, but in the end he couldn't remember which one of the film and television dramas played by Uncle Ying was about Qilin Stone.

"never mind!"

Bai Xiaofei is not a person who likes to dig into horns.

If you can't figure it out, don't think about it. Anyway, these are not important. The important thing is that if the plot does not change, Master Ren's father is destined to undergo a corpse transformation and become a zombie.

But he was curious.

In the plot of the film and television, the reason why Master Ren's father turned into a corpse successfully was because Uncle Jiu's two disciples cheated on him. And now the person who handles this matter has become Mao Xiaofang who is more advanced in realm and Taoism...

This should never happen, right?


Just as Bai Xiaofei thought of this, there was a strange roar and a cry of help from outside the righteous village where Mao Xiaofang and the others were located.


Mao Xiaofang, who was sleeping soundly, opened his eyes instantly.

"Achu, you and Axiu stay here." After hastily confessing, Mao Xiaofang quickly rushed out with all his food.


Bai Xiaofei was dumbfounded.

I rely on!

Is it so fast to slap in the face?

Was Mao Xiaofang attracted by strange events like this? Obediently! There is only one cheating professional householder here, and the father of Master Ren is not destined to become a zombie?


This must not be allowed to happen.

Once Mao Xiaofang is dragged here, the possibility of accidents in Chenjiacun will increase sharply, and a way must be found to prevent Master Ren's father's death.


Bai Xiaofei immediately ordered: "Go to Master Ren's father's coffin right away, and check carefully to see if there is anything missing or inappropriate!"

Yu Dachu is unreliable, Bai Xiaofei can only rely on Lei Xiu.


Lei Xiu didn't ask any questions.

Obediently follow what Bai Xiaofei said, came to the coffin of Grandpa Ren, carefully checked it several times, and confirmed that there was nothing wrong or missing, and then replied to Bai Xiaofei: "There is no problem, the ink fountain line seal was set by Master Mao himself Yes, even if the dead body changes, it should be able to suppress it..."

"I hope so!"

Bai Xiaofei was still a little worried.

He has no way to explain things like plot inertia to Lei Xiu, and there is no way to prevent it. The only thing he can do now is to wait!

That's right!

Whenever there is something wrong, be extra careful immediately.

Lei Xiu was always prepared, all his attention was put on the coffin of Grandpa Ren, even if there were any accidents, it would be better than no preparation at all, right?


Got into a fight with him today.

It is absolutely impossible to let his corpse transformation succeed, and then endanger Renjia Village and drag Mao Xiaofang.

Bai Xiaofei thought so.


Time passed quickly.

It has been about an hour since Mao Xiaofang left Yizhuang and went to meddle in his own business, and he still hasn't returned.

Yu Dachu was a little worried.

He asked Lei Xiu, "Is Master okay? Why haven't you come back after so long? Or... let's go out and see what's going on?"


Lei Xiu remained silent.

As if completely ignoring Yu Dachu, his attitude was very firm: "Stay here, don't go anywhere, this is Master Mao's order!"

Yu Dachu looked bitter and helpless.

Lei Xiu disagreed, and he was embarrassed to leave, not because he was afraid, but mainly because he had no idea. In the end, they could only stay in with Lei Xiu and wait for Master to return.

And as time passed slowly, the weather outside also began to change rapidly.


The sky was clear and cloudless.

But for some reason, dark clouds suddenly rolled in the night sky, and soon there were bursts of thunder. It sounds powerful, I'm afraid it's going to rain heavily.


Bai Xiaofei, who also sensed the changes in the outside environment, suddenly screamed that something was wrong, and quickly reminded Lei Xiu: "Attention, the most dangerous moment has come, you must pay attention to the coffin of Master Ren, and you must not let his corpse change!"


Lei Xiu echoed in her heart.

Then she got up, and silently came to the coffin of Grandpa Ren, the power in her hands was secretly concentrated, and if there was any troublesome vision, she would immediately suppress it.

And at this moment.


A thunder suddenly sounded in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, Yizhuang, a very dilapidated ancient building, had a dilapidated roof that collapsed in an instant.

The most important thing is that the location where it collapsed was just above the coffin of Grandpa Ren. In other words, this coffin has been completely exposed to the sky.


The pouring rain came crashing down.

The sudden bean-heavy rain fell on the coffin of Master Ren's coffin, washing away the ink fountain line seal set by Mao Xiaofang into a blur almost instantly, even if Lei Xiu used his body to resist it with all his might.

"Bang bang bang!"


The seal was lifted, and the sound of frantic and intensive beating soon resounded in the coffin. The thick coffin board almost shattered on the spot.

Master Ren's father has changed!


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